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Boyd The Beast

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21 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. This is a follow up on this: Issue is that after the winter update you no longer are being notified of players leaving at the end of the season on a free. You do not get notified of a contract being offered to them and then you do not get notified of them accepting an offer. Additionally the 'Trn' icon does not appear and you only know of the player leaving by going to their profile. Screenshot showing Antony having bids in for him Screenshot then showing Inbox with no notifications of bids coming in Screenshot after Antony has accepted an offer not showing the 'Trn' icon so you have no idea he is leaving Screenshot from Antony's profile showing his move at end of season Screenshot of Inbox after accepting offer still not showing any notifications This is the only example I have but in the other thread that was closed I had an on loan player sold by his parent club so he left my club and I was not notified of that either which was not a fun surprise to find out on matchday that I now had a massive hole in my team.
  2. Still not fixed in the 24.4 update. Extremely disappointing and frustrating over a month later this is still flagged as under review
  3. Update on this? 3 weeks later and still under review. This is making it very difficult to play
  4. Not just happening for players leaving on a free to another club at end of contract, I also had a player on loan where the parent club sold the player and I wasn't notified and had a fun little surprise on matchday
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