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Everything posted by Andros

  1. sorry, i have looked at the screen shots for like 5 minutes now and I can't see the issue. what do you mean op? The team names seem to match up in the 3 images, the cup names are the same, i even looked up a few teams on google and they were right. What is OOT? Do you mean 'Attacking patient" in the training schedule??
  2. Perhaps I am overcomplicating things, but wouldn't roles and duties really affect your decisions? For example: If the opposition are running a 4-3-3 - Without thinking of roles then you might look to control the front 3 with the 2 CBs and the FBs to have +1. But if the roles are something like this: Then maybe you might make some other decisions, like make the DM responsible for the F9, have the 2CBs responsible for the IFA and create the +1 in another way (maybe another CB). obviously this would be further impacted by what the opposition midfield and FBs are doing. My concern is if you just focus on formation then you may have a similar situation to what happened to Leeds vs Man Utd where a few Man Utd players pulling Leeds players out of position meant the Man Utd team could run riot. Maybe getting a skin that shows the opposition roles and duties (whilst maybe cheating) can help you refine this. But like I said, maybe I am overcomplicating what you are trying to do here.
  3. I did have a play around with this for a while using FM19. I tried playing the same game over and over again making small changes. The things I noticed: Getting overloads on my chosen side was not a problem, the issue was getting it to the desired goal scorer. Full backs would cross a lot and the crosses would get blocked and not hit anyone. The IF (desired goal scorer) would come too deep to get the ball and then tried to dribble passed too many people and lose the ball. There was no space for the IF goal scorer. The only time I got the ball to the goal scorer as desired, was when the ST put a through ball to him, it was rare to see. I probably chose the wrong team for this (Liverpool with the squad for 2022) but perhaps I need to look at really slowing the pace down, getting the goal scorer to remain as high as possible, and role and players that will look to tiki taka on the overloading side before unleashing to the goal scorer. I haven't gotten it working yet, too tired for tonight so will try again later. Ideas at the moment: Get the IF to man mark the CB closest to him to stay high Change the IF to a Poacher or Advanced Forward but on the side I don't know what to do with the CM closest to the IF, might need to be more aggressive to provide an out and through balls Reduce crossing on FB Have the ST as an AMC and closest to the overloading side DLP in the DM strata to get out balls I might play with the editor to see the impact of PPMs Play around with stay wider, play narrower, also runs wide with ball PS whilst the FB crossing got blocked a lot, the overloading side would really struggle without a FB that pushes forward hugging the line IMO.
  4. I am no expert here, and reading how frukox think, things through makes my head spin! But i wonder if being less aggressive with roles on he left may help in getting more goals out of Saka? Having so many attacking roles on the left might encourage them to head for goal, maybe changing the IWA to IWS and the MEZA to MEZS might have them a bit deeper, playing with the ball until the space arrives on the right (I do think the IWB role restricts a bit here, as having a WBA i think would be useful). Also there needs to be an out ball, somebody (or people) need to be looking for Saka. I guess those could be the right cm, maybe the AML and ST. Ideas: make the AML a playmaker to encourage the play on the left and then for the player to look for a killer ball? Or make the right CM a DLP so that people are looking for the out ball and that player can then move the ball quickly to Saka? Another thought: have shoot less often for people scoring too much? Maybe PPMs could be useful here. Having lots of people on the left with 'plays one twos' and the right people with 'likes to switch ball to other flank' can help. Anyway, reading this thread with interest. Edit: I think Rashidi did exactly this idea in a thread a long time ago with Liverpool. I only remember him having Mane as a Treq (or target man...) on the left. Edit 2: I know it breaks your rules and there are possibly too many support roles in midfield, but just an idea:
  5. I dont have fm23, but it would be a cool option to have "only sign players from the shortlist" option.
  6. I am no expert, but I would consider bringing the wingers back to the midfield line so that they can be more involved in defense. Then consider a low block and hit hard on the counter, it might mean changing the striker to a support role to help this. Maybe change the WB to a FB. Perhaps change to defensive strategy, and close down less. My reasoning: you are the worst team in the league, you want to defend with your life and hope for lucky goals.
  7. If i am certain on tactics (or downloaded a tactic): 2 friendlies per week, and I leave the game to the assistant manager. AM seems to do fine as all players are fit and ready for the new season.
  8. Hi @Marinho i am curious: why have team instructions like: shorter passing, work ball into box, slow pace down etc when using a target man?
  9. Any supporters of AFL here? I always wanted to replicate some kind of North Melbourne mid 90s tactic using a target man (I know that seems odd, but hey ho!). For those that don't know (probably almost all of you) the mid 90s North Melbourne team were a very good team that focused most (all?) of its attacks through 1 great player (Wayne Carey - who later disgraced himself with the club by sleeping with the wife of the captain...). This player played somewhere between centre half forward and full forward and is similar to a target man in football. Closer to goal was a full forward in john longmire and a forward pocket in brett allison. The midfield was packed with players like wayne schwass. anthony stevens, craig scholl, who would drive forward when attacking to feed off balls from carey (well stevens perhaps less). The half back line had aggressive players like david king who liked to push forward and score a goal when given the chance. And the defense was full of harder players who were very willing to attack the ball - mick martyn, glenn archer and in his final years: ian fairly. There was also a strong ruck in corey mckernan (I am not sure i can make that work in FM!). So how could I try and make this work in FM? Well, to be honest it would be better if I could get the target man in the AMC position! But that is not possible, so I have been thinking about something like this: I have no idea if it would work at all, I have never tried it, it is just a thought I have had. Play deep, get the ball long to the target man who can flick it onto the poacher and the midfield rushes in to help.
