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Posts posted by Fenech

  1. 5 minutes ago, Maviarab said:

    There was a time, many moons ago, it's...a distant fog in the memory, game devs played their game, that was the beta.  it came out...we all rejoiced, rushed to the shop, there was no updates, fixes...patches, you bought *gasp/shock/hporror* a full game...working...no need for the player base to test it for you...

    Maybe I just dreamed those days....so long ago now....I'm old....

    I remember that too, I just don't think FM is that kind of game, it needs it's player base, it's the kind of game that just never ends, it constantly needs developing day after day, from month to month and from year to year. It is so in-depth that they employ helpers from all around the world to research and help out and the expectation that it can just come out and be perfect and not need updating just isn't realistic in this particular case. It's a great idea and wouldn't it be amazing! but some games are just not built that way.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Eoin Maguire said:

    No its not SIs fault that they have no competition, but it's certainly their fault that FM23 is in the state its in. If they really cared as much as they say they do about the community they would put more effort into updating the game more, not release the FULL game as a BETA for a month, would communicate alot more with the community, and would have a better plan for development and not give us underwhelming half done features that dont even work properly every year. Having no competition is not an excuse if you really take yourselves seriously. SI aren't some indie studio, they are a triple A sized developer. 


    Isn't it still in a better state than anything else on the market though if there is no competition?

    How often would you say they need to update the game for it to be to your satisfaction? They update the game but they just don't release all the updates at once. they bundle the updates up and then release an update with a lot more fixes some of which are not included in the list of updates they publish when the update patches are released. Rather than constantly update with lots of smaller updates as they go along. They also go through an ALPHA Stage before the BETA, The Alpha stage is given to professional footballs and other 'selected' players to test the game and then they can release further updates before the BETA, every single game has a BETA Stage but the problem is that some of the updates and fixes can only be found once the full beta game is released so they have to do it that way to find these bugs, then they rely on the community to play the game and find the bugs etc and report them on this forum so that they can work on fixes BEFORE the Full Game is released and then they are constantly relying on the community to find any further bugs that remain and release updates periodically throughout the year culminating in the final winter update so in fact the development never stops and when the final update is released, development starts immediately on the next years game. A lot of features are only found once you play the game. I agree. Some features are good and some features are not so good but it's a matter of opinion, some features you may like and some i may like but we might disagree on that. The fact is that they are always creating new features based on the communities input plus input from within and around the game and professionals and staff from the world of football and where a feature may be need improving, that is something they can work on and improve on in future editions, so damn right it is up to this community to help and guide them too, are they perfect? no one is perfect but I am absolutely confident that a lot goes on behind the scenes and SI and Miles do everything they can to make the game the best possible version it can be whilst keeping in line with the limitations (with the coding e.g.) and what works and their own unique vision for the way they want to develop their game. But the community does have an open say and so the question is also what would you do differently because they would love to hear your suggestions and the suggestions of everyone in the community.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Kcinnay said:

    Sure, it should be club dependant. It's not a black-white-situation. There are multiple options that could be added: frowns from the fans and the bord when Ajax or Barcelona don't play in a 4-3-3-formation, for example. There is/used to be a tab in the editor where the preferred formation of a certain club/nation was stated, but nothing has ever been done with that.

    No, I haven't, because I didn't have the energy, that's personal. Those are my first posts in a long time.

