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Everything posted by NineCloudNine

  1. Never reliably worked for me either. I manually copy relevant files using a USB stick.
  2. I know this answer enrages some people, but… just don’t do it then?
  3. I’m not sure this is much different to what happens IRL. Very few squads look the same after a season or two of a new manager. There are enough wtf signings made by new managers to suggest that the OP’s experience is closer to the norm.
  4. I haven’t tried a Regista yet because it was just so depressing in FM23. The combination with the Libero and the double IFB are very interesting, I might try that so thank you for the inspiration. My only caveat is that you’ve got a very very strong team. Serie A is not a great league at the moment and a team of that quality - even if they are all kids - would probably steamroll the league with most tactics.
  5. Interesting tactics. I can see what you’re trying to do with the movement. Good defensive shape then pour forward on the counter. Nice work. I love Diabaté’s stats. Great hulking lump with the turning circle and acceleration of an oil tanker, but will run and fight all day. A nightmare to defend against!
  6. No idea, that is weird. I assumed you’d decreased them, which would make sense of the wage budget decrease. I have done similar tinkering - though not on the scale you have - and not seen the same problem. So you have clearly discovered some odd knock-on effect, or you might just have mis-typed something or missed a zero off somewhere! As a general rule I tend to make lots of smaller edit files, each with one set of changes, to help track down unexpected effects. So I would have separate editor files for reputation and bank balances, for example. It feels fiddly but I do find it keeps things more managable! The editor does at least keep track of all your changes. Your problem sits somewhere in that list. You just need to track it down.
  7. The wage budget is calculated during game setup based on bank balance and other factors like club and league reputation. If you’ve reduced bank balance and reputation then the wage budget will be consequently set lower during setup.
  8. I rarely play saves long enough for newgens to be a major element, I always get some other idea for a narrative and go play that ! In this case I also research dual nationality players and add second nationalities in the editor where they are missing in FM. This Roma save has Lorenzo Pellegrini playing as a WM. He has high crossing, set pieces and workrate so is a good candidate for a quasi-Beckham role.
  9. Darwin Nuñez just hit the woodwork 4 times in a game, breaking the Premier League ‘record’ held by 3 players. I believe that’s 12 woodwork hits for him this season. I’d say it was scripted if it wasn’t real life!
  10. I always set transfer rules, otherwise it just gets overwhelming. In my current Roma save it’s: 1. Youth team 2. South Americans with Italian passports 3. Italians over 24 bought from other Serie A clubs Oh and DDR as my Assistant . I’m only allowing ‘exotic’ roles when they are required to force positioning changes, like the Half Back. Otherwise it’s vanilla roles only.
  11. Pretty much what will happen to Liverpool when Klopp leaves Or what happened to Man Utd when Ferguson left. Or Barcelona after Guardiola (though that took a little longer).
  12. Still comes up as an option. Only for certain injuries and only close to a match, but definitely there. Not something you can choose unless it’s there as one of the choices on the injury notification screnn though.
  13. Personally - and this might be just me - I think 4-2-4 with wingers in the AML/R slots is a different tactic/approach/thing than the sort of English 4-4-2 envisaged in this thread. The wide players in a 4-2-4 are much more like forwards than the wide players in a 4-4-2. On the other hand, I don’t think it matters if the two central midfielders are put in CM or DM for an FM 4-4-2 recreation. The clear strata distinction in FM isn’t really there IRL.
  14. The ‘take it or leave it’ attitude/approach of some agents is dumb, no doubt about it. Same for increasing the demands with each round of negotiation. Clubs do that with transfer fees too, though at least there it’s rare to get ‘this or talks are over’ ultimatums.
  15. I don’t think it’s hypothetical, it’s previous experience of player reactions. SI will also have structured testing and feedback which gives them a good balanced view of what players want and like. My preference for realism is the same as yours. But I do understand the balancing act SI have here.
  16. Your salary contract with the player and your deal with the other club are separate deals. You owe Nübel the full €280k because that’s what your contract with him says and Bayern owe you €145k contribution because that’s what your deal with them says. Nübel gets €280k and doesn’t care where it comes from.
  17. If SI were to implement accurate fatigue and injury rates from always-on gegenpressing, these forums would light up with complaints. Even now there are regular complaint threads from players who have exhausted their lower division team and think this is unrealistic because “look at Rodri IRL”. Ironically one way to reduce the efficacy of pressing is to use a realism mod with increased injuries. Then your players (and those of the AI) will break down if asked to full-on press all the time. SI are between a rock and a hard place here.
  18. I’m imagining Usain Bolt in his unsuccessful foray into football. Pace, acceleration 20, jumping reach 18 (he’s 6’5”), all other attributes 1-3 .
  19. I feel like I lose a lot of time to fiddly complexity, especially at the start of a save and end/start of a season. I’d love more features to have a one-time setup wizard like the set pieces one. Set your preferences then forget it. One of those for training, tactics, data hub and scouting would greatly simplify the initial setup of a save. I like the weekly staff meetings. A good TD saves scouting for staff. Player trait and additional focus suggestions are usually sensible. Of course, you only get those suggestions if you put yourself in charge of hiring / player individual training, which is as counter-intuitive as so many things about FM.
  20. I’ve seen a couple of these as well and also assumed that the researcher was letting out some personal feelings there . The CA covers it up because the game will scale the attributes to the CA, although starting from 1 those attributes are never going to be strengths! I believe SI are prevented by licensing from giving players very low personality attributes (a different thing to what is being discussed in this thread ofc) which is why some of the more colourful personality descriptions are only seen on newgens.
  21. You don't need to wait. You can add 'match load', 'fatigue', 'injury risk' and 'training load' to your squad screen and see for yourself who needs a break. You can also set training intensity based on condition in Training->Rest. I haven't had to rest a player in around 100 seasons of play since the start of FM23.
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