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Everything posted by NineCloudNine

  1. I’m reluctant to ignore them because I value the role-playing element. And I kinda don’t mind the repetition because I suspect that’s how it feels to RL managers. But some of the questions are really dumb and the question choices can be jarring. Some of the language also feels like a parody of 1970s MOTD. I still don’t know what “I’d be given pelters” means. This is a module that’s well overdue for an overhaul. I suspect it’s a lot of work but it needs to move up the to-do list.
  2. I think this takes things too literally. IRL players do not immediately go into the changing room and tell everyone the details of their contracts, leading to a rebellion and demands for a showdown team meeting. But this is a way for the game to represent division and underlying discontent in a changing room. Contract wrangles, cliques, jealousy and gossip are a part of football. This is not an easy thing to include in a game which is essentially a big spreadsheet with graphics. There are lots of things like this in the game - attempts to include an element of club management which involve the player but don’t turn FM into a reality TV show. I tend to agree that this particular module is pretty clunky, but “this doesn’t literally happen IRL” isn’t a good criticism, IMHO.
  3. Chaos is slightly melodramatic way to put it. Teams can't play their best 11s, which undermines the competition. The game doesn't 'know' why I suddenly dropped some regulars so I was asked questions by the press and the team were grumpy. The uneven way that nationality is awarded also means some teams are inconvenienced more than others - for example in FM24 it seems that foreign players in England who were 'settled' in FM23 have now been given English nationality (De Bruyne, Salah, Van Dijk for example). With your file I can't see any major stars having been being left out so the AI managers seem to be picking their best 4/6 foreign players then filling out the team in CA order. I created nationality restrictions for leagues in the past and the game just doesn't know how to handle it. AI managers still buy foreign players, then leave them out of league squads all year. Or AI teams ignored the squad restrictions entirely for reasons I never worked out. I assume that the manager AI must be programmed to handle restrictions because some leagues have them, but it didn't work well in La Liga or English Premier League. I do use custom squad rules in my saves but they are for greater numbers of homegrown players rather than foreign players. That does lead to more young players getting games, though I don't tend to play saves for long enough to see a very long term (eg 10 years plus) effect. For your file have just removed the restrictions so teams use whoever they want from their squads.
  4. IRL this would be the agent calling up the DoF or a club director and whining. It wouldn’t be the player demanding a chat with the manager and the squad insisting on a showdown team meeting. But FM is not a recreation of the football world, it’s a game which tries to include elements of the sport in ways which allow the player to be involved. The easy way to avoid this is to let your DoF (or whoever you decide) handle player contracts.
  5. The Premier League has a higher reputation than La Liga. The two clubs you mention have a lot more money than Barcelona at the moment. The players concerned might think they can get more game time than they do now. These are some reasons why a player might be interested in a move. If the interested club is sending scouts and getting their top players to tell the press your player should move, then the news item will include an indication of why your player likes the idea or not.
  6. Wonderful, thank you! Ha! Just noticed you've included the old-skool 6 foreign player / 4 in team rule! I entirely endorse this, but that's not the way footbal is any more and it's causing too much chaos so I've edited the file for myself to take that restriction out.
  7. I think I have narrowed down the problem. When two or more entries for the same competition are added one after the other, although they appear fine in the editor, they get merged into one erroneous entry in game. For example, two editor entries such as a league win in 2023 and a league runner-up in 2022 appear in game as a single league win in 2022. It doesn’t matter if the editor entry is a new addition, an edited duplicate or an edited existing entry. All that matters is that entries are for the same competition and are edited while next to each other on the player achievements list in the editor. When they are, they get smashed together in game.
  8. If I was in charge of the (FM/SI) world then players at clubs with B teams would all be contracted to their parent club in the database, rather than some having the B club as their 'owner' club. Then players could be allocated to B clubs via the drop down in the contract tab which sets First Team/Reserve/U19 etc status. TBH the whole way B teams are handled in FM is frustrating.
  9. I had a similar problem. Turned out I hadn’t pressed the ‘apply filter’ button. Worth a try?
  10. I'm tinkering with player achievement histories, adding more detailed league results (winner, runner-up, third placed etc). They add fine in the editor but show up randomly in-game. For example, say a player has runner-up, third and winner in three consecutive years. Sometimes it shows one of the three entries, but as a winner not a runner-up, or two of them but not the third. It's very strange. I have tried duplicating and existing entry then editing it, or adding a new one from scratch. Same result. One entry is always fine, more than one seems to randomly merge them. It's only league entries. I didn't have this problem in FM23. Just me?
  11. I've banged my head against the wall with this for ages. The way I have found that works is to duplicate the last (ie the most recent) entry, edit that duplicate line and last of all change the date so it then moves to the right place in date order. If necessary then delete the original line for the year you were wanting to change. Editing a line in situ never works. It always seems to mess up the next line. A smiliar thing happens if you sort a player's achievements by date and then try to edit a line. It changes that field in the next line instead. The editor seems unable to edit anything sorted in date order. I use the same duplicate/edit/delete as required approach here. It's very frustrating.
  12. Thank you so much for doing this! I also dislike untidy B-team lines in player histories! I have found when starting games using your files that players in B teams don't appear at all, even when I tick 'all players of nationality' and have all lower leagues selected. This means that (for example) my Barcelona team has blank rosters for Reserves and U19s. Am I doing something wrong, or is the game extincting players alongside clubs in your edits? Thanks!
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