    The reminder wasn't something I had forgotten about: I play FM a lot - a lot! - and even though there are flaws, I wouldn't diss it as unplayable - it's absolutely exceptional value for money. But the lack of good competition and good communication is something that denies FM the progress that's needed, and I don't know whether MJ is the one who'll be able to change things around. That doesn't deny everything he's done before, absolutely not, it's a bit like Klopp at Liverpool: exceptional manager, great match between him and the club, but his philosophy has a duration, and in football, after some time, either the manager has to go or the players. In a gaming context, the last thing would be a disaster, so I guess definite changes are primordial, because it's clear that frustration is growing year after year, even when the game is at its best. The permanent overhype of lacklustre features, the dismissal for changes about things that very much need a change for a long time (international management, anyone?) and are very well documented by multiple people, the lack of communication about the future of FM, the direction, somehow, I don't know, a token of gratitude for a very loyal fanbase, who care about this game a lot (or a tad too much)... It seems like the only numbers that are important are the sales figures, and there are a lot of people who buy this game every year, even when the only overhyped feature would be, I don't know, the option for your 3D avatar to wear branded sneakers. They can't keep on taking that for granted, because there'll be an end to that. 

    Great points, they are very valid suggestions, which is why I asked if you had put them in the suggestion area of this forum. Interestingly it is the people who complain about the game the most who are the first ones to buy it when it is released!

  4. 2 minutes ago, Eoin Maguire said:

    I'm sorry but that last bit of this post. What competition exactly? There is no competition, that's the reason why SI can get away with such lacklustre development across the board and people will still buy the game regardless. There is only one management simulation that's not a mobile/tablet version thats up to any sort of standard rn. 

    Precisely there is no competition. So it's clearly in a league of it's own, do you think Apple would have reached the level it has without the very high levels of competition it had to keep pushing it to new heights like IBM, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Samsung e.g. So yes but is that SI's fault that the game has no competition?

  5. 11 minutes ago, Kcinnay said:

    That's my point. You CAN decide to play the game like that, but it shouldn't be an option, but a given, if you're all about immersion. It feels weird to be able to sack people who're closer to the board than you, the manager.

    I get your point although I believe different clubs have different set ups so in some clubs the Manager still has complete control so shouldn't that kind of a change be club specific depending on the particular model they have in place. If you go the other way and just make it so the DOF decides at every club then based on your point, that wouldn't be correct either. I am not entirely sure if a DOF is always closer to the board than the manager either, I would have expected a more equal footing with everyone in the recruitment team having a say and then all coming to a decision together.... Have you made any of these suggestions (including the set-piece one) on the Suggestion Page on this forum?

    Also I don't think Miles is going anywhere any time soon. It's his decision and I don't think he has any intention of handing over control to anyone else. I am also certain that Miles talks to a lot of different specialists every day on ways to improve all aspects of the game. Despite your very valid points, I would also remind that not only is the game exceptional value for money, it is also miles ahead of any of it's competition and has been for many many years. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Kcinnay said:

    It think a new gaffer will be necessary in the near future. Miles is quite stubborn and contradictory in his philosophy for the game - it's all about immersion, that's the reason why you can't scroll back during a live game - but you have a game where set pieces are stale, inflexible, where zonal marking doesn't really exist, where pressing is flawed, because it doesn't catch up with modern trends, distinctions like ball-oriented pressing, man-oriented pressing, pressing 1vs1 or creating defensive overloads. Is it immersion when a manager decides wat a DoF can do, when it's the other way around irl? It'd be fun if you'd have to manage a team where you can only suggest transfers, but it's the DoF who decides about that. That that's something that should be part of the negotiations when taking the job. Like in Anderlecht: the reason why Kompany left, was because he wanted to be a manager like in England, where he can decide about transfers etc - but Anderlecht declinded giving him the 'final cut', they wanted him to be a head coach, not a manager as well.

    PR-wise (and game knowledgde wise), I guess Nic Madden would be an exquisite choice. He's charming, enthousiastic, cares about the ME, has a great knowledge about it, has a friendly communicative style. Pair him with someone with real life football knowledge, an analyst type who knows about different set-ups for set-pieces, zonal marking, man marking, pressing, build up patterns, stats, a Spielverlagerung or Total Football Analysis type of person, and I think contentwise and PR-wise, FM as a game and brand would be... miles ahead. (Pun intended.)

