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Delicate Dave

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21 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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    Old git worked in Snooker & IT Security. Now Gardening, Photography & Football Manager.

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    The best advice I can give? Don't Vote.


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    Football History, Taking photos & making people happy.

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  1. What happened to the old one? maybe it can be fixed. It's not hard to fix most things, just replacing parts, even a new MB might only cost £50.
  2. The absolutely number one thing to do when designing tactics is to understand what that word means in FM, and it has little to do with real-world tactics. That might surprise a few but let me explain - Let's take a look at Wing-Backs - If you want them to cross the ball from the byline you'll need them on ATTACKING. If you have them on attacking I absolutely guarantee your team will concede more goals. It seems fair enough I suppose, the WB is caught high up the pitch but in FM that hardly ever is the way goals are conceded. What will happen is your CBs will suddenly forget how to jump. This type of thing can be applied to all positions, so you need to adjust your thinking to how FM works. The number two thing is to decide where you want to start - Do you want a tactic that more or less suits the squad you have or are you like me decide you want to try to invent a new one and buy new players to suit that. If it's the first, drop all your best players in the tactics page as subs - then count the positions - if you have 4 CBs perhaps you go for 5 at the back. If you have 2 CFs perhaps 2 upfront and then see if you have WBs or can buy them. Of course, if you don't have any of that you'll adjust to a different formation., most inherited squads are full of wingers I've found - I hate wingers, they are always trouble :-) My current tactic has CF, AM, DM, WB, CD & Keeper only. Then Third when you have players & formations sort the team on the squad page and look at their abilities like speed, passing, strength etc. If you have a strong fast players perhaps a pressing game will suit you. If you have a strong slow players that can't pass then a long ball game. There are endless things in between. Finally perhaps is adjusting the tactic and knowing the cost of those changes. For example, PASS INTO SPACE simply means in FM your team will have less of the ball so you need the players with pace and the work rate to beat the other team. Also, remember the more of these adjustments in your tactics the more effort your players need to put in. I try to remove as many as possible, but I'm a bit odd because I also like to set timewaster halfway :-) Hope that helps, perhaps not but remember whatever you do, you are not doing it wrong. The is no wrong with FM just useless players :-)
  3. Bottom two are the same top one is different Model - NH.QK6EK.001 Model - NH.QM0EK.00C other two. Best place to look is Acer - Large companies partner up with manufacturers to produce versions, often the idea is so the shop can make more profit they put in a different screen or repackage in some way. If you find no difference go with who you can get an extra discount of or better warranty. As for specs you'll need to wait till around Sept for FM25.
  4. First, let me say I don't have the answers and I'm not anti-Southgate. In fact this thread is not about managers at all. For some time now, I'm 65 this year, and I've witnessed the Briths Game stand out as one of the best footballing nations in the world. Yet, if you disregard the luck & basics of the 66 World Cup almost all the tournaments have ended in disappointment. England has no right to expect to win these tournaments but based on logic, they should have won more and got further in a lot of them. I mean look at Germany, a country more like England than most of England itself, they always seem to perform at least up to expectation apart from the odd World Cup. For me the problem is they are always going into tournaments with an unsettled style of play, no real rules of engagement, and no plan of how they are going to progress through the stages. I would suggest as a country or a body that controlled the England set-up we need these as a foundation. It shouldn't be difficult to produce a master plan that if followed gives the players the best possible chance to perform well. I think Southgate knew this when he took charge but I also think he's gone the wrong way with his plan. So typically we are through the group stage - which was the objective so 100% success rate so far - but we've played ****-poor boring football. If Southgate had a plan that used the squad and the fans understood that the game meant nothing then the result wouldn't have been so upsetting and the players or the manager would now be under pressure to perform better. My plan wouldn't be to try to play great football it would just be a framework for navigating the tournament using the players you have. Yes some players are reserves only if your stars get injured but others are not, some players are fighting for their place and some might consider are the best option, How can they prove that if you don't play them and how can your stars perform well if they are playing so many minutes. Kane for example, do you want him to be at his best for 3 games in ten days? then play him for only 70 mins and don't play him if not needed. This might not have been a big issue a few years ago but most games now are more like 100 minutes. Another side that the plan needs to include deadball situations - who and how, why you take it quick, and why you don't. England seems to lack all this. Anyway, just saying if we had a national plan, then the manager wouldn't be so exposed or need to be so great. We used to have something similar, the England team used to be picked by a committee so I'm sure they had some sort of game plan too.
