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Posts posted by blowcrapup

  1. I've had an idea for a challenge. While I was playing Peter G's unemployment challenge I had a thought bout creating a sign up that makes people move around from club to club.

    It would start with everyone picking the same club and then see how far they could get in a number of years. It is similar to Peter G's is this way but his finishes when you get the job of a top club e.g Man Utd/Chelsea etc. but rather than ending there mind would have a points system.

    So everyone would start out with the same club in the lowest divison of one of Europes "top" leagues e.g Solihull Motors in the Blue Square North or South but from here their free to do whatever they want.

    Points would be awarded for winning leagues, cups etc. but they would also be awarded for jumping leagues by getting a new club e.g. moving from Solihull Motors to Hartlepool would get you 30 points 10 for each league jumped. There would also be points for personnal wages and your manager stats, boususes (sp) for winning titles in your first season back to back seasons etc.

    This would all be kept on a spreadsheet as well as being posted in the forum or if someone is capable they could make a website for it.

    There would be a limit on the number of years you could do say 20 - 25 and there would be a vote by any starting members to see which club would be used and any other details sch as points.

    Let me know what you think.


  2. Originally posted by matty_8:

    Ok I have an idea but I don't know whether it should be an AI Experiment or a sign-up game.

    It is a managers challenge in which I would be entering new managers into the game unemployed and following their progress.

    As an AI Experiment, i would vary the attributes of each manager to see what one actually is most important. For example, one manager would have 20 for motivation and 10 for everything else, and another would have 20 for discipline and 10 for the rest. I would then follow their progress from being unemplyed to see what attribute is most important in being a successful manager on FM.

    This would also work as an AI experiment, and i could make a list of 10 attributes and then each player can sign up to one of the attributes. It would be the same experiment only as a sign up which would get more people involved. For example, I would have a list:




    And only one person could have 20 for it. Once 10 managers signed up then i could start and follow it in the exact same way.

    Would it be more successful as an AI Experiment or sign-ip?

    Run it as a sign up. If you do can I reserve a place?

  3. Originally posted by DodgeeD:

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">This would be interesting although I think many people would get bored if it was only average players.

    This was my main concern. It may be better just to create it as a holiday game/AI experiment and give regular write-ups to see how the players fare and what affects their fortunes. (If I ever go ahead, you could still submit a player though icon14.gif ) </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Cool this would be interesting so can you keep me informed if your going to do this

  4. Originally posted by DodgeeD:

    I've been getting into the challenges and sign-ups with FM '08 and I had an idea but I'm not sure how popular it would be so I thought I'd sound some people out here first.

    The challenge would be run as a sign up and could be called the 'Average Joe' challenge. The basic premise is as follows: create a player with a starting CA of 80-100 and a PA of 140-150 and see how successful a career he can have. Will he never get beyond the Championship? Will he be a mere squad player in the Premier League? Will he make the national team? If so, as a one-off or as a regular?

    I came up with the idea because so many sign-ups seem to revolve around putting players with super PAs in low leagues and following their rise so I was interested in what might make one average player more successful than another. Another factor was some of the real players who have turned out for England recently. Obviously, Rooney, Terry, Gerrard and co are superstars in the game but some of the squad players have much lower CA/PAs (for example Lescott, Barry, Defoe,...). Then there are players like Dunn, Konchensky, Luke Young, Matt Upson who have picked up a handful of caps but then disappeared from the international scene. What makes FM choose certain players for the national team or for AI transfers to bigger clubs?

    There would be many variables to consider such as which club to start at. Would a player starting at a big Premiership team benefit from the world class youth/training set-up or remain overshadowed by superstars? Would a player starting low down grab attention more quickly by dominating their division or would they suffer from poor facilities and lack of oppurtunities?

    There would be other variables such as attributes like adaptability, determination, ambition, loyalty etc. Maybe the best approach would be to create a few players for each position, allow thse who sign up to pick a high mental attribute like those listed above and start one at a leading Premier League team, one in the Championship/League 1 and one in the Blue Square/ League 2 then see how their career's compare.

    The only doubts I have about it concern whether or not people would be willing to create an 'average' player or not... What do you think? Any further suggestions about variables, how to run it or using a different CA/PA (is 140-150 too high/low?) are welcome.

    This would be interesting although I think many people would get bored if it was only average players.

    I think that a player at a premiership club would get good training before being signed proberlys on a free by a lower rep premierhip team or the equivlent in a foreign league.

    On the matter of lower league players they would take less time to be noticed as they would exceed their teammates CA faster than the Premiership players would.

    I would be interested in creating an "average" player to see what would happen.

    Hope this helps and makes sense.

  5. Hey came up with a rough idea for a sign up and wondered if anyone would be interested.

    Ten Strikers

    The rough idea is to create Ten wonderkids (9 people signed up and myself) with CP of 90 and PA of -10 in one of ten teams in the premiership (this would be the teams predicted to finish 11th to 20th in the league).

    This would be a competative game as all stats would be given a score.

    rough idea -

    Competative Games played - 1pt

    League goals scored - 2pts

    Cup goals scored - 1pt

    Continental goals - 2pts

    MoM (all comps) - 2pts

    International Appearence - 2pts

    International goal friendly - 2pts

    International goal Competition - 3pts

    With more points being awarded for various awards. I'd need to do research on these.

    I'd run the English leagues and proberlies the top leagues in Spain, Italy, Germany, Holland and maybe France as these would be the most likely destinations if your player was to transfer.

    This would also be my first sign up game icon_biggrin.gif

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