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Everything posted by João14

  1. I really hope this isn't being considered at all. This a streamlined version, not the full game. Console/Touch doesn't exist to be a copy of Full FM. If you want that experience play on the platform it was intended to. Don't kill Console/Touch please.
  2. The original skin itself it's a little clunky so I reworked a bit and as I sometimes play it on my Mac I set up a more space up resolution then lower the zoom and the skin works as expected tbf. On the steam deck its a little more tricky, I can mess around with the .xml of the preferences and change zoom out a bit to the old 75% but that's only for when I'm playing on the couch during the day because during the night it gets really uncomfortable reading hahaha, other than that, I think that a 1360x768 with or without zoom would be able to do just as good Looking forward to it as I'm finding your skin and Ben's the pair I love for this year's game, just a bit harsh to use it on my devices but I'll compromise haha. Keep up the good work boys, you do wonders for our community! Cheers
  3. If you need help testing it out, I'd be more than happy as I'm playing right now on my SteamDeck + Mac (with your skin and much zoom out :D) which both render at a low resolution
  4. This is not a problem with FM 2023 Console. Why can't you fix it on Touch? This is almost gamebreaking within the youth development. Would it be addressed within this game or only to 2024 version?
  5. Same year and the same problem with FM Touch. Will this ever be fixed guys? :P Massive letdown If I change the manager of my b team stays the same as well.
  6. Regarding testing alone, can we exchange some DMs? Don't know if you are able to take a 5min break to read them
  7. I don't know what you trying to achieve. You can only play FM Console Edition on Xbox whether is 22 or 23 version. Steam versions don't work on Xbox Consoles. Achievments are not cross synced in any way or form.
  8. @Ö-zil to the Arsenal!do you have any specific PI regarding the Vitória save of yours on Twitter? i've been trying to recreate something along those lines but struggling a bit
  9. Hello Desmond, anyway it would be possible to sync games from Console version PC to Console version PS5? Or just xbox? Thanks!
  10. Game is single player on Apple Devices.
  11. You should play FM Touch. FM fat is clearly not for you. Not everyone wants to see every attribute, not everyone wants to get rid of data hub, many of us like to go through data and play in a realistic manner. So yeah the game is not for you right now, try the other versions of it. Also the way you talk about licences, not everyone uses real name fix and the immersion on the UEFA licence is just amazing.
  12. Well I would say I do see development run some sims within some years and all was normal, see below
  13. This is absolutely true and people should really think two or three times before replying on topics where people share their free-time effort to make the game more enjoyable. With that being said I would also love a dark version of the skin but maybe for a different reason, I absolutely love to play the light version during the day but when I get to bed and want to play one or two games on the Steam Deck I have to change the skin otherwise the misses gets mad of all the brightness Anyway many many thanks for your work buddy.
  14. Also while we are at it, @Desmond Richardson two things: 1) Is there any chance we could change skins on FM Touch as we can on Console? (Mac at least) 2) Can we get the reload skin button on the iPhone/iPad versions of the game, since it's clearly there and available
  15. Player development is addressed and not EVERYONE should get even close to full potential they have. This happens in real life too, you might think that now is too slow I think it's better to not have 19 year old players get their CA maxed out and not evolve a single bit more after that.
  16. While we are at this, you still haven't resolved the bug with the teams participating on this competition. This has already been reported since the beta and still no fix.
  17. Can't this be added as feature on a patch? Just asking not requesting. Trying to understand if it would be doable since Touch (PC/MAC) was Cross Sync with Android/iOS. it would be awesome but I know it can be a big request.
  18. Yes, with the version 1.5. Unemployed with England, Italy, Spain and Germany loaded.
  19. Only run two seasons but I'm seeing good developments. I may run the sim for a couple seasons more but definitely seems addressed.
  20. I'm running a test, as soon as I have some info I'll tell
  21. I get your frustration, i think the series is evolving into a state i personally dislike, so i'm embracing the FM Touch/Console as it is. It gives me exactly that sense i'm playing FM13/14/15 without those bloated features you and I dislike. Press conferences to me are as boring as when they were introduced. Is a cool little feature to have but for me personally is useless. The extra features they added for squad depth and unhappiness (the moaning of fringe players) is something that i personally think it's overpowered as well. I don't think they break the squad harmony that fast but that's okay as well, each one has their individual opinion. The other two versions have immersion, can have better set pieces because it uses the same ME, can obviously benefit of a better International management, better transfer market as I believe these are shared between the two. That's why I think the series is going nowhere nicely for guys like you and me, FM Touch/Console is for sure the way to go, and maybe with a more relevant base of users we could make that series to go in the direction some users like. But of course this is so individual and to each their one. Cheers mate!
  22. There's no world where SI should remove features for the sake of fun. You want a less bloated game you play those versions, it's been 9 years since FM13, it's such a good thing they added so much depth, does give an opportunity to play a more complex manager, it has def some issues, but you are asking to play literally what the other guy told you to. You want a FM13/FM14 feeling: play Console, play Touch.
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