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Posts posted by rufnek1980

  1. On 09/07/2020 at 12:19, jwchriste said:

    As @Mikado911 said, I didn't notice anything unusual in the finances or even attendances.

    FYI:  Since we've been promoted to a league that requires 5000 capacity, the board is now paying 94k to expand the rented stadium.

    Ok thanks. That seems odd they would do that which may tell me that the  FM game mechanics does not recognize it as a shared stadium. I have since been promoted to the VNN and now share with Chester so as per your and other comments looks like this will be my new home for a while :-) until I have to share a bigger stadium.......and then have enough money for a new stadium way way into the future.  

    I have a new query....... not related to what we are talking about but again just want to know if anyone has come across this. I have a strange situation where Bolton wanderers have quite literally fallen off a cliff and have been relegated season after season and now find themselves in VNN. I am 6 years in. Anyway whenever it comes to our fixture it keeps getting postponed,  3 times now due to water logged pitch and the weather was fine. Wonder if this is a bug (for the bugs forum) or just a very weird coincidence. I cant put my finger on what the bug would be if it was a bug though apart from something is terribly wrong with Bolton (game mechanically wise) hence falling off a cliff but lets see what happens. At the end of the day it can only get postponed to a point (end of season then it will have to be played) or if its a bug then the game may crash when its forced to play to fixture.  just doesn't seem normal to me but anyway lets see what happens. 

  2. On 08/06/2020 at 21:08, Dan BHTFC said:

    To anyone sharing my file on the Steam Workshop, the more I see this the less I want to create this database, if you see my file on the workshop please tell me about it




    Dan, Why don't you set up a donate page? No one is obliged to give you anything but if everyone just donated a quid for your work you could treat yourself (and the lady) to nice holiday every year ( not entirely sure how many downloads you get from your DB but I am sure its alot) then at least you can sit by the pool with a cold beer and get something out of it and in turn keep giving you the motivation the following year. You have content creators on YT or twitch etc that play your database and get monitized for it so why should't you, the DB creator!!  The amount of hours I have played your database in my spare time and got joy out of, you have probably equally got headaches creating it. This DB is part of the FM furniture for me and may as well be a DLC.  Anyway I am sure you have already thought of all this or it has already been discussed but I do read all most of your posts and every now and then I see you get frustrated or disheartened. I mean, you literally work on this all year round then the next FM is out before you know it ......Just a thought mate and selfishly I never want you to stop creating this database :-) 

  3. 17 minutes ago, jwchriste said:

    I was in a situation similar to you (I may have started in level 13), and I also had a 500 cap stadium.  Our finances were running negative at the time we won promotion to Vanarama South.  I guess that may be why we started ground sharing with a lower level club that had a bigger stadium.  I think if we had a chunk of change in the bank, the board may have decided to expand instead.  I have had expansions in other saves.  I've just been promoted to the National League and it looks like my board are content to keep paying rent.

    Thanks for the info. In terms of ground sharing then did that effect gate receipts for you (i.e is the gate receipts shared with the other club etc?)  and also did it effect home advantage? 


    Also did you notice if the  ground sharing effected any other aspect of finances i.e maintenance, pitch relaying, travel costs? 

  4. Hello All, 

    Just a quick question on understanding stadium expansions. I am just about to jump to Vanarama North from lowly L14. My capacity is 500 and max extension is 3500. What happens with all this now I start to hit the big leagues with rules of capacity? Lets say I Expand to 3500 then what happens? is the only other option new stadium? and I think I have heard ground share? but is there an outcome that I would never get a new stadium so I could possibly ground share for the rest of my career? If anyone can share their experiences and let me know what has happened that would be great. Oh! and I take it expansions and new stadiums etc would be a bank loan or would the board wait until there is funds in the bank? (If its the latter then they will be waiting a long time!! I am skint) Any billionaire chairmen out there please DM me :-) 

    Afterthought Edit: Is there a scenario where all the above cant happen resulting in not being granted promotion due to capacity rules? 

  5. @andydickyes completely agree with you bug or intentional we should be able to distinguish this without having to figure it out or create workarounds or just wait it out. As I can now offer contracts there is obviously a trigger somewhere and at some point in time it balances out and maybe this is just a coded thing and the lower levels not being officially part of the game. There are still more questions than answers I agree though. Glad my own situation got sorted out naturally in the end. 

  6. @lionel messiok now we are getting more advanced and probably making a little more sense as alot of players ask for a ridiculous wage for lower tiers and I would imagine what your doing is balancing this a little? I would love to be able to do that one day but this is why i heavily really on @Dan BHTFCfantastic database to do most of the work for me. Would be keen to learn this side when I ever get the motivation. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Mikado911 said:

    The situation seems completely intentional to me. Clubs only have three statuses in the database : Amateur, Semi-Professional, Professional.

