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Everything posted by mackem10

  1. I'm no game programmer so it's very difficult to visualize the time scales of each development and whatnot, I'm sure the majority of issues have been because of the new engine but that obviously wasn't cited as the reason behind removing weight. Not to mention that if they're unable to keep aspects of the game, let alone fix them, is it really the best time to introduce different game modes? But of course, we are going round and round with arguments already stated in the thread and that's not my point. My point was only that there appears to be more people speaking about others who hate women's football than there appear to be people who hate women's football as is often the case in these two sides of the same coin type arguments.
  2. Don't doubt for a second that it is an intelligent business decision, It's just when those decisions are seen as detracting from the core customers, it stands to reason there will be some unrest. Tbh the vast majority of what I have read is people on one side trying to box up the other as hating on women's football when actually there has only been a very small percentage of posts where that is present (that haven't been deleted, ofc.). There is a big difference between hating women's football and being annoyed at the developers for lessening the game and focusing their time too heavily on a game mode many aren't interested in.
  3. To be fair, it didn't cause me to hate on women's football, it caused me to be annoyed at those making the game.
  4. I managed to get that playing a couple of months back, loved it as a kid although I'd always spend all the cash on trying to upgrade the Stadium graphics.
  5. Removing weight in a football manager simulation game because it may or may not result in body shaming is a ridiculously high level of censoring, yes, it is beyond niche. A lower level would be to remove people doing it on TV shows. I'm sorry you couldn't comprehend the point being attempted and found it necessary to make yours, ironically talking about being fragile and somewhat childishly (again, ironically complaining about people being childish).
  6. While I would hate for anyone to be the subject of bullying, It seems like an awfully (like ridiculously) high level of censorship in order to counter a possible problem. I bring up the faces and badges because you stated weight didn't change the ME which was apparently of great importance, well nor do they, they provide immersion and realism, the same thing that weight does for me. I understand those who don't use it not caring, I don't care about international football as I don't use it although I can more than understand folk being miffed about that.
  7. Well, we are of opposing views my Lord. I find it an incredible thought that football manager is being influenced by the possibility of body shaming, perhaps that's just because I'm removed from it somehow, I don't know. As for trivia and having zero impact on the ME, nor does player faces or club and competition badges but I wouldn't want to play the game without them, what they add to the game is of the utmost importance to me having an enjoyable immersive experience.
  8. I haven't the first idea, it's not for me, which is fine but I'm assuming SI has a good idea and made the decision based on that. Otherwise, why push it? I firmly believe the issue is that it's negatively impacting what the game is to the past and present majority.
  9. I think this is bang on, they're attempting to gain customers by diversifying. Problem being, it's actively affecting some of their core customer's experience negatively. Seems a bit of a shame that something new and of interest to some will arrive under a darkened cloud.
  10. I understand the target thing, but to be fair, that's already been done with this announcement. Personally, I have zero interest in the women's game being implemented, if it is of interest to others and SI are of the belief they can sell more by doing so, then great. But now it is actively taking aspects away from the game mode I do enjoy, it doesn't appear a great introduction. Hopefully, there will be a mod easily available to show them and then everybody happy, kinda.
  11. Sounds like we could do away with height then, given we can garner enough from jumping reach.
  12. If that is indeed the reasoning, as sad as it sounds, would it not be more appropriate to remove it from the Women's game?
  13. I like seeing the personal details of the players, not only do I find it interesting, it also offers more world-building, if that is the correct phrase.
  14. Couldnt disagree more Gary. I find it interesting, it's an aspect of interest removed from the game, that doesn't appear to be a good decision, at least not for me. Also, I'm not entirely clear on their reasoning for doing so.
  15. Removing weight has annoyed me far more than it should, so much so, I felt compelled to write about it on here. Proper miffed.
  16. I guess it just felt more special there, his acceleration seemed rapid, I think it was Ball or Melville bounced off him and before he hit it, he slowed time, and the crowd collectively paused and took in a breath, seemed magical. Whereas when I watch it in the clip I think, poor defending and Perez was garbage in goal.
  17. We were linked with Van Hoijdonk's lad pre-season. He plays in Italy now, not sure if his dad did?
  18. It does seem like a bit of an odd situation in my opinion, I guess for some it builds hype but for others, it'll annoy.
  19. It's my own fault, I join the thread too early and get carried away, I know this prior to joining the thread. The cycle continues.
  20. Im past the point of guessing and firmly in the annoyed expectant stage, while that may be ridiculous, here we are.
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