    You can set your DOF to decide on the transfers and then besides the players on your shortlist, you can declare a player as a top target and instruct the dof that you would like to sign this or that player but the dof would handle everything and make the decision and even bring his own targets in and you can do that for the first team, u21's, u18s if you wanted, so you can kind of play the game where the dof decides, or did you mean something else?

  7. 16 minutes ago, Domoboy23 said:

    What was it like for FM20, 21 and 22? I've tried looking on Steamdb but the history doesn't go back that far

    In Football Manager 2020, it was released on February 20th at 1.59pm which included the January transfers and there was a further update which included February Transfers on 5th March at 5.57pm but since then they have gone to a 2 update system which includes a main winter update and a last/final winter update:

    Football Manager 2021:

    Main Winter Update:
     22nd February at 9.45pm

    Last Winter Update: 15th March at 9.44pm


    Football Manager 2022:

    Main Winter Update:
    24th February 3.59pm

    Last Winter Update: 24th March 4.01pm

    Football Manager 2023:

    Main Winter Update: ?

    Last Winter Update: ?

    This means that if you go by the previous couple of years, the main winter update is already 1 week later than usual.

  8. On 27/12/2021 at 15:21, chile_paul said:

    I'm really liking the look of this format! Amazing work Fenech, I can't wait to play this properly.

    However given I haven't had much chance to play over the Christmas period I've been running an extended holiday game / test to check the dynamics and have made it through to the mid 2050's in the game. Just a couple of observations:

    - In general the finances seem to be well balanced (with the exception of the comment below about Santos Laguna!)

    - The leagues are really competitive, whilst teams have gone on runs of winning the league for 4-5 years in a row, they can then go on a bad run of consecutive relegations. As a result you see the likes of Liverpool winning the Super League for a couple of seasons early on, then getting relegated down to the 3rd and 4th tiers, the same with Bayern Munich.

    - You also see some teams making rises up the league structures. Atalanta and Real Sociedad are recent trophy winners in my game. Cerro Porteno from Paraguay have had a meteoric rise from the Gatekeeper leagues up to the World Premier League (2) and PFK Ludogrets have risen from League 13 to be on the verge of promotion to the World Super League

    - You don't just see the European teams dominating. Whilst the trophy winners are predominantly large European clubs, there remain a fair share of South American teams in the top leagues


    A couple of (potential) issues that I've noticed to be aware of. These definitely don't appear to be game breaking, but might be potential areas to explore in future tweaks Fenech if you were going to make any further adjustments:

    - In my game Santos Laguna have become the richest club in the world with a bank balance of £1.2 billion thanks to individual TV deals (£454 million a year!). Will be interesting to see if this continues on an ongoing basis and whether they start to dominate the world

    - Teams from all countries start to lose their domestic bias and become more 'international' in their make up i.e. a South America side will recruit players and managers from all around the world. English clubs do the same though, so they truly become international squads. I had expected regens to cause an issue here with clubs becoming dominated with English players or players with English second nationalities but this doesn't seem to be happening

    - Some of the teams continue to compete in their domestic competitions. The 2 that I've spotted are that Flamengo continue to compete in South American competitions, Paris SG still compete in the Trophee des Champions in France 

    - The NxtGen competition for leading new regen players starts to be awarded to players at non-playable clubs that aren't in the playable leagues as early as the mid 2020's. This is a bit of a shame (and unrealistic given the relevant strengths of those teams and competitions) but presumably is coded into how the game handles youth development???

