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FM Assistant Researchers
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31 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


  • Member Title
    Rotherham Utd Researcher


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    Rotherham United Researcher.

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    FM and RUFC.

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    Rotherham United

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    Scunthorpe United

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  1. Happening to me too. Also not getting e-mails of said players when they agree to a pre-contract(when a player is leaving me for another club).
  2. Looking to change the CL format to the old style but have no idea where to start. Been playing around on the editor but can't figure this out.
  3. It's not a bug. 2 contributing factors, A lot of lower league teams don't have many youth players and/or It can be hard for the researchers to get this type of information if the clubs don't release it. So clubs of this stature could have youth players in real life but can't be implemented in game unless we know about their existence.
  4. Waiting on an update to come out before starting my main long term save. Hopefully comes out before the weekend.
  5. I had this from start of early access but couldn't get it to reproduce. Spoken to many others running into the same issue.
  6. I would agree if something like this was time consuming to change. The stadium sponsorship is in the game so why not stadium name? Takes longer to add in the sponsorship. Has it not been called Jackman's since 19/20 season?
  7. Any way for me to change font size on specific pages?
  8. Not many database changes. Only 'major'. Shame really. Per below; 'Thank you to everyone who has posted in this thread up and until Release. As explained earlier, the database for the Release was locked on 18th October. That is, before you saw Early Access. That date was out of our hands. Since the 18th we have only been able to update major data issues that can be both easily changed in our 'dbc files', and also can be tested easily on all formats. So, we apologise for any issues that you have brought up that are still evident in the Release database. We aim to fix as many issues as we can in a formal data update as soon as we can. That will include any issues already raised, and any that may be raised after Release. In the meantime, your feedback continues to help us hugely. Thank you.'
  9. Shouldn't the stadium be called 'Jakemans Community Stadium'? https://www.bostonunited.co.uk/d/sponsors.html
  10. Getting an issue with sponsors being so long. Everything below 'Additional Kit Sponsor' is incorrect and made up. This shouldn't be happening as everything's been updated in the ORDB For quite some time.
  11. Is he still on loan at Real Madrid? According to ORDB he's still at Real Madrid 'B' but in game he has no loan set.
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