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Everything posted by baris28

  1. People playing very complicated wargames and scenarios such as 2nd Marne battles in JTS games in clubs. They have a job. Removing difficulty doesn't mean less stress from real life. But don't worry you'll have easy game for full price.
  2. If you don't want to see 40 attributes in use you play only casually why do you quate Perpetua Turkish researcher? What is 'you wish for'.? For younger players my advice to think abaut your opinions before posting.
  3. This year priority I see improving UI by removing some functions not used in game so much such as in match shouts(which is improvement) and some social feedback screens. Quick simple access to menus and info perhaps. But thinking of about more attributes will be usefull in match engine in the next version is naive at best even if they've decided to do that. Perhaps it could take couple more years..
  4. Not to say game is very very broken but as an argument the game should be published every year to continue improvement needs a bit of weight now. Every year the same statement. What is this "economy for improvement" for full price game every year I wonder. I like FM 2024 as it is but I think it is the last version I will purchase if most attributes not valued at all in match engine, while match engine was great to watch in this version. It is pitty.
  5. Age of the player also take into account in calculation, I believe... They get more wise with age.
  6. Not to argue for and against about some attributes more important topic -I very much enjoy match engine this year; although central creativity and lack of inside dribbles from wings still very much lacking- This match engine bias about physical attributes will be adressed in here or FM'25? Or the problem is more recent(couple of versions) about a striker missing complaints from players, resulted every one can score even with 1 attribute about finishing and technique in recent engine(s).
  7. These types of discussions doesn't go well with moderators or fans. While I like overall match engine this year I advocate (not a fan or moderator but as a player from past) for future versions I would limit engine for player roles only, NO team instructions. I don't see much apart from counter attack intruction clearly visibile in match engine.
  8. Played 2 games so far and about AI substitutions: poor rating defensive players substitude most after first half playing against better reputation teams when in high score disadvantage. They don't prioritize first to score. Maybe it is different with similar reputation teams and squads. Other than that game all fine to watch with animations and how the goals scored.
  9. I've read a few posts about Turkish researchers not correcting their European partners about players in Turkish Super League so I pause my career game for now. But real reason was passive AI and very late substitutes during beta. Match engine and animations are great. Decided to continue my career in Persia in Crusader Kings.
  10. It is one of the many examples for recent editions to have bad examples promoting new features never used by players. Game engine does not necessarily have similar form of statistics such as real stats. So XG is useless such as most statistics. What matters is player interaction and AI tactics in football game.
  11. AI substitude changes for me big enough improvement during match not at 80'mins. MAybe they have second formation changes in FM'25. I hope the engine have some AI during player time not necessary in simulated matches.
  12. Graphics and match engine more pleasing to watch this year. But I'm not convinced about long range goals from mediocre players. Match engine still not realistic enough about how some goals scored if some players should score.
  13. Dele Alli and Salih both in Beşiktaş midfield were talent before. Interesting thing is one is coming from Premier league other from Italian league. Interesting is that they are not even the best players in Turkish league. Even in their team squad.
  14. Before december patch GPU load was was higher but no lag in matches (GTX 1650 only as a graphic card) It is much lower after that but what it needs to be adressed is youth development for AI teams. AT least in active leagues and the transfer market, Or the AI tactics according to match situation. One of them fixed would be improvement for me for future version..
  15. Higher amount of passing between defenders and especially 3 centre back formations is known I think. But passing&posession is not that important. Main problem is with inverted wide players rarely dribble inside and libero (attack duty) only play risky passes instead of going forward during buildup play. For statistics and simulating football, game is adequte and fine but some roles don't work as much.
  16. I believe 'tidying up' most refer to game developers looking forward for their next game about reputation&promotion. While I like some interraction with players and agents I go forward and say even tactical instructions should be simpler. We are playing against AI afterall.
  17. My 3 centre backs run 10.8 km average on last 3 matches with high defensive line they got tired. Does km run have impact on fitness ? they run as much as BWM with similar km and similar playing time. they both get tired for next match.
  18. I think they work for ethnic diversities than looking for younger ones. New players are not dumb if any function in the game not working as designed. It was the critism for SI. Imagine board wargame designer making a game putting a function ıt doesn't work or have no use. It will bankrupt quickly. Graphics doesn't matter also Vampire Survivors recently shows. Anyway I suppose 20 mins left to be released?
  19. Advanced forward role was a bit OP from what I remember from previous one or two versions. Before FM youtube celebreties show up did it get better overall. Beta impression by players? I've already buy the game but it seems engine has its laws despite defensive attributes.
  20. Does these videos really helps new players? I like his videos one of your moderators he seems. But does it help AI squad building and AI substitutes? I'm too old for this.. Does AI have some clue about wonder kids or balls over the top above good defenders easy goals for match engine.
  21. I like the match engine but so far too long&through balls behind defence how AI&human tactics matter is a question. It doesn't look natural.. There are some new sentences in text about attributes in match I think. There is not enough about that unfortunately why defender was't adequate about certain player should be better. I think rich in text about attributes would give more confidence about what we are playing..
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