    - Managers appear to be far more mecenary about moving between clubs in this database compared to the main game. Often they are staying for less than a season before moving on - Whilst in the main these appear to be 'sensible' decisions i.e. moving to clubs with higher reputations or in higher leagues there are some that stand out as really odd (Pep Guradiola after leaving Man City goes through the following clubs between 2021 and 2035: RB Leipzig, Valencia, Man U, Crystal Palace, Porto, Inter, Borussia Mchengaldbach, Real Sociedad, Tigres, Croatia, Inter, Man U (again) he then becomes a Scout(!!!) for the next 15 years and works for Newcastle, Flamenog, Borussia Dortmund, Man City, Nice, Chelsea, West Ham, Hoffenheim, Southampton and Arsenal)



    Thanks for the feedback and it is greatly appreciated. I will bear it in mind for future tweaks and updates. I have to say that none of this surprises me. I do expect the teams to all become 'international' and perhaps eventually lose some of their domestic identities.  Who is the say that is not what happens to Pep in reality, He could finish his days as a scout. I decided to still have the rest of the world in the game as playable rather then go down the road of making it just just the world uk and nothing else exist, and that is exactly because youth development depends on it so you hit the nail on the head there. But I am sure you can still buy those top talents from the unplayable teams and bring them to the league? you can also include those other leagues when loading the game but not sure you would want to do that. Managers move around and simply because of better offers and of course there is money in the leagues so clubs can afford to poach more. so again its not a massive surprise, what this has done is opened up an outlet for the opportunity of any team getting to the top from the bottom as can be seen in the example of PFK Ludogrets. Its good that some teams still perform in their domestic comps and also us teams perform in the north american champions leagues etc etc. I must take a closer look at Santos Lagunas, so maybe they just got lucky but thanks for bringing this to my attention. Keep up the great work! and please let me know if you discover anything else. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, samuelawachie said:

    I've been playing this for a couple of weeks now, and it's really enjoyable. Especially comparing this ME to FM14's which is quite interesting. 

    Unfortunately though, the "not having any way to watch other teams matches" outside watching highlights "after the fact", is a real immersion breaker. I spend a lot of time going around in the game world and play all my matches in full. It just sucks having only your matches seem "real" or can be attended. It just not what a real game-world should look like and is a big oversight for my style of playing the game. For some other users, it might not be a big issue, who only have perhaps 15 mins each day to play the game so can only play their matches and on key highlight mode no more. But for my style, it just breaks so much immersion. I mean, having all the matches at 3pm each day at the same time for all the teams? :'(

    Anyway, is there any way to make this change better? As I said, I don't know if it was your DB edit that I was using on FM14 (or some other person called Chuckle Chuck), but there was league games, and two cup competitions on his too; and you get alternate scheduling as much as it allowed. And the fixtures didn't pile up either, and was still well spaced out. 


    Hi, You can change the match scheduling when you load up a new game. You can choose pretty much how matches are spread out...


    Apart from the above, I am not sure I completely understand the point you are trying to make. You can watch your own matches in full, extended, or key highlights or text only :thup: If your complaint is about not being able to watch other matches (not your own) then that would be a matter to take up with the makers of the full game aka Sports Interactive. Alot of the big rules are hard coded into the game so they would not be editable by anyone except the makers of the game. 

  10. 22 hours ago, Dodis said:

    I will send you a save file!

    Thanks for sending met the save file. Having finished investigating I found there was a bug of some kind regarding American Teams and their entry into the North American Champions League in Aug 2023. I have now located the bug, fixed it and updated the files, so that anyone who plays with a US team from now on, shall not encounter this issues. You can either start again by download the new updated file or you can take over a non american team - holiday past that date and then carry on with your save. So sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for bringing it to my attention.

  11. 1 hour ago, wesleybodijn said:

    Hi Fenech,

    I've been playing your WSL with some friends. After the first season we noticed that game schedule has changed. Normaly on matchday, we all play on the exact same day and time. But after the first season, we still play on the same day but at different times. Like I play at 15:00h, my friend at 15:15h and my other friend at 15:30h. Is this something you've set up or can we somehow influence this a bit? Matchday take like a lot of time atm watching 3 matches each playing day.

    Thanks in advance!

