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9 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


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    Club Athletico Paranaense

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  1. Taking advantage of the Paralympics atmosphere, I wanted to suggest adding parafootball to the game, blind football and crutch football, for example, now with the addition of women's football the game has opened doors for the addition of more specific competitions with athletes who cannot play professional men's football.
  2. I make DBs for the game, the game doesn't allow adding new countries and that's why I'm asking for this, so no, there's no way to fill this.
  3. basically, it's a var that is only used for offsides, where the line is not drawn by a computer. (this is serious)
  4. Probably Truth, I had thought more about the issue of creating neighborhood leagues, as there are in many places here in Brazil, but that would also be interesting in advanced rules you have several options to get teams for a stage, like "get teams from division", "get qualified teams", "get teams from stage" and one of them is "get teams from local region", my suggestion is, in addition to "get teams from the local region" there is also "get teams from the city" and "get teams from the neighborhood"
  5. I want to make HUGE databases and rules, one of them with around 30000 - 50000 competitions, and the editor doesn't seem to support even 1000, please make life easier for us editors, we are adding free stuff to the game things to improve: 1) there are a lot of errors in things that are 100% correct, I've even sent some things on the bug notice forums and they were never corrected. 2) improve the advanced rules tab in general, do a complete reconstruction, the competition selection part is just a giant list of competitions, there is a lot of redundancy, which makes it confusing which is the right part to use. 3) add more possibilities, for this I will need several subtopics. 3.1) increase automatic dynamic demotion in the editor. 3.2) add automatic dynamic qualification in the editor for all competitions. 3.3) allow mother competitions to be held within other mother competitions (when you have many competitions you need to separate them better) 3.4) remove limits, remove all possible limits so as not to break the game, limit stages in a competition, limit groups in a group stage. 3.5) add something like SIMPLE programming, something like just a "if this club is at this stage, this happens" 3.6) create several new reserve teams and remove the limit of 3 3.7) add neighborhoods, a subdivision in addition to local region and city 3.8) add the options "get city teams" and "get neighborhood teams"
  6. Yes, but If the country don't existe om the game you need to substitute another country.
  7. Please add all CONIFA members as a country (don't need a league, just add on DB This is the CONIFA members: Biafra Kabylia Katanga Yoruba East Turkistan Hmong Kashmir Kurdistan Pakistan AS Panjab Tamil Eelam Tibetan NSA Abkhazia Artsakh Occitania Canton Ticino Chameria Kernow Ellan Vannin Kárpátalja Northern Cyprus Padania Raetia Sapmi Sardinia South Ossetia Székely Land Two Sicilies Western Armenia ANBM Cascadia Kiskeya Kuskatan Hawai’i West Papua Aymara São Paulo Guna Mapuche Maule Sur SF Armenio Argentina
  8. You can edit exiting things, Just put "False" on the "New object?" Column
  9. your project is incredible!!! I have two questions 1) do you want to add advanced rules? 2) will it work on FM 25 when it launches?
  10. ok, sorry for not giving you information before, I always forget that, plus it's a bit complicated to explain it better but I will try It's like this in the game: but it should be like this: edit: not only for andraus, every team with no national division
  11. I realy don't remember what is this kkkkkkkkk
  12. ok, this is going to be difficult to explain, this only happens here in Brazil I think Well, the clubs that don't have a national division, in the game, they appear with the division "lower division of Brasileirão" but in real life the division would be the state division, which in the game is the secondary division. So it would be like this, for clubs in series A, B, C or D, the state division is the secondary division, however, for clubs that do not play in any division, the secondary (state) division becomes the main one.
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