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Everything posted by Oskar123

  1. After reading through a lot of tests, they all seem to indicate that increasing or decreasing most attributes has no effect on the number of wins: https://fm-arena.com/table/26-player-attributes-testing/
  2. The problem for me isn’t that some attributes are overpovered compared to other. It’s that the tests i’ve seen indicate that most attributes doesn’t work as the game and general football knowledge tells us they should. If decreasing important attributes like passing, first touch and decisions for the entire team won’t affect team wins - and attacking midfielders can lead the premiere league in assists with vision and passing under 10, it suggests that a big part of the game is just an illusion that makes customers believe the product is more advanced than it is. If i know that vision, technique, first touch and passing won’t make any difference for my playmaker, it’s kind of hard to enjoy the game.
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