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Everything posted by janesy20

  1. Can somebody tell me having read a few replies here and my own experiences please.. Is this game actually anywhere near an acceptable level for doing anything other than High press and putting everybody on attack? I have wasted hundreds of hours of my life so far trying my hardest to find a way of developing a possession style football, ones that have worked on previous versions (I'm not saying that means they should work definitely on FM24) But i just find anything other than going gung-ho impossible as teams that have a far lower reputation are just stifling me and I've no way of developing a style of play. Each time I start I think surely this time I can get the basics right and the outcome is still the same. I'm getting absolutely tonked by teams in divisions below me. I can't make it make sense!
  2. Whilst I do agree, it does seem extremely difficult to unsettle an AI player compared to the other way round your own player. I have been much bigger reputation clubs than the AI and tried to play that game and nothing has occurred on a few occasions. Might just be me...
  3. Can anyone explain to me please when starting in Norway...The last level seems unplayable, am I just starting in PostNord Ligaen 1 or 2? thanks.
  4. The predictability of being 3 goals ahead most games and ending up drawing/losing in the last 15minutes of games is absolutely painful, there is literally nothing you can do to stop it either, go defensive, waste time, slow pace down...whatever it just doesn't work. Games unplayable at the minute and wish I never bought it.
  5. FYI, I did Germany saved 19th May and holiday to next month 19th June and gave different teams each time. 19th is definitely the reset date. Could be later with the 19th May but easy to click next month when holidaying
  6. Fantastic post and really interesting insight. As a Newcastle fan I've sat and thought how to replicate Howe's tactics for ages and in all honesty I was very close to this version and really thought about deploying Burn as a FB (def) or WCB (def) but didn't like the exposure to that flank. I also did not utilize the PIs as much as I should. I don't feel like this is a plug and play when I use this moving forwards, more so filling in the blanks. Thank you! Edit: To add further critique to myself, I was too structured in the formation trying to fit into a 4-1-2-2-1 and felt in my head I'd often seen Joelinton pop-up IRL on the left hand-side so was struggling with that. Shame Longstaff isn't more effective on FM23 he's been key for us this season, sorely missed him when he was injured. It has been a joy to watch every game this season which I never thought I'd say being a Newcastle fan
  7. All those struggling with load up/ jerky match engine this worked for me.
  8. My gameplay is very slow post update making the game unplayable on my laptop. Anyone else having this issue?
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