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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. I found this code as an example from the skin that uses attribute circles instead of numbers and but im not sure how i would get it with hidden potential ability: <!--finishing--> <record> <integer id="id" value="Pfin" /> <integer id="width" value="45" /> <translation id="name" translation_id="227810" type="use" value="Finishing" /> <flags id="customisation_context" value="play" /> <translation id="category" translation_id="229822" type="use" value="Attributes" /> <translation id="subcategory" translation_id="229413" type="use" value="Technical" /> <boolean id="sort_ascending" value="false" /> <integer id="auto_hide_priority" value="550" /> <record id="widget_info"> <symbol id="class" value="attribute_circle" /> </record> <record id="widget_edit_info"> <symbol id="class" value="attribute_edit_box" /> </record> <record id="column_widget_properties"> <flags id="alignment" value="centre" /> </record> <record id="column_heading"> <flags id="alignment" value="centre" /> <translation id="text" translation_id="227809" type="use" value="Fin[comment - Finishing]" /> <translation id="hint" translation_id="227810" type="use" value="Finishing" /> </record> <record id="search_filter"> <integer id="id" value="pf20" /> </record> </record>
  2. Hello, Im currently editing a custom football manager skin and i would like the hidden Potential ability to be changed from a text number to a graphical image based on the potential ability range for example 1-80, 80-100, 100-120, 120-140 and 140-200. 1 have made the icons and put them in a designated graphics folder within the skin. but so far i havent been able to get the correct code so that they appear in-game. Are there any code experts or anyone who has done something similar that can help me?
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