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    Sandviks IK
  1. But, weren't Key Pass (or Key Pass/90) or Open Play Cross Completion Ratio calculated in-game, rather than being an aggregated statistic across multiple saves; so it can be shown on a player's profile regarding the saves. Just like how you shown Appearances and Minutes next to the Patsy Chart? Or am I missing something here?
  2. Hello! I have a question regarding the skin, but first of all, thank you for creating such an amazing skin! I've tried the Mustermann since FM23, although the skin wasn't a fit for me back then. But now I'm hooked and can't seem to play without your skin! It truly is a game-changer for me! Anyway, back to the question. I have seen your videos with these stats on a player's profile : Is it possible to add/see those stats (or maybe some of these stats below) without having to move to another viz (namely the Patsy and the Stats section)? That's all my question for now. Thank you for a masterpiece of creation you have done for the community. Cheers!
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