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Everything posted by Andros

  1. what type of shots are the opposition getting off? Are they lots of counter attacks (my 1st thought looking at your tactic) or are they coming from another method?
  2. sorry @channibalism if i misunderstand your question: but in the specific example you give above (the most common wing-back and the opposite-footed winger) i would just be looking at any winger role that inverts and match that in the role and duty guide. perhaps reword the question? Note: Position = place on field, eg Centreback, Role = ballplaying centreback Duty = cover, defend, stopper Again, apologies if I misunderstand, it is just that I am not exactly sure what you are looking for.
  3. i learnt the magic of having 2 screens about a year ago. 1 screen for FM or whatever game i am playing, and another screen for guides, youtube etc.
  4. What is the name of the challenge where you simulate a year, look for nearly promoted club in the lowest division of the country, and take them over. Then mix that with the youth challenge (no signing of any players, just using players that come up through the youth system)! good luck there!
  5. whilst you have found a way to change the age, does that satisfy you in terms of attributes? I mean an 18-year-old with lowish attributes will now be a 25-year-old with the same attributes. and a 31-year-old with good attributes will now be a 38year old with great attributes. Is that what you want?
  6. Doesn't this app require payment after like 6 months game time?
  7. Whilst it is obviously for a different audience, a game that doesn't progress much could end up like this:
  8. i have seen some youtubers look at the local area, the stadium etc. when starting a new save. it would be cool for FM to link into google or something so that people can build the roleplaying aspect and get more in touch with their teams. Yes, I can just alt tab out and do this myself, but this would be a cool way of encouraging roleplaying with more FMers..
  9. whilst it would add to the realism, one consideration is the extra time it would add to a game.
  10. I used to think that - Tempo = How quickly the ball is moved around, something to change based on the opposition press. If I was under pressure from an opposition high block, I would increase the tempo. If I had lots of time and the opposition had a low block, lower the tempo. Direct Passing = How quickly the ball is moved from back to front. If I want to counter, get the ball out of defense quickly, or exploit opposition space left by full backs, I would increase this. But yesterday I watched a youtube video by 'The Managers Seat' called 'What tempo is best' where he plays 2 games, 1 with tempo on max and 1 with it on min. He only did 1 test for each, but he argued that tempo really increased the players desire to take risks by finding the forward players quickly. High tempo resulted in defensive and midfield players looking to find the attackers who were trying to beat the opposition defensive line. A lower tempo mean that the defensive and midfield players would try to hold onto the ball much quicker. To me, it seems that tempo (based on this 1 video) also does much of what I thought direct passing would do.
  11. I have no idea what the average attribute would be for a player in your league. But that player is good at essentially 1 thing - pinging in crosses either from open play or from corners. If you are using a tactic that utilizes a corner tactic that is well-known for producing goals, then a good corner taker may get lots of high ratings due to getting assists from those corners. Also, if you are lower down in the leagues, then if all you want this player to do is stay high, get the ball to him quickly so he can use some of his pace to get in behind and ping in a cross to a target man, then he has use. What does this mean for the star ratings? Well, i am not 100% sure, but perhaps his CA is mediocre, as reflected in his star ratings. But you were using him in a way that maximized his strengths and minimized his weaknesses. Therefore, getting decent ratings out of him. So how important are specialists? It depends on what you are trying to do! Imagine you have a tactic that is sitting deep, inviting crosses and hit on the counter. A CB that has high jumping, heading, positioning and marking, but nothing else can have value as they can be in the right place to win a header and get it out of danger to other players to move it forward. Or maybe a CM that has high work rate, stamina, teamwork, bravery could be really useful getting up and down the field. They may not be great passes, finishes dribblers etc, they just do a role.
  12. whilst i agree that the half back is designed for a 2-man CB pairing, how would you describe what man city is doing with its use of 4 CBs? Yes, I know walker played on the weekend, but there are some unique things going on there. Perhaps the op was referring to this kind of situation?
  13. Somebody on Fm-Arena stated that they did some attribute testing and claim that the most important attributes are: Acceleration Agility Balance Pace Strength Stamina Anticipation Concentration Work Rate Finishing Dribbling I have no idea how accurate this is or if their methodology is good. But I thought I would just add the link and see what people think.
  14. you can also wait til the end of the transfer window. some people upload transfer updates so this might keep you going until the new version.
