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The Reaper

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Everything posted by The Reaper

  1. proposing any OIs for your new strikerless tac which has highest rating? @knap
  2. How can I change this goal scorer thing with EFL (Carabao Cup) ?
  3. How i can able to change colour of tabs? Thanks in advance...
  4. In BEOWULF BAL TIG 424 IF VOL 108 EC Tactic file WBs have attack duty and IFs have support. This one is new tactic?
  5. there is nothing about clock in that panel. in mine for ex like this: <!-- Clock --> <container class="main_transparent_box_no_margin" width="100" id="clkc"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true"/> <container id="ClkC"> <layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="middle" vertical_gap="0"/> <record id="default_properties" auto_size="vertical" alignment="centre"/> <container> <layout class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize_centre" horizontal_alignment="middle" horizontal_offset="0,9,0,0"/> <record id="default_properties" auto_size="all" alignment="centre"/> <widget class="text" id="Mclk" size="xlarge" font="title" auto_size="all"/>
  6. h how can I extend to height of tablet? and one more question how I can seperate team logos and kits?
  7. How I can prevent tablet widgets change randomly in every match? i have to change everytime to have what I want. For ex I set match momentum in one but next time there is something else where i set match momentum
  8. when i add this touchline tablet i lost the tabs and having just one screen. anyone give tips how to fix it?
  9. if to compare with electric funeral which one is better fro your opinion?
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