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Huey Lewis

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Everything posted by Huey Lewis

  1. Beta is usually out mid to late October rather than November. If a window closes on the last day of August, not sure the start of November equates to three months. Was actually fifty days between the closure of the UK transfer window (albeit there's a chunk of European leagues who close between week and up to three weeks later) and the beta launch.
  2. I must have missed the elections when iAlwaysWin became the spokesperson for the 'majority of people'. All hail our new overlord!
  3. Yeah but those 'free' games have layers of DLC, season passes and not-so subtle marketing strategies aimed at buying all sorts of tat built into them which make them anything but free. Also if you're paying €70 for FM then would recommend you're not very good at 'managing' your finances. Versions of FM are free on Game Pass and Apple Arcade through subscription and if you're willing to wait, there's normally sales or giveaways of the game. Think last year FM22 was given away free at points by both Epic and Amazon. Right now it's pretty easy to find the game for under €30.
  4. Thing is - FM tries to replicate real life football. In real life stadiums have advertising hoardings. Like them or loath them, they're a part of the match day experience. The game would probably look weirder without them at this stage. Adding them in where there's no rhyme or reason for them I 100% agree. But this is just replicating what's actually there IRL.
  5. You mean like when you pay for a ticket for a football match? Or when you subscribe to Sky, BT, Amazon etc for a sports subscription? Saying that with a subscription to most TV providers like Sky, you still get adverts show between shows. So yes, for a lot of areas in life you pay for services which come with their right to advertise to you. Movies, games, TV. Even when you get the bus or train there's often adverts inside the vehicle. This is not something new or unique.
  6. Do you not watch football matches then due to the advertising that happens on shirts and ad hoardings? Assuming you're based in the UK have you written to the BBC to complain about your license fee being used to advertise certain companies during their FA Cup coverage?
  7. Quite easy to negotiate for roles not to be included. If you have no intention of playing a player in a requested role, they don't agree to it.
  8. In fairness the player is 17 and as my club is lower Championship level standard club, so he's got an insane amount of growth available in him (the 4.5 star rating for my level). The main point was to highlight newgen full-backs who have a starting base of being able to cross now do exist.
  9. Yeah balls to making sure everything is stable and ready, just dump it out there. Also I'm sure it's as easy as just picking and choosing what goes in via a giant checkbox list, so that should be easy too as software development is easy right? I'd imagine it's not out because it's not ready, either due to not being given the green light by their internal team, or because of the sign off required on Steam, Epic or Microsoft.
  10. Younger players not being picked for national team squads is a reputation issue, not due to their ability - so isn't related to their CA development which is what this thread is about.
  11. The thread where the person in the community who has tested it more than anyone outside of SI said: "the accurate representation of player development has massively improved in FM23" and "There is no issue with young players being too weak (low CA). Main issue is a too low reputation." https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/568836-fm23-still-too-many-old-players-in-squads-in-future-and-not-enough-youth-development/?do=findComment&comment=13796383 That's part of the problem. No-one tends to read anything beyond the headline. Even with that reddit thread there's not really any substance in there beyond 'all these players haven't hit their PA' which would be a bigger bug if they DID. You need to look at overall numbers of players within a certain CA range over time to see if that's causing the world to become unbalanced, not post a handful of players with a 170+ PA and say things are broken. At game start there's only 20 odd players with a 170CA or above, only five of which are younger than 27 - how many are at this point in the referenced save?
  12. Was also posted on these forums here - https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/567860-football-manager-2023-minimum-specs/ Not sure they're really going to be like "FM23, no longer available for those of you on Macs from 2012 and 2013".
  13. So just because they designed and built the game from nothing, because there's some bugs they should just hand over the game code to someone else so they can do a better job, even though they have no idea about any of the code base. And everyone else has been completely unable to produce a game even close to the level of FM. How about EA or Ubisoft, so you can only add leagues as additional paid DLC? Calling for people to lose their jobs is pretty low. And not sure how that can't be personal? Maybe they can only sack people that don't take offence eh?
  14. From my understanding the game can only be broken after 4pm on weekdays, so it probably is a bit early.
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