  15. Perhaps this would be better in the tactics section. I am certainly no expert but I will answer your questions to try and get the conversation going! 1) So like i said I am no expert in making tactics. When I am trying to make my tactic work I cannot focus on more than 1 thing at a time, which means i tend to just have the 1 tactic working at a given time. HOWEVER, if i was good at making tactics I would consider having 3 tactics. 2 Would be based on the opposition and 1 on the situation. Essentially I would be looking at what the opposition is doing in terms of: is it playing a deep block or a high block. This means I would watch the game and look where the defenders of the other team are positioned when they have the ball. If the opposition defenders are really high, then I want a tactic to get the ball forward quickly and exploit that space. If the opposition defenders are sitting back and there is no space, then I need a tactic that tries to pass its way through the defense. The 3rd tactic would be when i am winning and need to stop the opposition from scoring in the last 10 minutes. 2) A lot of posters say that TACTIC familiarity is really important, and they are more knowledgeable than me so I trust them! The team is not going to perform exactly how you want until this is high. As for position familiarity, I would guess that this is less important. See question 3 for more on this. 3) Try to think of tactics in terms of roles and duties as part of a team. The whole team needs to work together to work well. I think in this case you are overthinking this one player, i would consider which role and duty would work better for the team: box to box or a ball winning midfielder. Do you want the player to get forward and be a part of everything? Or a destroyer that looks to win the ball and get it to another teammate? Look at the roles and duties around that player, also to the style of play you want. 4) So many people on these forums will suggest ignoring those stars. I think the star ratings are based on the ability of the person judging them (judging current and potential ability) and therefore can change depending on who is rating the players, Perhaps have a look at this site for some information on star ratings. but I believe that ratings change over time, and this can depend on how much you play them. In addition, it might be based on the hidden Current ability and potential ability attributes, and reputation. This means that you could have a player with low current ability, but the attributes that are perfect for the role you want. Imagine you want to play a defensive game, your centreback is strong, can position themselves well, read the game, tackle and mark. But cant do anything else (Eg pass). They might have a low star rating but perform well for you. 5) To be honest I dont worry about this. I don't even look at it. I just play them in the role and duty I want them to be in and I believe they can perform well enough in. 6) At the top level you want a team, not an individual. But at lower levels you could get away with a superstar as long as this player is better than anyone else in the league. But this is not American football, basketball or baseball. A superstar quarterback can take you a long way, or a Jordan ect can dominate and score a lot. Football needs a team. So if I had a choice between 1 great player and 3 good players, I think I would lean towards the good players. However, others might disagree! However, I suspect this is not the point of your question. Are you just trying to work out the most valuable player? It really depends on the tactics. You are right that goal scorers win matches and are very important. But if I am shopping around for a new player I am looking for holes in my team and who can fill that hole. 7) yes I know there wasnt a number seven But my biggest suggestion would be get a tactic together. Write down what you want to achieve and why you chose the team instructions, roles and duties. Then post it in the tactics forum here. The feedback you get, and the discussions you have might get you to understand things a bit better. Good luck with it, hopefully others will add to this thread and help you out more.
  16. https://www.guidetofm.com/players/attribute-combinations/ attempts to do just that. Whether people agree or not is another story! Edit: Consider having a look at the Statman Skin. It removes attributes and adds a description. From FmScout:
  17. An interesting idea. It would mean that people would complain about how the ratings are determined, but perhaps it is time for that debate. I would add to this the ability for us to change how you would like the ratings to be made. Eg I dont care about my forward scoring, i want to judge them on closing down, tackles, key passes. Therefore I can make this the criteria for the rating.
  18. whilst it would be cool to have, I can see 2 problems (1 a big one!) 1) it will take a lot of time to put the players into a database, research them etc. 2) it will require the rights to the players But i do agree with the idea.
  19. Hi guys, So i am currently on holiday. My normal morning routine is to wake up, make my coffee, swear at the news, then look around on the internet for random things. This morning on YouTube I saw an interesting video looking at some tactics Malmo have been using this year. The video is at: Anyway, the TLDR they have a structured defense but often employ massive overloads (sometimes up to 7 platers) to break through opposition. This got me thinking as to if this could be done on FM. I started looking around for info on the Malmo side. I found their starting lineups and found they were often described as a 4-1-4-1, 4-5-1 or a 4-2-3-1. So I wanted to look for passing maps to guide me in how I could try to recreate this. In my searches I found this: https://statsbomb.com/articles/soccer/explaining-xgchain-passing-networks/. This page looks at how we can analyse passing maps and I thought it could be useful for the FM community! It gives some advice at the bottom: I get that this may be really obvious for some, but resources (IMO) are always a good thing! Anybody got any similar resources? I am still looking for a site with passing maps and heat maps.
  20. i would recommend trying in the editor's hideaway. more likely to find people who know what they are doing in there.
  21. hey mate, might i suggest you post screenshots of your tactic on here? that might get a lot more help as this is currently lacking in some details to really guide people in their advice.
  22. i am not 100% sure on this, but i think: if you download the pre-game editor, somehow verify the database and then save it, then it might be ok. Perhaps go to the editors hideaway forum for a more concrete and specific answer.
  23. I think cloud9 is almost singlehandedly keeping this forum going! nice work cloud9 on all your posts!
  24. I have player time happiness displayed on the selection screen. If somebody i want to keep is dropping down in happiness I will try to give them a start soon.
  25. i would suggest that how it works is: FM looks at how much money you have a bank and calculates the transfer budget based on that. It would ignore how much you had in the transfer budget in the previous season, but if you didn't spend much money, then that would mean your bank balance would be higher (than if you had spent the money) so you will get a higher transfer budget in the next season. EG Start of 2023 I had 100,000 in the bank, the transfer budget was 30,000. I spent all the transfer budget, i now have 70,000 (ignoring sales etc). so the next transfer budget (2024) would be calculated based on that 70,000. if the transfer budget was 30% of the bank balance (it is not that number, i have made it up!) then I would have about 21,000. I spent nothing, I still have 100,000 in the bank. Using the same 30%, i would have 30,000 in 2024. If i sold some players and had 150,000 in the bank, now in 2024 i have 45,000 to spend. I have no source for this, this is just how I thought it works.
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