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Everything posted by devonchris

  1. So it's 2038, I'm in the World Cup with England, hoping my captain Jude Bellingham will win his third straight Golden Boot (hey, isn't that why we play this game...?), when he suddenly retires the day before the World Cup Final. This is a common bug but this was particularly annoying... Basically tournaments frequently straddle the end of a season, and players only have one point of retirement which is the end of the season. Usually players are past international standard by the time they retire, but some end up vanishing from the squad mid-tournament which is a shame. Could this be fixed by allowing players to retire after a tournament? Or by changing the season end date so that it's after the world cup or euro final?
  2. I accept that player attitudes are a more subject part of the game, and don't see it as a glitch so much if they seem to be irrational. I take your point too about how a player who wins the Spanish league with Getafe might still want to leave to join fifth-placed Real Madrid for example. The only player/board attitudes I've found really odd, though, are: - like the OP said, boards being upset that you're not 1st although you're one point behind with three games in hand (in one of my games). More of an issue earlier in the season when a couple of games in hand can make a huge difference. - players unhappy that they're not being played in a dead rubber match because you're resting them for a huge game in a few days. There's clearly a function in the game already to distinguish big games from meaningless ones, but players tend to be less aware of that. Regarding the 'big club' thing - in early CM/FM games there was the option to offer a contract clause where they'd be released if you didn't get promoted. I often feel that would be handy to keep a lid on your stroppier players, and it's a realistic thing to offer them.
  3. I've seen the same, with boards/players not understanding the principle of 'games in hand'. I appreciate there's scoreboard pressure, and I'm more understanding of apparent glitches along the lines of 'player/board has attitude that makes no sense' because players and boards can be weird! (Abramovich anyone?). I've seen something similar around the end of the season where your player wants to go to a 'big club' in the league above you, even though they've been relegated and you've been promoted. Again it's the apparent inability of game characters to see past the immediate present.
  4. Love this game but haven't been able to play it properly for the last few weeks. First off, I get the attached error message on startup, maybe 2/3rds of the time. I can still start it sometimes, and gameplay seems normal, but I can't leave the app at all or it'll crash. My phone is fairly high spec so this shouldn't be a problem and never was before. I'm talking about not being able to lock the screen or let the screen timeout, otherwise it'll crash. Text message - it crashes. I don't have any other apps open, the game just doesn't seem able to function unless the screen is active and I'm playing it. Given that FMM has always taken much longer to load than other games, this is a real drawback. It's become impossible to play it like most people play mobile games (eg for ten minutes on a train or in a queue) because half that is spent getting it to load.
  5. I've raised this before but this is an example again - winning a game, but my players score an average of one point lower than the losing side, because they scored a late consolation in defeat. This has been an issue across the last few editions. Player ratings are disproportionately weighted towards what happens last in the game, rather than the game as a whole. So you can win a game 5-1 but your players will score poorly if the opposition gets a last minute consolation. High scoring draws can be absolute carnage, with the team who come from behind to equalise scoring far higher than their equally good opposition. There doesn't seem any need to create gameplay like this - surely the default would be to treat every good or bad piece of play equally regardless of what minute it happens in.
  6. Thank you so much for the replies @Marc Vaughan. I love how seriously you guys take user feedback - it's what makes this the best game ever made. I'm not just saying that cos it's you! I've been playing since CM92 and never been disappointed.
  7. I really love this game. The only issues are ones that have recurred throughout the last few years: 1) VAR checks - there's a persistent (and I think well-known) bug which removes all tension: if a player scores, you know immediately if VAR will rule it out because the score changes back again immediately (eg it goes from 0-0 to 1-0 but then straightaway it's 0-0 again, so the VAR check animation is a bit redundant). 2) While it's been improved, there's a still a 'last impression counts' bug in the player ratings calculations. In a score draw (eg 2-2, 3-3), for example, players will score much, much higher if they came from behind than if they blew a lead. It gets sillier if the team wins comfortably but concedes a late consolation goal - the team who scored last in a 1-5 defeat will often get player ratings just as good as the winning team. 3) Player ratings seem harsh on defensive players, especially defensive central midfielders. Arguably this reflects reality (how often do defensive players win the Ballon d'Or...?) but it seems almost impossible for a DMC to get more than 7 unless they score a goal. Surely when Declan Rice neutralises Real Madrid at the Bernabeu for a clean sheet, making twice as many tackles as anyone else, that deserves at least an 8? 4) I've never managed to fully enjoy international management in FM because of the injury issue. Obviously injuries happen and teams can be really unlucky, but the problem is that I'll select a squad, and several players might get injured between the squad selection and the match, with no opportunity to replace them. In reality, international squads are allowed to replace injured players until shortly before a match or tournament. So far I've never had a realistic experience in a tournament because I can never keep a full starting 11 in the knockout stages. 