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Issue Comments posted by MorrisseyMuse

  1. 2 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, we had a few similar reports earlier in the cycle but were never able to reproduce anything like this internally.

    You say you've already tried different controllers, do you have a Mouse you trying plugging in and see if that works?

    I'll see if I can dig a USB mouse out and give it a go in a sec thanks.

    I've got 3 pads of varying age and they all have the same issue.  I can 'fix' itself temporarily by advancing the game sometimes, but it always starts up again.

    The game is honestly unplayable on PS5 because of it.  I've got Switch and Xbox versions too but never had any problems with them. :(

  2. 6 hours ago, Dan Sheppard said:

    @MorrisseyMuse - Any video recordings we can get are always helpful. It's unlikely we'll be able to push anything in terms of a fix for '24 but will help us understand the issue for the future.

    I've posted in the PS5 bugs forum and provided a video with my post thanks! :)

  3. On 06/02/2024 at 16:11, Dan Sheppard said:

    Are you able to video this happening and also let us know if this is intermittent, or if it happens and then you can't stop it?

    Do you also find that once you 'Continue' that it self resolves at all?

    Hi Dan, I can second this!  Never had a problem with the game on Xbox, but recently tried PS5 version and this issue makes it virtually unplayable!  The icons and pointer have a mind of their own often!  And selecting many options doesn't produce the drop down menu at all!

    I can record it happening if that would help?

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