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Posts posted by blowcrapup

  1. Earlier today (10th November) I came across the Glenn Hoddle Academy challenge that saint_clark tried to start. After reading through it I decided that seemed quite interesting. Unfortunately he never got around to starting it so I thought I might try it. Then noticing an exchange between PaulHartman and M12..... about whether or not the team should be in Spain or England my mind started to churn. Aided by a long bus ride the idea developed that rather than having the Glenn Hoddle Academy in England/Spain why not have an Academy based in every European country? Any one participating would have to follow a modified version of the rules that saint_clark developed for his challenge.

    I will create a database that will be made available for anyone to download with a number of Academies. Each Academy would start in the lowest playable league in its country (with a few exceptions) and they would almost identical, with the only differences being names, kits etc. The challengers would be able to pick any Academy they wanted to with the aim of creating a footballing tour de force. Each Academy will have similar staff and facilities as well. The main measurement of the challenger’s success will be the amount of cash they receive in transfer fees from their player sales with bonuses given for success in competitions.

    At the moment I would like to see if anyone would be interested in actually playing this before I start the task of creating the DB. I will start on the rules tonight as they aren’t too hard to come up with and I already have a framework.

  2. In all likelyhood you will get a lot of interest in this so you will either be able to pick the people you feel are most likely to follow the sign up constantly or to get a long reserve list to easily replace the person who is not checking in.

    As its the person at the bottom of the league I say they lose it. Its in their interests to check in as they have the most to gain but its up to you. You could try running a test season first to see what happens.

  3. I like the idea of the top trumps game. Another way of getting round the screenshot problem that tomsmith mentions is to attach the photos to emails which you would have directly uploaded via your computer so theres no chance of cheating. This also should ensure that the people involved would be unlikely to forget about the sign up as they would most likely check their emails often.

    Edit: I just tried with that photo and I couldn't work out a way to get to others so it could work.

  4. Hello all. Been a while since I've been here. :D

    Being quite the car nut, I was thinking about a challenge, probably a fun one, that involves teams where they have car factories nearby.

    Meaning that, folks can take some of these teams and see how far they go. Not a serious challenge, but perhaps it could be a competition to see which is the 'best' car maker. :D

    So far I've got:

    The very obvious one, Vuaxhall Motors in Conference North

    Sunderland, Premiership (Nissan)

    Coventry, Championship (Jaguar)

    Crewe, League One (Rolls Royce)

    Swindon, League One (Toyota)

    Solihull, Conference North (Land Rover)

    Overseas I've got:

    Wolfsburg, Bundesliga (Volkswagen)

    Stuttgart, Bundesliga (Mercedes, Porsche)

    Ingolstadt, 2.Bundesliga (Audi)

    Modena, Serie B (Ferrari)

    Bolgona, Serie A (Lamborghini)

    I probably sound like an idiot, but what do you guys think?

    You can add Juventus and Torino to that list as Fiat is based in Turin. Seems like quite a good idea. :thup:

  5. blowcrapup, for the Jedi sign-up, you should incorporate ambition for each of the Sith or anyone who has a chance to become Sith because that is one thing that leads to the Dark Side.

    It could work for the first time round for the 2 initial Sith with the one with the highest ambition becoming the master but after that it follows the ways of the Sith laid down in the games and novels (Apprentice becomes master/Master picks new Apprentice)

  6. I like the idea of Dark Aligned players being more aggressive and dirty as it would make it slightly easier to discover the Sith and gives it some base rather than making it pure guess work.

    I really like your idea on the Jedi slowly falling to the Dark side if they are falsely accused as it goes very well with my idea for it. My idea was based on the Alignment. If a person was falsly accused had an Dark or Neutral alignment then they would leave the order and become a "hermit" and would not be allowed to be in the Council. If they were light sided then nothing would happen as a light person would accept it as normal.

    However I now may combine this with your idea of falling towards the dark side. Anyone falsely accused would lose a point of their alignment scale. Anyone who slid into the dark side or neutrality will leave the order while a Jedi will stay but will not be allowed to join the Council next time round. Serving on the Council will increase the person's scale (unless they are Sith).

    This though, like the whole thing still, needs to be fined tuned. Its also not very well explained but hopefully you can get the jist of it.

  7. Thanks for the feedback Blowcrapup and pnefc22.

    I do like the idea of father and son!

    It's between that or putting the story as the FA are fed up with fans complaining and so invite 10 fans to be managers. I will be adding a bit of story in the form of newspaper articles etc just to give it a bit more depth.

