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Everything posted by gunner86

  1. I will be managing Arsenal to begin with. Quite fancy a crack with Brighton at some point, may also return to Sociedad but La Liga have silly money rules now.
  2. I think what he's trying to say is, people on the internet need something explained to them approximately 50 times before the internet people understand the normal sensible thing you're trying to explain to them.
  3. Nope, they don't need to do YT videos first, just because it's been done in the past, doesn't mean it's the same every year. But thanks, we will just sit here and wait, same as we do every year.
  4. Because they say around 2 weeks, most commonly it's 19 days before release. In fct, it's only been exactly 2 weeks once
  5. Chuck Norris appeared in the 'Street Fighter II' video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this “glitch,” Chuck Norris replied, “That's no glitch.”
  6. Thanks. Got some interviews lined up. Been here 11 years so the pay off is good enough that I don’t need to rush back to work. Gonna take at least November off
  7. You lucky so and so. Although, I’m gonna be made redundant on 2nd Nov, so I’ll have plenty of time.
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