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Posts posted by thatdamgood

  1. On 17/11/2019 at 06:19, extremeskins04 said:

    Ah the famous "I'm not prepared to go over this again!" response, says the striker that just scored 2 goals and I wanted to congratulate him for it.

    Is this response intended after praising a guy who scores goals?


    Player reactions are one of my big frustrations. No way respect or otherwise a player would react in the way some of these guys do. IF they did the manager would have them out asap and the whole dynamics thing wouldn't be an issue because good solid pro's would understand and privately agree. 


    If I get told off by my own striker for praising him again I'll scream LOL 

  2. It's just a nice real life tweek. It happens so often at clubs outside of the premier league. For example;

    Norwich City is a premier league team. 

    Ipswich Town is a league 1 team. 

    In real life if Ipswich was to have the next Messi Norwich being a Cat 1 academy and premier league team would easily be able to poach him....However if it was the other way around then Ipswich wouldn't stand a chance. 

    Ipswich have recently lost a couple to Man City and Chelsea so even out of the 'area' it's still happening. 

    Won't help if you are Hereford to start with though.

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