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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. managed to change it, had to add <colour name="fg accent" value="rgb(0,0,0)"/> to the settings file
  2. well, as I based my skin on Zealand, the file looks (or should look) the same as in the Zealand skin I guess I should change or add something to change the colour, but I don't really know where
  3. I managed to make my own Ekstraklasa scoreboard but unfortunately the time slider above the clock is grey and hardly visible... Any ideas how to make it black?
  4. Hey, I'm currently trying to edit the scoreboard from Zealand's skin and want the clock background and the score background (both marked with red just to make sure you know what I mean :D) to be solid, not transparent, and then change their colours but I don't really know how to do that, could you help me? I also want to change the clock text colour but it doesn't seem to work
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