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Everything posted by CapitalismReimagined

  1. I think either combination works 1) IW-S and MEZ-A or 2) IF-S and CM-A. On 1), you can also put a custom PI for the IW-S to stay wider to create space for MEZ I see the Mez as a creative playmaker already so not sure if you need another one in the CM-strata. I like the DLP-S currently as it works quite nicely with the BBM bouncing between the boxes.
  2. I just found out about @Daveincid realism custom database update which I'm planning to try out. One of the most interesting feature of this database is added realism around injuries (i.e. 20% more injuries) which makes intensive counter-press tactics less viable due to the constant sprinting. In anticipation of that, I'm trying to develop a mid-block 442 inspired by @crusadertsar's previous article on the 442. Essentially, it works like a mid-block counter-attack tactic. Overall: Defensive Phase: Defend in a traditional 4-4-2 mid-block, hopefully overcoming 5 or 6 men forward which is usually what we see in the meta these days. TI stay on feet to keep the shape while defending Attacking Phase: Attack can originate from a few scenarios Left FB (FB-A) overlapping down the left and sending crosses in LM (IW-S) cutting in and supplying passes into the final third RM (WP-S) either cutting in or roaming depending on rest of the team RCM (SV-S) arrives late Right Wing Back (IWB-S) provides a ball from deep Other TIs Overlap left and Underlap right to enhance the above attacking scenarios PIs: Both CDs to stay winder to cover Right FB attacking runs or Left FB inverted runs DM to take fewer risks Questions: Will my PF and AF who are both on attacking position be too far away from the rest of the team in the attacking phase? Should I figure out how to stretch the field on the right as both my WP and IWB sitting narrower at this point? Maybe IWB becomes a CWB instead. PS: Unfortunately, I won't be using Liverpool in the new save but likely a Tier 2 (Championship) or Tier 3 (League 1) team just using my most recent save to build a tactic.
  3. Strange. I thought Newcastle has a decent budget. How about a 442 with a supporting striker? I'm sure a 442 can be a 325 in possession with the new positional play feature.
  4. Agreed on the AM change to either an AM (S) or AP (S). I think it largely comes down to what attributes this player has. Yes, I think I would change the DLP to a CM perhaps as there are lots of creators in your team such as the wingers. I also wonder if you want to change one of your wingers to support so that your tactic is less symmetrical and would have some variations.
  5. On 4231, It does seem your front four is very forward and there's a gap between them and your back six. I wonder if you might consider switching some of them to a support role or have your AM come deep to pick up the ball from the midfielders?
  6. I use a 4-3-3 too and my lone striker (PF) is always mentioned in this same analysis. I don't think it is because of this year's FM, instead I think it's just the nature of the tactic. Given that this person is the spearhead of your team, it is natural that this person receives the least passes.
  7. Maybe it's a sign that you don't need an AMC. Are you already winning most matches or do you see other gaps in your team? From my perspective, it's a very crowded penalty area with three attackers and four players behind in terms of wing backs, volante, and the BBM. There's more than enough for the 5 attacking lanes. I'm not sure if you actually need another AM there.
  8. Thanks @Johnny Ace, super helpful comments here. Yeah, Robertson is amazing and it seems like TAA is no longer as good a WB because his stats are more suited for an IWB role. I've been thinking if I want to leverage that in the following way: TAA, WB (S) becomes IWB (S) Robertson, FB (S) becomes WB (S) Endo, BWM (S) becomes BWM (D) or DM (D) to cover Robertson or TAA in a counter-attack CM (A) is the RCM and CM (S) is the LCM to ensure there is more protection when Robertson is going down the flank Szoboslai, CM (A) becomes Mez (A) or Mez (S) to work with Salah on the right flank What do you think?