    I have more ideas for the fans idea, but will people prefer the father son idea? With the father son I was thinking of asking users to band together to make the father son, eg blowcrapup is dad (manager) pnefc22 is son (player).

    I will be messing about with the editor and finalising my idea hopefully tonight so if anyone has a preference between the two please let me know.

    BTW, Blowcrapup I like your Star Wars idea :thup:

    You should do which ever one you prefer. You can always hold the other one back until the first one has finished.

    And I am guessing the hidden attribute "Dirtyness" might have something to do with a person's force alignment

    I didn't even consider that if I'm honest I was just going to go off the quiz results.

  8. I was playing on KOTOR yesterday morning and the idea dawned on me for a sign up. This is just a basic outline as the actual sign up will be slightly more complex (Lol reading it this may be complex enough). Huge apologies as this is quite long. I have tried to break it down slightly.

    Star Wars - Jedi vs Sith Sign Up

    The basic idea involves everyone being Jedi trying to root out two Sith among them. The sign up will end when either there are no more Jedi or no more naturally Dark people for the Sith to recruit from.

    This involves a number of users signing up using a basic form. They will all have 80 CA and 200 PA (with 3 exceptions) and would all have to take a small quiz, that I will make up, to determine their natural alignment (Dark, Light, Neutral). Then I will run a training period (one season ran separately to main game). Using a very basic scoring system I will then decide who lies where. This is where it gets a little more complex. The person with the highest score and the darkest alignment will become the Sith Master (I will tell him through PM), and will pick an Apprentice from the other dark players. Whilst the highest scoring person with a light alignment will become the star Jedi.

    Thats a rough very basic outline. There is a huge 1,300 word full outline which I will PM to anyone that wants to know more. (PM me for it) The small part above mentions a few things that are explained in the full one though. (It is pretty long and complex so I don't want to post it in here.) I may run this if there is enough interest alongside my other sign up but my other sign up will have priority, so this may be on hold at times if I go forward with it.

    * The is a limit on the number of chars a PM can contain so the idea PM will come in 4 parts.*

  9. I've had an idea for a sign up and was wondering what people think.

    It basically involves the user creating a player but everything about him (other than personal data) would be random. There would be a scoring system and every 6 months (Xmas and End of Season) a winner would be decided who then got the chance to increase/decrease his attibrutes by from two sets of cards (or something like that depending on what I can code) along with a +/- card.


    User A's guy wins the Xmas award and gets his prizes. This means he gets to choose from one of his three attributes sections (technical, mental, physical) and would see a screenshot of that section only. He would then pick an attribute that he would like to attempt to increase and would draw his cards. See below for examples.

    --- ---

    l - l l + l

    --- ---


    1. This would be coded and would hopefully look better.

    2. User would not be able to see +/-

    3. Location of symbol would be determined by a random number generator.

    After choosing his first card he would then pick from a set of 5 cards to determine the amount his chosen attribute would increase or decrease. Each card would have a value ranging from 1 to 5 which would again be attached using a random number generator.

    So to sum it up User A chooses to have a screenshot of his technical attributes. He then decides to attempt to increase his finishing. Luck is on his side and he draws the + card along with the number 3. This means using FMRTE I would increase his finishing skill by 3 as his reward. The same would go if he had chosen the - card.

    Please let me know what you think about the basic idea as I have a few refinements (such as if winner doesn't want to take the risk on his player he can attempt to lower another guys attributes, the downside of this risk being it could end up increasing hos rivals attributes, this of course would be without seeing a screenshot of the other player.)

  10. I was thinking for a Boys vs Girls manager sign up -

    20 people sign up - ten as boys, ten as girls

    10 go into BSS and 10 go into BSN (5 boys and girls in each league)

    All have PA of 200

    Its then a race to see who can reach the Premeirship first, keeping track of all trophys won on the way.

    I may run one or two other top leagues but my Laptop isnt great with running mulitply leagus from other countries.

    This is my first idea for it and it may extend depends on what people think.

  11. I have thought of a silly challenge.


    Basically you would have to spend a portion of your transfer budget on a player who could never play at your current level e.g. a Prem side signing a league 2 quality player. This player would have to start in all games (maybe with a few exceptions) and see who can "make" the worst flop. A points system would be used to decide who had the best (worst) flop.

  12. I don't think your allowed to start a sign up in here. Try posting it in the main forum but clearly warn people that they will need to post regularly or they will be replaced (unless they have good reason for not posting) and when you get enough people signed up tell people its full, then get Dafuge to close the thread. If you copy all the names and information of people who are signed up into a word document then you'll have it permantly.

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