    Hey Wesley,

    I am happy that you are playing this with your friends. The only stipulation when starting the game is that the matches are on Saturday at 3pm. Now unfortunately that changing after the first season would not be something that I set up, Like all databases, it is still affected by any updates that happen from FM and also how you actually choose to start the game (the network host) I normally start using wed and saturdays only, is that something you have done? It may be that some games are then moved for TV purposes etc. etc. So to be more specific, I am responsible for the first season but then what happens after that is out of my hands because databases can change slightly and times may alter depending on the updates and the options the host chooses when they start up a network game. Hopefully that makes sense. I have not put in any extra rules or changed that part of the database, so whatever was in place before in the original database, is still in place. Matches will be moved. It has more than likely been a cause of what rules the host set up when he made the network save. (see below)


    I normally use saturday and wed matchdays to ensure match days are the same. match times though , could still be affected. but normally i find that is not the case. Don't allow matches to be moved could be an option to solve but if you e.g. allow matches to be moved for TV then of course that can affect the times too. Hope that provided some extra insight for you.. 

  12. 33 minutes ago, Charles1970 said:

    Hey Fenech,

    Thank you for responding.

    I still believe it is amazing what you do and bring with FM, but if you include the transfer of Christiano Ronaldo with Man United (27 august '21) and not include Guus Till (well before 27 august transfer of Ronaldo) sounds not very fair and realistic (I am a Feyenoord supporter) Please don't take it the wrong way. You made a decision which i don't agree with. Still believe you do incredible work and are a breath of fresh in the FM community.

    Still in anticipation of your Legends release.

    Take Care dude

    I completely agree with that. It is not fair however if everything was the same and everyone had the same ideas then of course, everyone would get really bored. In a future update, guus may well find himself at PSV. For now his development is ongoing elsewhere. :)

  13. 1 hour ago, Charles1970 said:

    Player like Guus Till and Cyriel Dessers are in the FM22 database with Feyenoord but not with Feyenoord when i start the game with your release.

    Different Databases for sure so you get what you get with it. It's not going to include every single player in the latest updates and at the same time, you will have players in my database, no longer in the latest fm update. so its pins and needles, not the same haystack.

  14. 48 minutes ago, RubenS2 said:

    Hey, I wanted to start a game, but the competitions name doesn't match... I don't play with a name fix, so I don't see the cause of the problem (the name of the league)...



    This database doesn't work with real name fix. I would remove any other editor data files to see if that fixes the issue for you. If not, you will need to reinstall the game and try again. There must be a real name fix in one of the other editor data files you are using.

  15. 17 minutes ago, nickvelt said:

    Hello Fenech,

    I cant find the U18 competition in the game.

    I only have a second team in  a competition and a U21 team that only plays in two cups.

    right so I decided to go with a Reserve Team which isn't restricted by Age (so you can put older players in there that perhaps you don't want/need in the first team) and they will be eligible to play in those game and you can also put your better 'youth' players in there too, they have a full league for every division and several cup competition. &

    An U21 team - which replaces the U18 team, it means you can have players of up to 21 years in there, they play a few cups, you can arrange friendlies if you like, its for the younger player who are not quite ready or need competitive football yet. 

    or you can now use the amazing loan market, because the divisions are now so competitive, the first team football they will get will really aid their development even in the lower tiers of the pyramid.

    I might look at adding a league for the U21's as well in a future update. :thup:

    I wanted to get away from the old U23 & U18 system as older players were not eligible to play in those league matchers and I don't see the point of an U23 & U18, when you can just have a Reserves & and an U21's.. which doesn't discriminate by age in terms of who is eligible to play in those competitions.

  16. 2 hours ago, Fabian90 said:

    Hi Fenech,

    I don't want tot rush you, but do you have an ETA?
    My friends and i want to play you league tonight.
    So then we know if we should keep the evening free?

    Can't wait to play your league:) 



    Hi Fabian

    I have just finished updating the world divisions and the 19th league. (Check OP)

    I will release at 7.30pm

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