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  1. Thanks! Can you point me to the xml in which this change has to be done?
  2. Has he published it somewhere? With the help of this forum I changed a lot of things on skins for my personal need and preferences.
  3. Which skin are you using? For Rensie skin the file which is responsible for the score should be match/match title bar popup.xml
  4. Hello! Is is possible to get the match_notable_events_panel without the stats part (red box removed) in the match full time review panel? I just want to see goalscorers, assists, yellow cards etc.. (important events). Thanks! EDIT: Should be doable in match notable events panel.xml Fixed:
  5. I thought that too but could not find anything. Or I overlooked it. Using Rensie skin.
  6. Maybe you can try to use another skin to check if it is the same? During the match intro when the league table gets shown is there the opponent name also black? I checked a lot of xmls in the last days and the only xmls I see highlighting the opponents name was match league stage cut scene: <!-- colour to highlight opponent team name --> <flags id="OTNc" value="teal 800" /> Maybe this is also used in other xmls... EDIT: I think thats not it. For me the opponent has the same color than me.. also not that good. I think you have to check where this table is from..
  7. That was it! Wanted to change the layout of the league table there.
  8. I think this is after the match full time review panel. First comes the stats.. then changing room with coach speech and then that. Thanks Rensie. Checking this later.
  9. Anyone knows what this screen is? (after match) Thanks!
  10. Thanks! I will check this. But the thing is I don't want to have the whole match slider just the "waiting for highlights" part.
  11. Anyone can help me to find in which xml the "waiting for highlights" information next to the scoreboard got defined. It seems I lost it on the way... Thanks very much!
  12. Thanks. But where is the league table on the right side defined?
  13. Thanks! Could you also tell me what this view is?
  14. Hello! Is it possible to customize the columns shown on the league table in certain views (because of space reasons)? For example I don't need the "Info" and "Form" columns. In competition overview stage.xml I find this: <!--league stage panel--> <widget class="league_stage_panel" id="lspn" view="oovr" league_table_heading_length="0" hidden="true"/> and further down in this file for the xG table I find these properties: <record id="viewed_property_ids"> <record id="Tpos" width="40" alignment="centre" auto_hide_priority="3000"/> <record id="xGPo" width="50" auto_hide_priority="1000"/> <record id="xPOd" width="15" auto_hide_priority="1000"/> <record id="Ttea" width="130"/> <record id="svxG" width="60" auto_hide_priority="2000" /> <record id="sxGA" width="60" auto_hide_priority="10000"/> <record id="sxGP" width="60" auto_hide_priority="1000"/> </record> Are they existing also for the real table? So it should be easy to add/remove some? Thanks! EDIT: I THINK it is defined in league stage panel views.xml
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