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Everything posted by jamesgrhm0

  1. Whilst I agree with some if this I think the overriding point of this video was that it wasn't an artificial scenario. These players exist on football manager and they were just essentially signed to a Premier league team. As I said most oft he other squads probably had players with comparable pace and acceleration (maybe not quite as good but not miles off.) He was choosing players with 16 or 17, not putting crazy outliers like 20 so the point stands. This wasn't an entirely aritifical scenario. They should have finished bottom of the league in every single season period.
  2. Yeah but in Zealand's test, it wasn't a squad full of Usain Bolts, it was just bog standard league 1 level players who had like 16 or 17 for pace and acceleration. We aren't talking ridiculous outliers here and let's face it, most other AI teams in the Premier league should have had players with similar levels of pace and acceleration so his Forest team still had no business finishing mid table, period.
  3. Why did the values drop so dramatically? I've heard of this happening when you're in a low ranked nation when you get several seasons in but nobody knows why.
  4. I mean you're already, let's face it, describing a completely unrealistic situation where: you know the exact potential a player can get too, MTK Budapest have spent £16M on a player (would never happen), a player at MTK close to getting into the Brazil national team etc etc. Many aspects of this are pretty much pure fantasy but then you complain and want it to match exact real world conditions (when this situation would never occur in real life.) What is the record transfer for the sale of a player from a Hungarian club? It's probably about £5M. The highest valued player currently on Tranfermarket in Hungarian football is €6M. So you're doing things that are completely unrealistic to real life (because it's a computer game and yiu can) Juventus are actually acting more realistically. The fact is competition and Europan reputation should affect Transfer values. You're playing in Hungary, your players shouldn't be worth £50M. Even in real life now, if there was such a layer playing in Hungary, he would maybe go for £20-30M but that's it. The fact is clubs are more circumspect buying from lesser competitions cos they're playing at a lower level so have more to prove yet. In your example, Juventus should be willing to pay more for that player, that much is fair but don't get mardy about something being unrealistic when you're doing something yourself that is totally unrealistic anyway!
  5. Yes I saw that but I also saw RDF do a video on development and he was training players up to the age of 23/24 only using playing position, not a specific role and they developed really well. I think it's fluid and nothing is exactly the right way probably just works differently in different situations and depends on many factors.
  6. Yes but also playing position I'm pretty sure, targets all their attributes, just to a lesser extent. Where as specific role will target the highlighted attributes but a bit more and the ones that aren't highlighted a bit less than playing position. That's how I understand it anyway.
  7. Your salary per annum was 187m euros. If you look at your last season costs it's broken down: player wages (162,419.030) & staff wages (23,090.240.) Added together is = 185,509.270. Seems close.
  8. Could someone explain to me the difference between having someone on, for eg: CD - playing position (under the position/role/duty tab) or having them on a specific role, like ball playing defender? Cos when you select a specific role, it highlights the attributes that are being targeted but on playing position it doesn't. So what's being targeted in this case? Really struggling to get my head around it!
  9. Just keep in mind that if you do an additional focus, those few attributes will get targeted more but then the rest you're targeting will get worked on slightly less. Personally with a young player, maybe up until 20/21, I don't do an additional focus (unless an attribute is terrible I think he definitely needs.) As I want to help all players to be well rounded and in the early stages of development, it's better to be working on as many attributes as possible at the same level. I only start bringing in additional focus & traits after 20 ish.
  10. No brainer this. Makes it weird to start planning after promotion has been confirmed when you don't know which players are or aren't interested.
  11. This annoys me too. Should be a button to click set all to physio recommendation and so it sets only the players who have a recommendation.
  12. Why can't it just be like normal life? it would be the same for you and the AI managers anyway but would make the game more realistic and harder to manage your squad/more of a challenge. Don't understand why they set it at 80%.
  13. Hi, Can someone please help me? I've been using the skin for a few weeks, love it! However today this has happened on the match day screen. I think I just clicked my mouse while there was a highlight and when the highlight ended this came up?! The tablet thing has been replaced with this and whatever I do I cannot get it back. I've tried clearing the cache, changing the skin and then back, changing the custom override panel and finally deleting the files altogether and then re-downloading them and loading up the skin again and it's still like this! Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
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