    In reality, there are fare more nuances but to my understanding the difference between the 3 statuses is as follow :

     - Amateur : The players do not receive anything for playing (usually they have to pay some kind of membership fee even).
     - Semi-Professional : Players are able to eventually receive some money from the club but are not full time employees.

     - Professional : Players are full time employees.

    To get into how wide the range of "semi-professional" clubs is in reality, there are clubs that give some kind of bonuses depending on participation (a good example would be reimbursing transportation costs) but do not give a salary. I believe this is actually more common than club able to give a part-time salary. Another common arrangement for semi-professional clubs is to have some sponsor (or town council) employs the player on the side. In this case, the club would not give out a salary but working hours are arranged to facilitate training and the club can give out some bonuses depending on appearances or performance. Another common situation is to arrange some kind of coaching duties to your best players and they receive a salary based on their coaching duties and not the playing duties.
    On the other end of the spectrum, some clubs are able to afford full part-time contracts.

    I reckon that my knowledge IRL is not extensive with respect to football, but I do have experience with teams in other sports where the kind of working I present above is common.

    In my opinion,  this is not a bug. And you should be happy that you are not going to get ruined by an overambitious chairman that wants to immediately handouts crazy contracts. The downside is that the players can be poached by other teams of course, which can be frustrating.

    @Mikado911 thanks for this. I literaly just did the workaround before I read your post bec I convinced myself I should be able to offer p/t if I am semi but now you just flipped me back again so I just "quit not saved" and went back to original state. Dont worry i didnt play any games or progressed the week;) so now I am back to not being able to offer contracts again and let's see what happens next season. I noticed all the teams in the division above me can all offer p/t so let's see. All this said I dont have the finances anyway to offer p/t and it would cripple me even if I just had a few key players on p/t so its neither here nor there at this moment and as you rightly pointed out anyway but i suppose it's nice to have the option just in case I want to try and keep hold of a tier 11 messi :)Anyway, I am easily convinced so if anyone can counter @Mikado911 and convince me it's a bug then please do :) but for now I will stick. Cheers 

    Update: just won promotion. Still in the same season but after I got the board telling me how great I was and giving me a new budget for next season thought I would have a quick look a this contract saga and I can now offer contracts. So I think its official now and its not a bug just how the game plays out for teams building and progressing etc. 

  8. 14 hours ago, andydick said:

    There is an outstanding bug re contracts and it is discussed in this thread:


    The workaround by @Spooge Driver does work as I had the same issue with my tier 10 side.  You need the in game editor and basically involves setting your rep to at least 1501 and toggling your professional status.  Instructions as per the original thread:

    1. Open your save game and navigate to Club Info.
    2. Open the In-Game Editor (the very hard-to-see pencil icon to the left of the globe up on the top-right) and click on Edit Club Details.
    3. Within Edit Club Details, under the General tab, increase your reputation up to 1501 or more.
    4. For it to work properly, it seems you must then "refresh" the club's semi-professional status: within Edit Club Details, under the Finances tab, change your professional status to either Amateur or Professional and then change it back to Semi-Professional (do NOT click Ok and close the In-Game Editor before you have switched it back to semi-professional, otherwise the game appears to acknowledge the club being changed to Amateur or Professional and your training schedules etc. will get messed up).
    5. Now, when you click on a player and offer him a contract, you should see the option to offer a part-time contract, not just a non-contract.


    One slight update on the above.  Having done the first 4 steps, if I then changed my rep back to its original value (mine was 200) then I was still able to offer p/t contracts.  This made me feel a little better in that I was not over repping my club and giving it some kind of unfair advantage.


    Fundamentally though, it shouldn't matter what your rep is.  If you are semi-professional then you should be able to offer part-time contracts.


    Ah ok, very comprehensive response thank you for this. I did try to search this issue but didnt find anything but you have done that for me :-) I will have a crack at this work around and see what happens. Frustrated now as I have lost half of my squad through poachers and could of eliminated this earlier on had I known. 

    2 hours ago, jwchriste said:

    I did not have this issue when I turned semi-pro in my current save.  I have seen it before though.  I always thought it just had to do with the club's finances and the chairman's hidden attributes whether you could do this right away or not.  Eventually, after finances improved, I was able to offer P/T contracts.

    And to add to that - I've had situations where I could offer P/T contracts at the beginning of a season, then couldn't in the middle, then could again toward the end.  I think my balance had dropped too low or was dropping too fast for the chairman's liking, but some prize money later in the season seemed to fix it right up.

    This is what I originally thought as I am sure in FM19 this happened to me where once I went up a tier all of a sudden I could offer p/t. this does conflict with @andydick so not sure which direction to take. I haven't read the thread yet that @andydickhas sent regarding the bug so will read through that then make a call. Cheers to both of you for responding anyway and giving me some direction. 