5) Minor point, but the squad selection seems to have got slightly less user-friendly between FM23 and FM24 - I used to be able to click next to each player to instantly assign them, now I have to click 'confirm' every time, which doubles the time taken to select a team. Likewise I have to tap on the player's position, go into the separate screen and deselect them, again clicking 'confirm', rather than just deselect them with one click. 6) On the squad screen, you can select players by stars for current/potential ability. This is a neat shortcut (and it would be really handy if you could do it in your international squad - as it is, trying to sort by stars just randomises the list). However, a weird thing happens (related to 3 above) with central midfielders only. If a player scores some 6s at the start of a season, this doesn't seem to affect their star rating (form is temporary, class is permanent, etc) *but* when their average rating hits precisely 6.60-6.80, they go from being eg a 4-5 star player down to a 2-star player. This weirdly means they usually take a tumble down my squad rankings after getting a better player rating in a game, eg if they score an 8 after two 6s and go up from 6.00 average rating to 6.66, that seems to trigger a collapse in their rating, while staying on 6.00 doesn't. 7) Player relationships - minor one, but it would be really handy if, when a player's Standing is 'Unpopular', you could see which player(s) didn't like him! Otherwise I'm trying to repair squad relationships by clicking on every single player til I find the one who doesn't like my star player (which is weird when the only one who dislikes him is a youth player away on loan, but hey). 8) Player happiness - here's an odd one: I have a world-class striker, I buy a new teenage midfielder, and my superstar says they're worried I'm trying to replace them. Odd. 9) Board/player happiness about league position: maybe this reflects the real world, but I've found it strange when you're a point behind the leaders, you've got four games in hand, but your board and players are disappointed because they hoped you'd challenge for the title. I know that 'scoreboard pressure' counts, and they're bound to be twitchy if the pressure's on us to win our games in hand, but they seem to have written us off when we're overwhelming favourites to win. Especially frustrating earlier in the season if I've got a 100% record and games in hand on the top team. 10) a few glitches I think other people have identified - player roles seeming not to 'stick' after I change them, even mid-match which affects tactics 11) finally, another one on player ratings: one bit of realism I don't get to do is bring on late substitutions to help wrap-up a game, without affecting their overall reputations. The problem is that a player who plays 90 minutes and gets a 10 rating, then the next game comes on for 1 minute at the end (or gets injured in the first minute) and gets a 6, then averages 8.00, which seems harsh. Isn't there a way of weighting player ratings by how many minutes they actually played? As it stands I don't really want to bring on substitutes when it'll bring their ratings down. Anyway, don't take this as a whinge - I love the rest of the game! Keep up the great work and I'm already excited about the revamp for next year.
  8. This doesn't require game uploads - it's reproducible in literally every game. You can get this result with every single new game. I'm not sure why you ask for uploads when it's something that happens in everyone's games all the time. It's been logged and recognised frequently numerous times.
  9. You don't need a savegame upload for this - the average of 6 and 10 is still 8... It's not a bug at all, it's a feature of the game that player ratings are calculated this way. I can't show you any more with an upload - it's literally how the game works...
  10. Thanks @Ewan Aiton, I've logged these as three individual issues now. Not sure what I can provide with game attachments - these aren't unique to my savegame or device, they're generic issues across the game. Starting any new game on any device (on FM23 or previous editions) will produce the same issues, and I think these are well-known (especially the VAR one).
  11. A number of these aren't realistic, even allowing for the average footballer's intelligence/rationality: a) reactions to new signings/rumours: e.g. I make a bid for a 16-year-old defender as one for the future, prompting my world-class superstar striker to "worry he's going to be replaced" by this signing. Doesn't make much sense. b) inability to understand games-in-hand... both my board and players get very despondent if I'm 2 points off the top of the table with 3 games in hand, but elated if I'm 1 point clear in 1st place after playing 2 extra games. Maybe they're just not bright, but still... c) reaction to time off with injury. Player gets injured, misses a load of games, gets cross with me for not playing him. Obviously I'd expect a grumpy player to be easily riled when they're frustrated by an injury, but actually getting challenged over whether he features in my plans seems odd when I'm desperate to play him!
  12. this takes a lot of the realism out of the game: a player plays 90 minutes of a game, plays well, scores 10; then they come on as a substitute for 5 minutes in the next game (or they get injured after 5 minutes), scores 6; average rating for the two games is 8. This seems intuitively wrong, and it means I don't bring on any substitutions after half-time so as to avoid ruining my players' average ratings. In real life, a player's season wouldn't be undermined by a handful of late substitute appearances to wrap up the game, so this feels odd. Not sure of the best solution to this: ideally their average rating would be weighted by how many minutes they played, or maybe a short appearance just wouldn't count? (I was really impressed by how FM have fixed a previous bug - where player ratings were disproportionately based on second-half performance - so I know you can do it!)