  5. I know the left back is ke shift and it seems everyone on BBC is on Kane's case but Bellingham, Rice, Walker, Trent & Stones were shocking. I give some credit to Fodan & Saka for trying to put some football together. I don't think Tripper was the problem, make-shift and ask to do a job, I give Foden credit for taking it on himself to go into the centre to do the role Bellingham was supposed to be doing. Same with Stones really, he spent and his CN partner spent most of their time covering for Rice. Bellingham & Rice are great players but FFS they have earn the right to play before the decide to walking around the pitch.
  6. I think it's very kind of Gareth Southgate to show today's England supporters what they missed under Graham Taylor. On a scale of "They are growing into the tournament" England is at the "future dad's having his first pint while he waits for future mom to arrive" Stage.
  7. Blimey that sounds like a right pain, My 8th gen i7 is from 2019 and faster than that, doesn't get hot and doesn't make a noise. I have about 50 leagues loaded, 60,000 players and although I don't holiday full seasons I sometimes do about half a season in 15-30 mins (guessing). Mind you as the crowd are just daft in FM I have all the detail turned off but play in 3D.
  8. It's a game and the are so many ways it gives that away. At the moment my save Accrington are on this Disney ride where each season we start well winning perhaps the first 5-10 games, I scored 37 goals in the first ten games last season. But sure enough, then it hits and they lose & lose & lose even to the worst teams, 1-4 at home, 1-3 playing ten men for 80 mins, down the table they drop. Nothing can stop this it seems, the players are happy but slowly start complaining. You put them all on the transfer list and then things improve slightly, but no one wants to buy any of your players and you go on holiday for the last half of the season and your staff sorts the results out for you to start the next season and away you go again. I've played FM for years and seen this with other clubs. Of course, FM is broken, it's the buggiest software I've ever used and I go right back to Windows 2.11 :-) but that doesn't mean it's not the best football manager game on the market. I just wish they would fix the little things so easy to fix. And I'm guessing nothing will be done on that in the new version because all we'll get is flashy graphics of video-quality goal celebrations.
  9. I suspect you need the second hand market. If you choose wisely for that price you can get a very decent Laptop. If you are really stuck and want to go down the ebay route let me know and I'll be happy to search for some options on there based on critia you give me.
  10. For business type laptop I prefer HP, take a look at HP ENVY 17t but any Laptop would be fine if you used a USB numeric pad with it.
  11. This kind of data is very subjective, it's what we would call dirty data because not all things are equal in each unit calculated. For example if you have a few teams running away with the league, a few teams with high injuries and a few team with very poor financials all this has an massive effect on this data but it's not accounted for. In the real world all those even would be removed and only like for like games for count. I totally ignore ANY data in FM.
  12. Play him constantly is the right role - that's not always the role your staff chooses so put them on default like MC, DM CB etc. ie I think you can also look at adding traits and the discipline & motivation of the coaches, one other thing you could try is training double - set the last two options to double. Also don't take full account of stars, look at his progress report and don't training individually on a skill of that skill is combine with any other he is already competent in. And don't expect him to import more than 4-5 in any skill. That's my take on it, some say age comes into it but I think myself that only effects stars when it come to real playing skill I've seem 2 star 30 year olds improve massively depending on how many games they play in a short time.
  13. Yes, he would tend to give away more free-kick and penalties as he goes to tackle from the wrong side and also he would be slow to take up space on his wrong side. Thats what I find anyway.
  14. Well yes and that would be the way to go to produce real power but it'll be just as or if not more expensive than what it's replacing. Which is a two card system but just one does 3D and the other is for general apps. The thing I was say is, with luck, these will reduce the cost, esp for FM players and most current dedicated cards are overkill. So perhaps no need to buy a laptop with a dedicated card if you only want one to play FM and use as your general purpose PC. Should make them lighter too.
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