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44 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Hi Since today´s update the player attributes training came with english order instead of portuguese The attributes names are displayed in english order and not in my language, regardeless the skin i use You can look the diference regardeless the player attributes profile Thanks
  2. I manage all leagues in view only except the league i am gonna manage Never had problems with lack of newgens and never saw in my saves teams like barça ou bayern with "managerless " and i do 15/20 years in a save I always use something like 140/150 k of players and i use always this setup with all continents
  3. @fc.cadoni I subscribed your 3 schedules 5 minutes ago in Steam and they work just fine in my FM24 Once i hit the subscribe button the files goes directely to my schedules No grey button for me in game
  4. Not planing to release because has work from others skins, just playing around
  5. The 2 files i grabbed from this forum last year but there are plenty of skins with that info
  6. You need to have in the tactics/overview side panel the container class="tactics_recent_match_analysis_panel" and them in match/tactics recent match analysis is the file with that 3 tabs information
  7. I have my continues button on primary Have a look here i did not change any in settings continue.xml chrome.rar
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