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23 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Leeds United On Tour in the Championship once again

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  1. I’ve just tested the winning tactic Miracle he called it and I’m impressed with it currently using it with Brighton and won all 4 games scoring 17 and conceding 2
  2. Basically I did have a skin loaded but I did use the default one. I lost a game save so loaded a previous game save which was 5 days behind, but I deleted some graphics in that time maybe that’s why it is like it is. I’ll try what you have said cheers.
  3. I am trying to change the set up like in picture 2 without the motorway been shown on the left side in picture 1. Can anyone tell me how to do it please.
  4. Looks exactly like the one on fm arena to me all you have done is change the name of the tactic and player roles ?
  5. Which is better this one or 433 yellow submarine testing with Everton
  6. I am back on the game,basically i deleted the skin folder called trung and it's up and running.. Might download the skin again and try again what you said first time about changing menuve but not the other one because i dont know what i am doing. Mine when opening does not show the numbers like yours do. Thank you anyway
  7. Right got a problem went to load the game and a error came up on screen missing files/ as i have deleted the wrong line by mistake from what you said to do. This is what i get now on the intro panel now after double clicking it. Is there a way to get this back or can i just delete the folder called trung skins and re start the game?
  8. Done it thank you but is there anyway i can get rid off the merry christmas top left ? Same procedure but edit different file ifso which one. Cheers.
  9. Sorry to be a nuisance,but how do i change the file when i right click i get these options what do i need to do from here ? Thanks in advance
  10. And how do i change this file bkg1 file i am assuming this one ?
  11. Snowofman Which do i change ? Cheers Game/ intro panel.xml line 51 Just change the bg to ve and save the file
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