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Everything posted by madeirabhoy

  1. so two seasons later, and despite all the meetings and huffs, not a single player has left. even that is unrealistic. I have a team good enough to win the CL and no one comes in for a single player. the lower paid I waited until they were less huffy and gave them pay rises.failed at last 16 of CL last season. won the league.
  2. I think it was clear from my first post that I was venting as the only way someone could help would be if someone from SI said okay we will fix it and thats not going to happen. I have considered genuinely everything that people have said on the thread and none of it has changed my mind that what im seeing is daft. im not new to this game (or football) I first played it as championship manager 3. having 14 days of 14 different player meetings so we can discuss for the 14th day on the trot that a player feels ive broken my promise by not giving him a wage rise that I can't actually give as its more than the game will allow is not realistic.
  3. no the difference is, no one is swooping for the players. the players aren't angling to leave. so no its not like you describe.
  4. I appreciate your comments and opinions, but it's not realistic to have spent at least a fortnight of group meetings every single day because every player wants a wage rise we can't afford. I am not exaggerating, it was at least that many. and every one of them bringing a meeting of fellow players. Not one lead to a transfer request. none of that is realistic. however as I said in my other post, im taking advantage of the game being similarly unrealistic when it comes to treating the players like dirt. im going for the worst option in private chats, and slating the players in the press and its working. One poor lad has just come to me and politely asked if he could go on loan. I don't want to be short with so many tournaments for such a small club so I immediately slap him with 'if you don't want to be here ill sell you permanently' and he immediately shat himself and apologised.
  5. its not about ambition, we are already paying close on €50m a year on wages for a club that has a 13k stadium with fans paying buttons. My season ticket in real life is €48 a year. Traditionally we are a lower middle of table team with a wage budget of a couple of million a year. We have about €50m in the bank but we need that as just one bad season would mean no europe the next season and that amount would be gone on already promised wages with a firesale of players before the season after. the way the game is, since no one is asking about leaving, then im sure the first time i try to sell one of them, they will be complaining about that and we will have team meetings about unhappiness twice a day rather than once. what i did notice last night is the very unrealistic but so far maybe successful answer. with a couple of players i basically treated them like dirt. when they asked for a wage rise i responded with 'okay ill sell you' or thereabouts, and they backed off. when the press asked me about a player unhappy, i went for the most negative comment, throwing my player under the bus publically, and all of a sudden the player is no longer unhappy. its so illogical its a shame there isnt a way to bring in a firing squad to the team meetings as it would probably boost morale.
  6. exactly. well put. the players dont want to leave, havent asked to leave, and there have been no bids. they just want to spend their whole week having group meetings with me about how unfair i am to (insert a different player every day).
  7. but you don't know you can't make the promise.. they ask to look at. new contract, you say yes. then they ask for a crazy amount of money you can't afford to give. And sorry I didnt explain. Araujo wasn't getting 7k in a smaller reputation club, thats what I was giving him. our wage bill is about €45m which is basically the champions league money as our income from 11k fans paying buttons, so the agents know we don't have more than we are paying. in real life players might ask to leave, but a whole team worth of players going in huffs but not asking to leave is unrealistic. Not as unrealistic as the tv money ...
  8. Maybe it's a coming together of a perfect storm of situations, but then surely a lot of football manager careers are taking a small club to glory. well mine is turning into a nightmare and ill probably have to quit the game because I won the champions league. Took Maritimo back where they belong in the Portuguese top league. Decent finish the first year, next year 3rd and europa league. then 2nd and champions league. next season won league and CL last 16. last season everything landed right. a few €5m transfers to augment the guys who had cost buttons and I won the treble, league, CL, cup. now some of the guys are on decent wages now. 20-60k. Start of season and every single day without fail I get a player complaining. wants a wage rise. I say okay. and they want 90k a week, rising from 40k. can't afford it so say no. then they complain that ive broken my promise. then half the squad are annoyed as im treating the player badly. next day. another player. another demand I can't afford. another squad meeting. Ive got a local born player I only signed because he's local born, never going to get a game for us Henrique Araujo. just signed him as backup and because he's Madeira and in real life he'd do us a turn. anyway he's been out on loan where he's hardly kicked a ball. he's on 7k a week. he wants a meeting about new salary. okay how much... 56k a week. none of the players are asking to leave. no offers for any of them. but every one of them wants quadruple his wages and when I don't or can't give it the whole dressing room is in uproar. which is bollocks anyway in general as no football dressing room has ever stuck up for a team mate wanting a wage rise.