  10. I don't have FM23 but I would suggest: injury prone - the likelihood of injury over their whole career Injury susceptibility - the likelihood of an injury at this point in time
  11. true, but they must expect more than 50. there must be a software issue to restrict it to 50.
  12. @HoChiKim Are you sure on that? I do not have it in my list and https://gamerdigest.com/epic-games-store-free-games-list/ doesn't have it on their list:
  13. a quick look at https://isthereanydeal.com/game/footballmanagerii0iviii/info/ shows there are copies on amazon, but it doesn't look cheap!
  14. Just out of curiosity: what kind of edits do you like to make? Is it just changing players attributes to what you believe they should be? Or do you make major competition changes?
  15. I don't have a steam deck (please come to this country soon!!) but maybe this can help:
  16. The example brought up by DMaster2 (of no south amarican players being interested in a move to Real Madrid) is an interesting one, however I am going to suggest that probably DMaster2 and Daveincid are both correct here . How about this: what if the language of the labeling (not sure if that is the correct word) of FM was a bit different? Instead of FM saying "Uninterested" it said "unavailable"? Or to put it another way: you could have one box to check for interested and another for unavailable. This way FM could still attempt to replicate a bit more real life in terms of the kids wanting to move to these kinds of clubs, but not being able to due to labor laws. I have no idea how hard that is to code, but it could fix this issue.
  17. To give you an idea of how much this can be exploited: I am running FM19 with an updated database. All the signings below were found with a 3rd party app and have at least a minimum PA of 170. I think 1 is not a regen (Truchot, maybe included in the updated database??) but the rest are regens. That is a total of 9 probable first team players for a total of just over 15 million euros. The highest wage is less than 5,000 and there is no sell on clauses. I could have bought more but I was not willing to pay more than 20,000 in wages for a kid. Now I do not have FM23 so I do not know how it runs. Perhaps there are some balancing issues, but this kind of thing did need to be addressed.
  18. Lets be honest: poaching youth is a big thing that can be very much exploited, especially by those with 3rd party apps. It is possible to have all world class youth at a cheap price when they are young. Finding ways to combat that is a good thing.
  19. I don't mean to be mean, but this is like the 3rd thread this week you have started asking the exact same question. People have offered some suggestions, even asked for more information and you haven't really responded in those threads. It is hard to continually respond to the same question. Perhaps go back to one of the 2 other posts you have started on this topic and interact with people there, giving feedback on their suggestions and providing further information as suggested.
  20. could be a problem with just quality of players. Did somebody leave your club over the summer that was very valuable? Looking at the star ratings, you seem to have a big difference in quality. There are a few 4-5 star players, and many 1-2 star players. The 5 players you brought in on loan are all 1-2 stars, kind of suggesting that maybe you could loan in better players. How does your squad compare to the other squads in your division in the team comparison page? Edit: that is actually role ability not current ability, but still maybe send a screenshot of the team comparison page, it might show something useful
  21. I get what you are saying op, but that old system led to a few problems: 1) a small tweak could completely break the player and 2) exploiting the game.
  22. i think this could be better if instead of averaging out things like physical attributes, it could have attributes related to specific thing. Eg (note i could be missing things but it is just an example) ability to pass for a playmaker: passing, vision, technique. Defensive heading: jumping reach, strength, positioning, heading. Yes, the information is there but something like this could be useful.
  23. it kind of can be done if you download a skin with instant result on it. then the assistant manager handles the game whilst you can delegate whatever you want. Now that can lead to other problems, like the assistant manager only playing experienced players and not youth, but it can be done in a limited way.
  24. ahhh so you have gone from probably the strongest team in the league to one of the weakest. Ok well think like in real life: that would require a rethink of tactics. Newly promoted teams usually can't go into the higher league playing exactly the same, the players are usually just weaker. Have a look at the team comparison page, how do you compare to the average in the league? So, when I say "what problems have you noticed?" what I mean is when watching the game. EG: How is the opposition scoring many of its goals? How and where are you losing the ball? Why do you think this is the case? When you lose the ball, what does the opposition do that looks dangerous? Do you have any players that are often in a bad position when you lose the ball? What happens when you get the ball? Where are your open players? How would you like to score the goals? What is stopping you from scoring those goals? Etc. The more info you can get about what is happening, the more the experts on here (I am not one of them!!) can help you and the more you might be able to see for yourself. Essentially, we want to try and work out why your XG is so low and the oppositions XG is much higher.
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