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Everything posted by MorrisseyMuse

  1. How is everyone judging this? The most realistic? or the most streamlined and/or fun FM? For realism (or at least depth :)) it would be FM24 for me, but for pure enjoyment FM 2008 is my fave. If it had a 3D match engine, I'd never play another FM again lol
  2. FM Console is pretty amazing! I've played that way more than the PC version for the past couple of games now. This topic has got me thinking though... obviously CM was/is very streamlined and the fastest option. But which version of FM would everyone consider the best/most fun? For me, I love FM 2008, but I do miss the 3D ME when I play it now!
  3. Yeah, I totally understand EA doing it, but FM is supposed to be more simulation based. It will be interesting to see if SI create the female database in kind of it's own universe, with players reaching Messi levels.l; or if they keep it in context with the mens' db.
  4. I may have to give FM11 another go reading this
  5. I applaud SI for introducing womens football, but my interests have always been in the mens game. It'll be interesting to see how SI approach the attributes though, seeing female players as good as Maradona in EA FC shakes the realism a bit for me! Lol
  6. I personally always am more interested in youth with high Determination and Decisions; they usually seem to thrive.
  7. Lol thanks 😁 I'm currently updating FM 2008, hope to have a vaguely playable version out in the coming weeks.
  8. Agree fully! with this and the thread sentiments in general It's mainly what inspired me to start editing FM2008. It feels like the last truly fun game before the franchise changed the UI and began picking up 'bloat'.
  9. Lol I do indeed! for my sins... 😛 I've not been aware until FM24 at least of either an official or unofficial method of converting data between games alas. I started on my little project about 6-7 years ago Every game and patch release I have to effectively re-enter player data for everyone created so far in FM 2008 to update it to modern FM. I also have to edit every created player's age every year that goes by. It's a never ending target which will never be even close to being obtained alas, I know that. But if I can at least get most of the Prem and some major world players inputted to create a playable version of modern FM08, I'll be ecstatic 😁 I also edit it alongside my own edits for FM24, so I do 2 updates at once in effect. It's not always fun! 😁 In the early days I tried to use keyboard/mouse macros, but alas they had their flaws and limitations. I'd hope it were possible to code a conversion programme in say Python, but learning how to do that would take me just as long as doing the update alas. I've decided to release what I've done so far very soon, as I've got to a point now where if I don't do it now, I may never be confident enough to release the first version.
  10. Yeah that would be perfect! I'm glad SI finally were able to do it with FM23 - FM24, but an easy updater for the old versions would be cool! and save me many thousands of hours work! 😁 I'm gonna make a thread about my update soon, it's nowhere near finished and just about playable with the small amount of players and updates I've done so far, but figured I couldn't sit on it any longer than I already have lol
  11. Alas it's not in this poll, but I'd say 2008 every time. It was the last of the original UI era and the peak of the 2D match engine for me. It was the perfect blend of realism and fast fun, before the evolution towards the current rather bloated mess occured from 09 onwards.
  12. I'm not sure how images work in old FM but I believe it should be possible. I do it alongside my FM 24 update, but pretty much have to start again every time a new SI update comes out, hence why it takes so long to produce anything remotely playable 😝😁 I would've presumed I'd have trouble running it, but strangely it's always worked fine on my old PC and laptop. I use a no CD crack and Iso image for convenience, maybe that's why? There is a common error of a missing dll file too, but I have that.
  13. It's mostly based off my own FM24 update. Alot is in common with the official data, but has my own attribute and team detail tweaks too.
  14. Just a quick update to apologise and say this project is still ongoing, I've recently moved house which has delayed progress on the update, but I'm back at it now and the first release will be coming very soon! :)
  15. Thanks Dan. I posted about this issue recently on the forums. So far using a USB and/or the on screen pointer is a way round this bug, but obviously isn't ideal. It's seriously made me doubt getting any console versions of FM25 at this point.
  16. Hi folks! I recently started playing FM23 again after a break from the series and I'm struggling for consistency with City of all teams, so I wondered what the general consensus is on the best tactic for the game? now that it's well and truly in our rear view mirror. I've used a few tactics from FM Arena's tactic testing findings, but to mixed success!
  17. I'll see if I can dig a USB mouse out and give it a go in a sec thanks. I've got 3 pads of varying age and they all have the same issue. I can 'fix' itself temporarily by advancing the game sometimes, but it always starts up again. The game is honestly unplayable on PS5 because of it. I've got Switch and Xbox versions too but never had any problems with them.
  18. I've posted in the PS5 bugs forum and provided a video with my post thanks!
  19. Hi all! I've been having a blast on the Xbox version or FM24 recently and attempted to switch to the PS5 version now that its joined PS Plus, however I've been having a major issue with the UI that I never encountered in either the Xbox version or previous PS5 versions of the game. Basically, the game sometimes scrolls through the navigation options itself without any input. I assumed this could be some kind of stick drift, but I've tried 3 separate joypads now and it happens on each one! The worst issue though is whenever I select certain options, the drop down menu either appears then disappears quickly, or doesn't appear at all, so I can't do things like renew contracts or bid for players! Is this a known issue? or can someone please offer any advice? I've included a video from my TV/PS5 of the issues in action.
  20. Hi Dan, I can second this! Never had a problem with the game on Xbox, but recently tried PS5 version and this issue makes it virtually unplayable! The icons and pointer have a mind of their own often! And selecting many options doesn't produce the drop down menu at all! I can record it happening if that would help?
  21. Hi all! I've been having a blast on the Xbox version or FM24 recently and attempted to switch to the PS5 version now that its joined PS Plus, however I've been having a major issue with the UI that I never encountered in either the Xbox version or previous PS5 versions of the game. Basically, the game sometimes scolls through the navigation options itself without any input. I assumed this could be some kind of pad drift, but I've tried 3 separate joypads now and it happens on each one. The worst issue though is whenever I select certain options, the drop down menu pops up but then exits again, never showing its contents, so I can't do things like renew contracts or bid for players! Is this a known issue? or can someone please offer any advice?
  22. Absolutely! I'm hoping to release the first update very soon, then continue providing support for it with regular updates every 1-2 weeks based off recent happenings in the world of football. It's also a yes for my FM 2008 update; I've been working on that for literally years now already lol Unfortunately, with every game release and every data patch, I have to effectively almost start from scratch updating FM 2008, so it's a never-ending task really. All of the Premier League team details are done and alot of players for a handful of clubs inputted too so far. I plan to release it soon, then offer continuing updates from there, just wanted it to be at a vaguely playable level first.
  23. I'm hoping to have the first versions of my FM2024 and FM2008 updates both out in the next few days! Hopefully will get some screen caps of both game updates in action very soon.
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