  9. Hi @Johnny Ace, thank you once again for your insights. I created this tactic using the resources you provided, and wanted to get your advice if it can be optimised even further. I understand Liverpool is an easy team to play but I'm trying to learn how to build tactics before I try out LLM in the future. Current tactic results in TAA coming down the right wing and overlapping with Mo Salah, I also have a similar mirror on the left-hand side which I use in-game to switch things up when needed. Set Up: Defending Phase: Usual high-press here Transition Phase: Usual Gegen Attacking Phase: Transition into a 2-3-5 2 are VVD, and Matip 3 are Robertson, Endo, and Mac Allister in a triangle 5 are Diaz, Szoboslai, Nunez, Salah, and TAA. Right: TAA goes down the flank to work with Salah who is cutting in; Matip, Endo, and Mac Allister are protecting the right flank Left: Diaz stays wide (with PI) to create space for Szoboslai to take the half-space. If Diaz has the ball, he will cut-in. Robertson protects the left flank in the defensive / midfielder strata. Player Instructions: RCB stay-wider to cover the gap left by TAA BWM take fewer risk, and dribble less. Basically, a recycler in the formation. Endo is not the best DM hence the conservative take on his role. He actually has a decent progressive pass stat versus the rest of EPL so I'm happy LW has a Stay Wider Questions: Is there anything in the data hub to help me figure out the type of crosses I should be using? When is it appropriate to use Trap inside vs Trap outside? My most common tactics faced are 433 DM and 4231 DM AM Wide I still struggle to beat Man City, any tips on how to counter them? Should CM (A) have a Move Into Channel role? Or should I switch him to a Mezzala (A) instead? I've done it without any PI as he would have already moved into the half-space by default. The CMs and LB are using the base roles of CM and FB but I've not really used any PIs. Is that needed? What else should I be looking through in the data hub to identify any other potential tweaks? I would appreciate any other feedback too on my first tactic, and looking forward to building more tactics on my own!
  10. How do people beat top teams in the first season especially when they use gegenpress or tiki taka?
  11. @crusadertsar How does this fare against the gegen or Man City's tiki taka? Trying to develop an underdog tactic to compete against European's greatest!
  12. @Johnny Ace thanks for the thread. It has been incredibly helpful. I had a small request - would it be possible to update the original post with a list of links to each of the sample tactic that you've created? That would be a great way for the community to access your resources. I can help create the list of links if helpful.
  13. Why do you hate using an AF in a 433? I understand the recommendations around F9, CF, DLF, and Trq but isn't a poacher taking up space too?
  14. Would you mind sharing your tactic? I'm trying to create a 4-3-3 around a pair of WBs and a HB too.
  15. Thank you. Could you share your rationale for the recommendations? Appreciate the link too. I had a chance to review that before I created my formation!
  16. Hi everyone, I've been a casual FM player over the years and I've been using plug and play tactics. However, I've been trying to get into the game more and the positional play feature is intriguing, which has led me to trying to build my own tactic for the first time. It would be great to get your perspectives on any blind spots. The overall concept here is a heavy possession-based tactic for mid-tier team that allows the team to swing the ball from left to right and keep possession. A HB is required to keep top-tier teams from exposing me. I know an IFB is an interesting option here but I think it would be a waste for my Left Back who is a good Wing back. Tactic: https://imgur.com/a/5JKm7Zl Key defining features: Defensive Phase Defend with a 4-3-3 with a HB that sits in front of the CDs Additional team instructions to force opponents to work through the middle if required Attacking Phase IWB on the right-side comes in, HB drops to the CD tier, forcing the CDs to spread wide WB on the left-side will come down the wing, and the IW will cut in RW will stay wide to spread the field, either crossing the ball or cutting in when he has the ball 5 in attacking play will be LWB, IW, AF, MEZ, RW with BBM behind AF has good aerial stats, and will wait for crosses from Wingers Wingers have the option to cross or cut-in when they have the ball Additional PIs RCB stay Wider to cover the right-side IWB as he moves into the DM strata LWB stay Wider to stretch the field and create space for LW to cut-in HB take fewer risks to maintain possession BBM move into channels as a 6th option for attacking outside of the box LW cross aim-centre, and get further forward to take the half-space alongside AF RW cross aim-centre, and cut inside with ball to rotate with MEZ Some questions top of mind Should I remove PI move into channel from BBM as it may be an overcrowded final third? Should LWB be a WB(S) or a IWB(S) or a WB(D) to exploit his crossing abilities? Should the BBM be some other roles? RPM or DLP? Any other thoughts are welcomed, thank you very much!
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