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758 "If you build it, he will come"



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    Sports Interactive Developer

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    Islington, London


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    Programming (C++, Java), Airsoft

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  1. Yep would try this, might just be an issue with the one match somehow and if you can skip past it might be ok, but it hards to say for sure
  2. If you follow the top bit "Within Football Manager" that should work fine, the others are just options to do it via command line which MS store doesn;t expose
  3. The PS5 version is football manager console, while the PC is the full game, the two saves are not compatible.
  4. They cannot, Touch and full FM are different games.
  5. You've left out the model / year which is the key bit of info, as Apples cpu decriptions are quite cryptic and don't tell us much.
  6. No it doesn't really work like that, we don't scale memory usage based on whats available, it just uses what it needs
  7. Also btw you can use a shortcut to permanently set the thread affinity, will at least save you doing it every time - also if its like it from startup the game will handle it better How to Permanently Set Priority & Affinity With Shortcut File - Microsoft Community
  8. Generally being able to use a CPU flat out is considered good coding and we often have complaints more about not using enough resources! As usual with FM we tend to be damned if we do, and damned if we don't. But we could certainly consider an in game option to reduce the number of cores we use, the default would remain as-is though.
  9. expected really, unless your system was really pushed for free memory at 16GB increasing memory of the same speed isn't really going to make a difference.
  10. Using all CPU power to improve processing speed is very much intentional, it is playing matches using as many cores as it can. If you are doing other things on your PC at the same time and don't want FM to takee such priroity you can either do what you did, but persoanlly I'd recommend lower the priority of the process slightly, that way if you aren't doing anything else FM can run as fast as possible, but if you are it will take secondary prioirty and should allow other apps to proceed without a hitch.
  11. You can delete them if you don't play any savegames that were started using them, otherwise they won't load properly as bits of the database are still required. If the games you play are just using 2240, then you'd be fine to remove the others
  12. All our networking is via Epic its what we use to enable cross play between the different platforms
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