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Everything posted by poma

  1. What about the player instructions for the tactic you posted and someone asked for earlier?
  2. Well it is the WTCS skin i use but ok.
  3. I've done that, got the file but can't make it work anyway
  4. I'm looking trough the panels folder
  5. Have been looking for the last hour but can't find it
  6. Is it possible to add pictures of staff (chairman) and (supporter spokesperson) ? I want them under the text line: Board Feedback and Supporter Feedback
  7. What size should the mini stadiums be in because they look bad in the club info screen when you switch between overview and stadium? EDIT: never mind...full-size it seems
  8. Same here but didn't score a single goal from corners in 38 games (Premier League)
  9. I've stopped playing as Chelsea because they are SO bad in the game, and it seems impossible to do anything about it. Can't defend, can't score from open play, useless at set-pieces (even when hire a top-class set-piece coach not a single goal from corners in 38 games in the league) Have played FM since forever but Chelsea is getting worse every year in FM (like Irl) i know It's all about finding balance and i never use or used "fancy" tactics, just simply basic 4-3-3, 4-2-3-1, 3-4-2-1 But you guys succeed so i must accept that I'm probably useless at FM24 then KeepUpTheGoodWork
  10. Haven't done anything, just "real-world" db at the start, no fancy database etc, tried 4-2-3-1, 4-3-3 with one dm, 3-4-2-1 (5-2-2-1 in game) Just simple Ti's, no Pi's and it sucks BIG-TIME
  11. I'm in desperate need of an 4-2-3-1 tactic for Chelsea in FM, can't get anything going. Can't score, can't defend, players underperforming (yeah I know, like in real-life) but anyhow... I start to believe it's hard-coded in FM24 not to get anything out of Chelsea
  12. I can feel your pain, Chelsea were **** in last version of FM and EVEN worse in this years FM.
  13. I've had/has massive problems with Chelsea. Don't get anything out of this squad, it's so unbalanced so no matter what tactic/training I've used I end up either sacked or I resign. But good luck mate
  14. Anybody who knows why it isn't possible to change responsibilities in editor? It's like the game randomly change this...even if you manually change it in the editor..
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