  9. not that is seems anyone cares, but I think its a misunderstanding either of the tv deals or how the game handles them. all Portuguese clubs have long deals, and the game shows a tv deal of €4.5 million. but its a 10 year deal so the game treats it as €450k a year rather than €4.5 million a year (I think its more than that anyway but not sure). Also, both Madeiran clubs get a grant from the Madeiran government. In the top league it's €1.75 million, in the 2nd division its much less, normally 450k but this year the government paid more, I think about 850k to each. not that anyone will read this...
  10. Not the most important issue as I guess its only cosmetic but its annoying its like because the loan crossed into what the game counts as next season, the game thinks there were two different loans, one last season one this season. So for example it July 2024, Lucas Silva played 33 games in his loan spell 23/24 but his history shows two separate loans, the latter being 0 games.
  11. never noticed this with earlier versions, but maybe its my change of computer, or a setting I need to change, but I find it hard to watch games where there's floodlights because of the ugly graphics. Can these be turned off? do people actually like them?
  12. weirdly having paid for the editor, it seems proper tv money is supposed to be there, a 10 year deal until 2028 at about 4 million a year. so why does it appear in the editor but not happen in the game?
  13. in my third season so second season back in top league and this is killing my game. without pushing the board for anything or spending anything of note, im 7 million in dept. 5 million from last season. can't sign anyone. can't bring in loans because I have no wages to spend. tempted to buy the editor just so I can gift myself €3m each year but a) thats cheating and b) why should I have to spend more money? on the bright side, not every bit of unrealism in the game is bad, my first friendly of the season was v Barcelona ! on the island! and only lost 4-3 to a last second goal. still.. bills to pay...
  14. I took on getting my local team Maritimo back into the top league. In real life when they were relegated at the end of last season I am sure newspaper reports were that they would love about €7m tv money with the drop to div 2. Even if I am mis remembering, it was definitely multi millions. I am trying to find a link to tv money in the press but haven't found one yet, but I am sure the researchers should be able to. In the game, ive just finished my second season. the first I got them promoted, the second I finished 10th. At the end of season review, it says TV money dropped from 256k (probably about right for div 2) to 244k.
  15. Rocco Vata in real life has declared for Ireland and has played for them from under 15 to under 21, but in my game he's just got picked for Scotland under 21s. I know it could technically happen but ...
  16. had to quit my game and start again. Got Maritimo promoted, but still not much money, and every club id had players on loan from had recalled them and so in the new season, they were too unhappy with the club to consider new loans. will delete the agreed positions when looking at loans.
  17. Played for decades, admittedly I'm a press quick select sort of player who does everything in default. Never had problems with clubs recalling loan players for playing in the incorrect positions because I am obviously using the quick select which tends to pick players in their normal position. started a save with Maritimo trying to get them back where they belong in the top league. No money to spend, so relying on loans. Two good young players from Porto on loan, both pulled (OUTSIDE THE TRANSFER WINDOW) a month into the season as I was playing them outside of the agreed position. both played every game in their normal midfield roles. when their manager tried to talk to me he used names for positions id never heard of. Being a Celtic fan I took 4 players on loan from the motherclub. 3 out of 4 recalled for playing outside of their agreed position in the January. Don't remember this being an issue in earlier versions.
  18. Definitely Aberdeen, a chance to emulate Fergie.
  19. I am amazed you weren't sacked tbh. the last time Man City finished 4th they parted company with Pellegrini. Plus overall you have under achieved. just the league is minimum requirement. No cups and you don't even mention Europe so that couldn't be good.
  20. I agree. It should t be the transfer fees that are outrageous it should be the wages. Al ittihad paying £25m for jota wasn’t obscene it was the £200k a week. Clubs will try and force a small premium but realistically in most cases the Saudi club will get the player for his value whereas they need to over pay on wages to get the player to come.
  21. To be fair 12 out of 12 would have been nice think Domestically we do as well as could be expected. In Europe we never seem to get that once in a while good run that most teams of our level seem to do. Rangers for example hugely underperform domestically but do better than expected in Europe.
  22. a spooky re-enacting of real world Celtic 2016-2017 who like you won 34, drew 4 for 106 points, plus won both domestic cups. You got 1 more point in CL though, Brendan's Celtic drew with Man City 3-3 at home and 1-1 away, having gone ahead 4 times against a Man City who had won every league game plus an away draw to BMG so 3 good results. lost at home to BMG and twice to Barcelona to finish last.
  23. having had some contentious VAR decisions go both for and against Maritimo this season i can confirm there is definitely VAR in division 2. In the first game of the season we got lucky when VAR over ruled the Nacional penalty, and in the last seconds v Mafra a long VAR check for a penalty to lose the game.
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