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Everything posted by João14

  1. I did some research as well but that's beyond the point, things will need to be updated for FM25 so work will be done regardless right? Is this data update really necessary? I think this could be better managed just that I think it would be better to manage the data updates in a different manner, no? Transfer windows are not the same they used to be 4 years ago, for example most people that play on South America leagues have an outdated DB for half of the game cycle. Why is that? Europe leagues are directly affected by this as well because there are innumerous transfers out to other leagues that stay open during February/March/April. I don't think weekly updates are the answer but a more clear communication would be nice. Setting deadlines for the Data Updates in a precise manner would be nice for example. Like: "24.3 (March) is updated until 1 Feb" or other any date. If SI manages expectations and clearly states what we can expect i think most people will set theirs accordingly. Communication is always the first thing to address in these cases imo.
  2. Then it should change starting next game. It does not make sense to release a patch in April that does not cover a lot of South American leagues that have windows open until March/April. The rosters are not even updated as far as February on SA.
  3. I don't remember a year worse than this. It has nothing past early/mid February. Not even one.
  4. Zachary, was there a reasoning to exclude most changes outside China/USA besides mid February? 24.3 out on March, updated on 9th April and does not have most things made until the end of February?
  5. Most changes post Mid February are not reflected. Already noted some big changes being out in South America as well. I do think this was a unnecessary data update if it wasn't to reflect at least until March.
  6. I think they did not change the database version, just updated 24.3. Same thing as when they roll out the day one patch it does not update DB version from the Beta.
  7. Underwhelming. Wait until April and most changes past mid February are not in the database. I don't think this update was necessary at this point, nor to wait this much if it wasn't going to be updated until early March.
  8. My post has nothing to do with gegenpressing, I was talking about the Defensive tactic you posted there. Most of the “defensive” tactics posted just give up the ball every time they can, and as such they are penalized by it. While I can agree gegenpressing is indeed OP (which I never said it wasn’t) those “defensive” tactics just aren’t up to date. also highlighted that the players mentality play a part besides team mentality
  9. Why are you comparing sliders to the instructions on FM24? How is this even a test? Nothing in the screens shares a similarity because it has been said a lot in the forums that sliders are not comparable to the new set of instructions. FM13 is a much more simple ME with a lot less possible outcomes, yet, if you find it so good you're always free do play it again. No one would be able to compete with the tactic you have on FM13. The fact it does perform shows how much the game has evolved and how teams and users should be punished by not pressing and giving the ball to the opposition. This is a real representation of football nowadays, if you have a problem with it you should watch another sport probably. Even defence-first managers don't give up on pressing and have a lot of attitude when they have the ball, all the tactics here supposedly defensive do not show this. Also a lot of you guys here seems to misunderstand the mentalities (team + player) what's the point of having TM on Defensive and having 4 players on Attack? What's the point? @Ö-zil to the Arsenal! has a great thread on Twitter about this.
  10. What would be the fun in that? Does every academy only gets first team squad long term replacements? What would be the point of having a level to the youth academy then
  11. Load up the game, try to sign a U16 player with a pre-contract and you'll be able to sign him providing he's interested in moving. Sign a pre-contract to move from a club to another it's not the same thing as a pre-arranged renewal. Any sports lawyer would disagree with you. That's why you can't sign players with future transfers but can in that situation Endrick is an excellent example. He was on a youth contract when signed and had already a pre-arranged renewal with salary improvements. Real Madrid was able to sign him anyway
  12. This has to do with the leagues you have loadad on your save!
  13. Yeah i would imagine so, worth the question though! Thanks for your patience
  14. Changing skins is possible on the Console PC version but I've not heard of any version available. Importing tactics on Console PC version is also possible but it an absolute pain
  15. @Dan Sheppardcan't the dev team review to revert the reserve training to how it was before? completely optional?
  16. Fair enough! I'll be looking forward to that Eager to play on the SA leagues once this gets looked
  17. Hi @Dan Sheppard, what would be the real consequences in enhancing the database on the next patch so it could load proper squads for other continents? Let's say I'll play on Africa/South America/North America, as there is a lack of leagues in those continents continental competitions become too easy real soon. For example, Copa Libertadores is far too easy as the squads in Paraguay, Ecuador, Venezuela are not filled up with players and they never catch up. On full fat they present challenge. I understand the leagues are added per interest base, but having a stripped database is a bit off. Players and Clubs could be the same and be loaded accordingly to the leagues chosen in the setup. Maybe have a limit to what is loaded in absolute numbers but to have the choice of loading what we have on the full version would be awesome. I Worte about this on the feature requests but passing this to you as I'm unsure if this is possible.
  18. Since you're here, what defines which players make the cut from one update to another? Just checked i lost a couple wonderkids on the database. (I've checked manually the players exported )
  19. Playing on a Handheld Console is a pain in the ass at the moment. I know it's not "officially supported" but installed a little partition on Steam Deck to try out FMC24. Ran really fine, a really nice experience but Zoom's were all over the place. Smaller/Larger buttons on preference are not working as intended and after checking ui_zoom_level, I noticed they try to push up to odd numbers of zoom like 165%, 180%, in 1080p or 720p
  20. @Marc Vaughan tagging you directly just so I understand: Is there any sort of B team connection with the First Team? Within tactics for example, should players compete in a more similar way to what I'm setting the team, or is it totally random?
  21. I could even open a thread on the Requests sub forum. The idea could be exactly the same as it is with FM Console to be honest. Touchscreen and Gamepad skin and then the Mouse/Keyboard skin. I'm fairly sure on Console it's something along those lines. It would certainly be an awesome feature to have!
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