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Posts posted by Schlumpy

  1. vor 1 Stunde schrieb \'Appy \'Ammer:

    OK, just rewind a bit. You should have no xml files, just 2 fmf files that you put in the editor data folder. The file you posted earlier was an fmf file. The International file should also be an fmf file. Make an international file in Advanced Rules using the first link that @Micho21 posted up above. There's no need to create an xml file, other than what you've followed in any instructions to get rid of nation rules. Once that was imported into your editor, save it as an editor file (fmf file), you can then discard the xml one.

    Once you have all the international competitions in that file then you merge your database from your original fmf file. *You still have your original fmf file as it is, you need that to get the domestic leagues to appear*. So once you have merged your file, you will now be able to put your new nation into the appropriate International competitions. Once you have all that done, save the file and test the rules to verify.

    Hope that helps.

    Thank you. Everything seems fine now.

  2. vor 11 Minuten schrieb \'Appy \'Ammer:

    My first screenshot shows it can be done. That's with the merged file (international one) and your nation file. You have put both of them in the editor data folder, haven't you?

    The XML files? No they're not. But the merged file is. Do they all need to be in the same? I can try to redo things and save the XML files in there as well. Btw I have the European championship qualifying and the European International League as separate XML files. Should they both be in the same?

  3. vor 2 Stunden schrieb \'Appy \'Ammer:

    At 22 mins of @TheDynamoFM's video there is the start up screen with the picking of leagues. His new country is there. I would imagine following all the steps he did would get you to where you want to be. 

    When you don't use the nation file you've created, does your new nation show in the start up screen?

    Before merging the nation file into the other files I can select it as a country, but afterwards it disappears. And I'm pretty sure that I have done all the things in the video. 

  4. vor 30 Minuten schrieb \'Appy \'Ammer:

    I've been fiddling about with the file (for a bit too long!!), but I am glad you've made progress. I had your nation (in editor testing) playing matches but wouldn't verify due to the AFC World Cup Qualifying Section having wrong amount of teams!! But I was using with my own file and was causing a few issues that I really didn't have the time to spend sorting out. 

    I have had this problem as well in the past. Off the top of my head I can't remember the solution. If I remember I'll post here.

    Do you think its worth it creating a new thread for that problem?

  5. vor 13 Stunden schrieb \'Appy \'Ammer:

    Once you have your International file template as per the tutorials, simply merge your database into the international file. Then your new nation will be present in the database and you can add them into qualifiers. If you're adding them in you need to make sure the amount of nations works in the groups. If not just adjust the numbers. Or you can simply replace a nation with your nation. 

    Thank you for the help. Seems to work. Only problem is when I start a game and select the leagues, my custom nation doesn't appear.

  6. vor 12 Stunden schrieb \'Appy \'Ammer:

    You're going to need to edit your nation into the 3 International competitions (European World Cup Qualifiers, European Championship Qualifiers, & European Nations League) by swapping out a European nation of your choice. You'll need to do this in a separate file. Both those links from @Micho21 are perfect to use as tutorials. In the end you'll have 2 files to put into you editor file to allow your new nation to play international football. 

    Are you sure I need to edit the European world cup qualifiers? In the advanced rules there is no teams list in there like the other two had. And in my tests I had no trouble with qualifying for the world cup.

  7. vor 12 Minuten schrieb \'Appy \'Ammer:

    You're going to need to edit your nation into the 3 International competitions (European World Cup Qualifiers, European Championship Qualifiers, & European Nations League) by swapping out a European nation of your choice. You'll need to do this in a separate file. Both those links from @Micho21 are perfect to use as tutorials. In the end you'll have 2 files to put into you editor file to allow your new nation to play international football. 

    So do I create the custom nation in the separate file as well?

  8. vor 7 Stunden schrieb Micho21:

    There are many topics about this... I'm sure if you dive on this forum you will find what you need. This year is easier than previous ones, but you will still have to rebuild the Uefa Nations League (or whatever it's called). Here is a tutorial:

    In any case, the best thing you can do is to follow other people who has already done it. @Rainbowz' s Isle of Man is perhaps the best example:

    So I extract that league and import it afterwards into my custom nation file?

  9. So I've created a custom Nation for the first time when fm24 came out and edited that file step by step adding new things. I followed a few tutorials and always some things weren't working, but I got all set up now. Except that the nation won't play any official European International matches. I think the problem is that for some reason my country isn't playing in any Europas international league groups. I don't know how to fix that sadly although I has worked at one point. I would appreciate any advice, tips or instructions on how to fix that. 

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