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Everything posted by Geo28

  1. Hello to all forum members, I really ask for help with the following question. I'm trying to make a button-pop-up panel in the tactics section with data of the next opponent. I was able to place widgets on the popup panel, but unfortunately they do not load data. I have tried everything I could, but I have not been able to solve this problem. I suspect that the problem is that I am not "passing" the "record id" data to the widget and the widget simply does not understand what data to display to it. I'm not very good at this, I've been setting up the skin for only a month, but I, for example, took the SAS skin as a basis and even such a master of skinning, I noticed the same problem in his skin (I do not know how to contact him and ask him personally). For example, in his default skin on the Data Hub – Next Opponent – Overview tab, the "next opponent fixture" widget in the upper-left corner of the panel also does not work (controlled by the team opposition report predicted tactical style file panel.xml ) line 14: <widget id="fixt" class="team_upcoming_fixture_widget" file="widgets/team upcoming fixture versus widget" auto_size="vertical" /> I have the same code for this and other widgets, and you can see that they have loaded onto the panel, but the data is not loading. I watched how this is implemented in the tops of Flut skin, Mustermann skin, Statman skin, copied their parts of the code, but nothing happened. I am attaching a file that controls this panel (overview_tactic_analys.xml ) It is triggered by an event making this piece of code visible in another xml: <container class="tactics_recent_match_analysis_panel" file="tactic_analys/overview_tactic_analys" hidden="true" id="oTAg" > <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> </container> I really ask for help. overview_tactic_analys.xml
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