  13. I like the VAR feature, but the suspense is completely ruined by a glitch which means that a disallowed goal is immediately chalked off the score, and the players all line up for a goal-kick, *before* the referee consults VAR. I therefore know as soon as the ball's in the net whether the goal will be disallowed or not, which defeats the point.
  14. Love this game, only found a few minor things that could improve the gameplay (most of these date back to previous versions too): 1) VAR bug - I like the VAR feature, but the suspense is completely ruined by a glitch which means that a disallowed goal is immediately chalked off the score, and the players all line up for a goal-kick, *before* the referee consults VAR. I therefore know as soon as the ball's in the net whether the goal will be disallowed or not, which defeats the point. 2) average rating calculations - this takes a lot of the realism out of the game: a player plays 90 minutes of a game, plays well, scores 10; then they come on as a substitute for 5 minutes in the next game (or they get injured after 5 minutes), scores 6; average rating for the two games is 8. This seems intuitively wrong, and it means I don't bring on any substitutions after half-time so as to avoid ruining my players' average ratings. In real life, a player's season wouldn't be undermined by a handful of late substitute appearances to wrap up the game, so this feels odd. Not sure of the best solution to this: ideally their average rating would be weighted by how many minutes they played, or maybe a short appearance just wouldn't count? (I was really impressed by how FM have fixed a previous bug - where player ratings were disproportionately based on second-half performance - so I know you can do it!) 3) player reactions. A number of these aren't realistic, even allowing for the average footballer's intelligence/rationality: a) reactions to new signings/rumours: e.g. I make a bid for a 16-year-old defender as one for the future, prompting my world-class superstar striker to "worry he's going to be replaced" by this signing. Doesn't make much sense. b) inability to understand games-in-hand... both my board and players get very despondent if I'm 2 points off the top of the table with 3 games in hand, but elated if I'm 1 point clear in 1st place after playing 2 extra games. Maybe they're just not bright, but still... c) reaction to time off with injury. Player gets injured, misses a load of games, gets cross with me for not playing him. Obviously I'd expect a grumpy player to be easily riled when they're frustrated by an injury, but actually getting challenged over whether he features in my plans seems odd when I'm desperate to play him! Thank you for another great game.
  15. I've posted these before but here goes (and *please* don't ask for savegame uploads - these are features of every FMM game I've played for years, without exception): 1) stop skewing player ratings towards what happens at the end of a match. Goals and otherwise good play in the first half should count towards the player's FT rating just as much as if they happened in the second half. Ratings seem to regress to the mean HT but then get sharply altered by anything happening late in the game. Case in point: for a high-scoring draw when one team takes a big lead and the other team fights back in the second half, the equalising team's scores *always* end up a lot higher than the team who took the lead, when you'd expect them to be similar. I'm talking over 1 point difference in average player score which is nuts for an even game. 2) weight Average Ratings according to minutes played, not matches played. It's sad when your player scores 10 in one game, then gets injured after 1 minute of the next game, scoring 6, and has an average rating of 8 - it's as though a few seconds on the pitch counts as much as 90 minutes. This also makes the game unrealistic insofar as I'm reluctant to bring on late substitutes cos it'll ruin their ratings - this doesn't happen in real life because players aren't judged harshly for not doing much in a minute. 3) Players getting unhappy at not being played when they've been injured.
  16. (please don't request uploads - these aren't bugs, they're features of every single game I've ever played on FM for years) Love FM Mobile but it would be significantly improved by: 1) fixing the matchday bug whereby a player's rating is skewed by whatever happens later in the game. For example, if I go 3-0 up in the first half, then the opposition equalise 3-3 in the second half, their players average about 8 while mine average about 6 (and vice versa if I come from behind). Likewise a late consolation goal means two teams can get similar ratings despite one side winning 5-1. Obviously ratings will change with every goal, but it seems that what happens in the second half (and especially in the last few minutes) disproportionately affects the final rating - e.g. if a player makes a mistake for a goal early on, then scores in the last minute, he'll score much higher than if he does the exact same things but makes a mistake in the last minute. This has now got so bad that I've been trying to rig my tactics so that I score my goals later in the game (not easy to do!) to improve my players' scores. Related to 1) is where players get the same weighting for a score achieved after being on the pitch for 1 minute as for when they play the whole game. In real life, a player can come on as a last minute sub to wrap up the game without ruining their reputation. In FM, a player who dominates one game and gets a 10 then has that cancelled out by a late substitute appearance where they get a 6. There's no way those two games should average out at an 8. 2) more realistic player responses/morale. The two I'm getting sick of are: a) I make a bid for a promising 16-year-old defender... "[your player, a world-class £100million striker] worries he's going to be replaced". Huh? b) A first-team player is injured for a few weeks. "[your player] is worried he doesn't feature in your first-team plans". Same thing happens when I rest a knackered player for a dead rubber or easy cup match against lower-league opposition - they don't seem to distinguish between these and a major final.
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