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31 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Fc Internazionale di Mlano

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  1. Doubt any game will come close to simulate that tempo and duels in real life as in FM a game, but maybe the Unity will bring some new stuff which makes the flow of the game better who knows
  2. One thing in ME to be fair i never seen it in any FM is no rotations is sense of Mezzala or CM in attack sometimes dropping very wide and deep to support the build up while the WCB gets high and wide and wingback narrow (Inter buildup pattern) the problem with FM is very very linear like CM(a) or mezzala can drop sometimes deep centrally but 99% of time he is making runs and playing a very one dimensional game, i mean if i put him on support he doesn't attack the box so you are stuck with 2 one dimensional ways of playing a CM which in real life is completely different, you see CM going up and down support build up attack the box never has this happened with FM, it just the code in ME can't allow it to happen, only "viable" way to do this is to play SV(a) in a 3 DM stuff he starts very deep then attack the box but doesn't feel best i mean i want to do this from CM strata not DM cause we also know the shape off the ball is the UI on screen.
  3. Crossing is very very very strong low ones especially, WB is very strong this year, IWB is good but not in the level of WB
  4. No he never does it should do it but ME doesn't support it, CWB is very identictal to WB but has more creative freedom with the ball so can play more risky things, but movement wise is same, never seen him attack the box or play like IWB he stays wide that's it
  5. Very high amount of goals from indirect throw ins, i mean the player passes then the opposition defense is very slow to react goal, also corners, better than the beta ME but still need to be toned more i mean very very rarely in real life you see goals which came from throw ins direct or from passing which lead to a goal very rarely seen, here in FM every few matches there are goals with it, also set piece goals are much rarer in real life from corners than in FM which happen way to often this need to be fixed more
  6. The amount of idiocy you have written is ..., i enjoy the game to max the best tactic i can put not to dumbplay and be "realistic" while the team is getting overrun even by AI who plays another braindead tactic and i have to blame the players or the tactic when i lose i want to lose putting my best stuff then is satisfying to lose that is how i play, but as it was said above everyone plays as he wants i have no problem against just i reacted because here many seem either very ignorant or play dumb regarding many stuff that it is, then the game is for everyone but to call me "Do you know how to create logical tactics ? ". I have years and years who watch football mostly for tactical part also because i grew with it also played FM since FM12 and i can say that i am not the best but i do understand about tactics because football is pretty simple game.
  7. All we can do is wait for the next big ME update if there will be this iteration but most likely i think it will be revised in FM25 especially since the huge overhaul but who knows.
  8. Ofc the game can be played in many ways, but to deny meta is like completely braindead, you can test yourself play against an AI which has close to meta stuff and you will see very difficult to win and FM becomes very challenging because the AI is using stuff which is better they are pressing, hard tackling, playing in high tempo and then players come in stage cause things have levelled, not WING play which is super weak cannot win at all.
  9. My friend i cannot discuss with you, you are completely off the label like i mean is absolutely nonsense, there is a META not in FM but in EVERY GAME THAT HAS EVERY EXISTED, meta is not just EXPLOIT, it is the best way to PLAY against AI that is (then you can call it as you want, but with your logic then you shouldn't maximise but dumbplay and ignore with this logic Guardiola would been relegated), this type of cross, this tempo, this pressing and others, ofc you can win with a low intensity tactic in FM because AI tactics are very bad and get 20-30 points rated in fm-arena so basically anyone can win against AI, try with pre-game editor and pump AI managers high line, high press, high tempo and see how hard the game gets i have tried it which is why the game is easy it is not an exploit is how football works high tempo high press is much better than low tempo a big difference also not just small.
  10. Also try looking into fm-arena and see what meta is i mean you probably have zero idea what i am talking about and think meta is in FMScout which no absolutely no, there are maybe 2-3 tactic publisher that post also there but majority are not, many tactics tested from FmScout into fm-arena didn't do well, there was only one post here in another thread who got it in terms of TI meta stuff which is a mix between gegenpressing and vertical Tiki taka.
  11. You are wrong, but hey you think you are right what can i say, comparing FmScout with Fm-arena for tactics is like comparing Premier league with league two in terms of teams ...
  12. FMScout is a fantastic site for everything when it comes to FM but in tactics is far from the best even though it has quite early tactical sharing but meta wise not close there are rarely meta tactics there
  13. It still doesn't change the fact that is much better to play with the meta ones also the way your team plays looks much better it is not about winning every game is about seeing a team playing maxed close to perfection tactical wise the intensity press, tempo, overloads everything that is why meta is for some players who enjoy it it is something on players choose. Meta is not some plug and play tactics in sites which claims good tactic and then catastrophe, majority of meta tactics are very well studied and make perfect sense is not just put 10 strikers and attack is balance or how the game can be maxed tactical wise nothing more nothing less, in fact all the TI are meta irl too, i mean low crosses, high tempo, high press all best teams do it and all overachieving teams do it, Girona is playing FM TI in real life like literally.
  14. All support roles in striker strata don't work at all, they should have implemented also backwards positional play as they did with the other, also few rotations are missing but being able to defend with 2 strikers and have one become a AM or get involved in buildup would be great
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