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Everything posted by ben2106

  1. I pre-ordered FM24 and could not even play the game properly due to numerous bugs.... When in the world are they going to release the rest of the patches? They don't let us know the date, which makes me very frustrated and regretful that I even pre-ordered and purchased FM24.
  2. What you are saying is that user complaints are boring? So where should a user who has paid for a game complain? Must they keep their mouths shut?
  3. I fully sympathize with you. I think they have gone overboard, especially with this FM24. Releasing a game without fixing the patch at all, while asking users to report bug patches, with no intention of fixing the problem immediately. I think this kind of behavior is an act of deceit and disregard for the users.
  4. ` https://www.fmkorea.com/6379509004 복사 ```
  5. When are you going to fix so many bugs and when are you going to release a new patch? When are you going to fix so many bugs and when are you going to release a new patch? When are you going to fix so many bugs and when are you going to release a new patch? When are you going to fix so many bugs and when are you going to release a new patch?
  6. 부상이어서 못뛴건데 불만..? 맞아? 이게?
  7. https://www.fmkorea.com/search.php?mid=fm24tips&document_srl=6366285797&search_keyword=탄산홀릭&search_target=nick_name&page=1
  8. It is easy for big clubs to secure transfer funds in the Middle East-related transfer market, and inflation heats up too quickly. Big clubs sweep promising players like a jewel box with their capital power and pay hundreds of billions or more to acquire them in the Middle East. Also, difficulty and fun halved by the phenomenon of giving tens to hundreds of billions to take replacement and obscure players. However, the problem of only decorating and releasing the bench without using the key players is still the same as in the previous games.
  9. 중동 관련 이적시장으로 빅클럽이 이적자금 확보가 수월해서 인플레 과열이 너무 빠르고 빅클럽에서 유망주들을 자본력으로 보석함 마냥 쓸어가고 중동에서 개나소나 천억 이상의 거액을 주고 영입합니다 또한 교체선수및 애매한선수들을 몇백억~몇천억 을 주고 데려가는 현상으로 인한 난이도및 재미반감 그런데 정작 기용을 안하는 벤치만 달구다 방출 당하는 문제가 전작과 마찬가지로 여전합니다 이거같은경우엔 따로 뭐 세이브파일이 필요한게아니라 모든FM24유저에게 공통적으로 일어나고있는현상입니다
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