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Everything posted by cleiria

  1. What files did you edit? Can you show me your work in fm22? I can give a try.
  2. Try this: 2. Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\Preferences\version 1 and copy user_data_location.xml. 3. Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2023\Preferences\version 2 and paste the file. 4. Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2023\Caches and delete editor.skc file. 5. Launch the Editor.
  3. Most of the debug stuff don't allow to do anything. To work, it needs files that are not present in comp editor.fmf. SI didn't release them. Maybe in the future... For example: Until last year, it was possible to activate the retired squad numbers, but it was not possible to do anything. In FM23 Editor, it works by default. If you want to try it, here is a list of files with debug options. debug.txt
  4. put a SS of your C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\Preferences folder and C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2023\Preferences folder.
  5. There is no better explanation. You need to go to your skins folder.
  6. In another years i use this, but this year, i don't know why, it doesn't work for me.
  7. you have to copy this: to this: before you copy, the file doesn't exist.
  8. How to Change Background? 1. Go to ...\editor\graphics\backgrounds, put the background you want and saved with the name default.png. 2. Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2023\Caches and delete editor.skc file. 3. Launch the Editor and have a new background. I have a skin in the game that I like to have it in the editor. It is possible ? 1. Go to ...\skins\editor and delete the graphics folder. 2. Open the file skin_config.xml and locate the following code: <flags id="parent" value="fm" />. 3. Open the file skin_config.xml of the skin you want and locate the code: <string id="skin_name" value=".............." />. 4. Copy the value=".............." /> over value="fm" />, you must have <flags id="parent" value=".............." />. 5. Go to the settings folder of the skin you want and copy the settings file to the settings folder of the editor skin and rename it editor settings. 6. Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2023\Caches and delete editor.skc file. 7. Launch the Editor.
  9. This is a “base” skin, with all needed files of comp editor.fmf file, to the editor that allows to customize the editor. You can customize the look (skinning) or/and the functionality (allow hidden options, change limits of teams in cups, ….) without editing the comp editor.fmf file. Thanks to @EnigMattic1 - Added the ability to create U17 comps. 1. Extract this in your skins' folder. editor.zip 2. Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\Preferences\version 1 and copy user_data_location.xml. If you don't have this file, skip 3. and go to 4. — file only is needed if you change user data location in game. 3. Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2023\Preferences\version 2 and paste the file. 4. Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2023\Caches and delete editor.skc file. 5. Launch the Editor. P. S. 1 — If you make changes to the skin, you need to repeat 4, before relaunch the editor to changes take effect. P. S. 2 — If in the future you change the user data location in game, you have to repeat 2, 3 and 4, before relaunch the editor. P. S. 3 — After the updates, it could be changes in comp editor.fmf file, so this will be updated to reflect these changes, and you need to repeat 1 and 4, before relaunch the editor to changes take effect.
  10. Test 100% successful. In 23/24, Madeira teams in Série A and Açores Teams in Série C In 24/25, Madeira teams in Série B and Açores Teams in Série D In 25/26, Madeira teams in Série A and Açores Teams in Série C ..... Like reality. The file needs some cosmetic work and a better look to see if nothing is missing, but if someone wants to give a try... Campeonato de Portugal - Séries OK.fmf
  11. Playing with the editor 10 minutes. Running a test, if 100% successful, i will publish the file.
  12. When i have time, i do a editor file with this corrected. It is so simple. Unless the editor is bugged, currently with no time to test.
  13. It´s ok. https://www.ligaportugal.pt/pt/liga/calendario/mensal/20222023/0/0/allianzcup
  14. It is so simple to solve with the data editor (only with the full game).
  15. I have another issue. A cup stage with 4 teams: 1st round: 2 games, 1 leg, winner ranking 0-1, loser ranking 2-3: no problem to me 2nd round: final - mapping :winner of match 1 vs. winner of match 2, winner ranking 0. loser ranking 1 : no problem to me 3rd round: 3rd place pay-off - mapping: loser match 1 vs loser match 2, winner ranking 2, looser ranking 3 : no problem to me But it don´t work, maybe is missing something
  16. I had a look of another State. I will see. Thanks. Thanks for SS's. I have a working file with 2 stages in groups stage. I will give a try with this information . Thanks @Wolf_pd, @rusty217 and @Samuel77
  17. I had seen Brazilian state rules and tried to reproduce in my group stage, but didn't work. In the Brazilian rules all groups play in that way. I´m will try separate in 2 stages, 1 for groups A and B and another to C and D.
  18. I have a group stage with 4 groups – A and B 3 teams, C and D 4 teams. In groups C and D, each team plays 1 time in the same group - Ok for me. The problem is groups A and B The teams don´t play with the teams in the same groups. Play 1 time against teams of the other group. So A1 plays against B1, B2, B3, don´t play against A2, A3 A2 plays against B1, B2, B3, don´t play against A1, A3 A3 plays against B1, B2, B3, don´t play against A1, A2 How to do that?
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