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3 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


  • Biography
    Played since early late 80s early 90s possibly, think Keegan or some Liverpool player based manager game on the Atari. Then moved onto the Amiga and started even more of a love affair with the manger genre, champ manager through to the great, and number one game we have today!

    Also played in the first comp run by SI games in Manchester and, although knocked out first round, I was the first player to be streamed. Also after this I got the chance to go to London to the headquarters for a QC position with the company. Unfortunately, I never got the job, but I got to meet brilliant people, who worked on the game, some I see today on TV , also they took me out for a meal the night of the interview and where unbelievable in there passion for the game and for the happiness of the players(as there all are players at heart first). Plus I also, in the lift on the way down from the office for to meet, the man himself Miles. He was also wonderfully polite and willing to chat about the game and football in general.

    The early games seen me through many illness, pnumonia, appendix, much, much more and this game, and it's wonderful predecessors before. These where my bedside nurse' , my medication and also visitors all in one.

    Now, the games evolved to heights not before fathomed. It's a joy to play, a joy to watch and also a joy to be part of.

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  • About Me
    The manager of managers


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  1. Firstly apologies if it's been asked, but what's the hell am I not doing to do the San Marino challenge? I get this far but no further in any Italian leagues? Has it been loaded up yet, or do I need a diff database. I've got this far and can't go further any advice would be much welcome! Many thanks MrManager Stay safe and well all! 🙏✌️ Namaste
  2. I can get it played but only in the San Marino league not the Italian one! Little lost but get there!
  3. My guardian angel again thank you again! It's loaded up but in grey and can't be added to play! Oh well plenty more to do till it does.
  4. Firstly apologies if it's been asked, but what's the best platform to stream? Or even how do you go about it, as I'm trying the San Marino challenge if I can get it all loaded up or if not maybe an Anderlecht save. But with no saves at all, just continues gaming. WORLD RECORD GET IN MAAAAA BELLLLLLLLLLIIIIIIII! Stay safe and well all! 🙏✌️ Namaste
  5. Hey guys I've been trying to set up the San Marino game, and can get the league up to to he database but it's greyed out! Can anyone give me any advice please on how to download and add so I can try the great San Marino challenge. P.s sorry if this had been posted before but I searched and couldn't find anything. Many thanks and enjoy gaming
  6. Sorry to say this guy's, I truly and hi open that I can give some advice on how to start your own and the rules I've come across. I was kingly invited to play alongside a person who commented on this post to play a network game, with 3 other players for this installment. With me being new to the networking world of the game I've decided it would be a great opportunity and idea to learn more for future things So I am sorry to anyone who wantes to join, but I will ask the person who invited me, for pointers, the rules used, best times and days and also how many player per game would be ideal for both keeping people active and interested but also the games running speed Many thanks for your response and hope to have something up on This thread, of the ideas and plans used in the clan I'm in All the best and happy gaming, stay safe and well 🙏 J
  7. Keeg many thanks dude! I'll take a look at that! 💯 I've tried the new mustermaan one but with the updated attributes and tbh it's great too, and I love the look of your one too. Look pretty similar, with mayeb a little more of a simplified set up! Love it!!
  8. Looks good bro not seen him though before, or at least not stood out? What's the skin your using bro? Looks a little like mustermaan and another mixed?
  9. Could I possibly copy and paste the main points for my FM league, post! I'm trying to build, an online game for FM24 and looking for players who, can commit to 2x3 hours a week, plus willing to be part of the general process of building, hopefully a legacy league or game if sorts! Link here https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/578412-anyone-fancy-fm24-league-network-game/?do=findComment&comment=14178075
  10. Brother Ben again thank you for your input! Everyone so far has been amazing thank you! Ben your ideas seem the best so far from each angle I've looked at them from!
  11. Andy would you mind messaging me some of the ideas you had bro? Also would you be willing to be part of the structure? No pressure brother!
  12. That's it that's the man!!! Amazing player and thank you!!
  13. Totally get it, and sorry if any pressure was felt! Hopefully though you'll have time maybe in future ones if it works and maybe some input behind the scenes when you can?
  14. There where a few Mexicans in that era that came through, Vela I think was one?
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