    @andydick & @jwchriste ok just read the original "bug" thread and again the workaround that @SPOOGE DRIVERhas suggested he also goes on to say at the end of his post that it may not be a bug but a realistic interpretation by the developers to code the fact that these clubs would not be offering p/t contracts anyway unless the rep went up etc. I suppose the most realistic view point on this and I dont know the answer but the question would be are p/t contracts offered in tier 11? IRL. or some are and some arent. and if thats the case then maybe its not a bug and just have to ride it out. Very tempted to do the work around though... just caught on the fence what I should do. It would be great for the official response bug or intentional. 

  9. Hello all 

    Hope you can shed some light on a couple of queries I have. 

    I am in level 11 and just gone semi pro (to my annoyance and constant pushing back with the board). I Can only offer appearance fee contracts and not P/T contracts. I can offer scouts P/T contracts but that's the only section  I can. Is this normal and I take it I will be eventually be able to offer part time contracts as I get to Level 10,9 etc. or is it based on rep and funds available? 

    And following on from that in regards to appearance fees, unused sub fee, clean sheet and goal bonus fees, this only applies to the first team right? or do they also get that if any of my first team play for U23 and U18? I have tried to study my bonus fees in my finances but it doesn't ever add up right for my only three players that are in appearance fees and bonuses in the first team. Either that or I simply cannot add up very well!!! 

  10. Thanks guys,

    Your comments have atleast gave me sanity that I havent missed anything and if they just decide to go on them anyway as you say by the boards discretion and ofcourse the game is not coded to deal with level 13 then I suppose I can live with that and regarding the second post will ofcourse also have a say in that if they are ambitious then they will be constantly wanting to upgrade. Anyway atleast all the above makes sence. Thank you 

  11. Hey, 

    I am really getting frustrated with my coahes upgrading their badges without my say so first. I have my responsibility settings set to "I decide who goes on courses" yet they just keep going on them. I am managing in level 13 so every penny counts and just had a coach upgrade now I am in the red. Is there another setting I am missing or something I have overlooked but I keep checking the responsibilities tab and I can definatley see I am the one who decides who goes on courses. Any help and guidance would be appreciated. Cheers 

  12. Hey Dan. all the best on FM20  and look forward to the release when its done. 

    Hey everyone, 

    I read a thread somewhere in the older fm's that with a bit of jiggery pokery you could have a crack at editing the stadiums to look a little more realistic for the lower leagues with editing and changing stadium graphic files.. It kind of hurt my head at the time of figuring it out  but if anyone here has had a go at it and could offer any advice that would be great and does this have any future issues with expansions etc if you mess round with the game files at the beginning? 

  13. On 12/04/2019 at 17:34, Dan BHTFC said:

    These are the sort of comments which nearly made me not do this database this year 

    Dan, ignore it pal, you have the full backing from 99.9% of us as I am sure you recognize. We all know the challenges you have faced on this years FM. I couldn't care less how long this takes cos I know I wouldn't have the time nor patience to do this myself. I rely on good people like yourself to created this database for me. Keep going mate. 

  14. On 21/03/2019 at 21:04, jwchriste said:

    Same here.  Board wouldn't approve a badge for me, but my AssMan gets one.  To make matters worse, a month after he completes his, he leaves to sign with another club.

    Very difficult to stay out of the red the first year.  However, if FM19 works like its predecessors, your attendance should improve quite a bit in the second season and it shouldn't be a problem.  Unless you jump to semi-pro...

    Funnily enough, exactly that just happened. After 1st season we go semi pro so now forking out apapearaence fees to really make sure I don't make any money. But i suppose its FM's way of balancing the financial order of things by making sure I am not monopolizing down in the lower leagues which is fine. And yes my attendance was averaging 15 last season and so far in the 2nd season I am now on the 80' mark so that cancels out the appearance non contract fees. I did treat my self to a pre season friendly with wolverhamptons u23 side and made 2k and then again my coach upgrades his badge so lost that 2k ha ha. It's as if the game knows what I am trying to do and then slaps me for trying to take a little something for myself  (my club) :)

  15. 11 hours ago, jwchriste said:

    It's probably the clubs financial situation combined with the chairman's personality - i.e. how willing the chairman is to let you spend money.

    I started amateur in L13, won promotion and immediately became semi-pro.  I had no problems signing players to part-time contracts for all squad statuses (backup/rotation/key/etc.) right away.  We had about £1.5k in the bank when we became semi-pro, so not much.  I am guessing my chairman is more lenient in this save, but I've also played where I could only do non-contracts.  It eventually gets better as finances improve.

    Got ya, thanks for that. Hopefully it can improve over time then. All I see myself doing most weeks is continually renewing the same non contracts for my players everytime another team offers a contract to them which seems to work in terms of not losing my players...for now. 

  16. Hey guys, does anyone know what the story is with semi pro Non contracts only. I.e is there a point in time where I will be able to offer part time contracts? Is it dependent on reputation and or financial status or random? Or non contract is the only option from now until going full time? 

    Another question for Dan or anyone else that can answer. Does anyone know if any leagues feed into the cheshire div 2, past level 13? And if so are they being created Dan? No drama if not. Just interested as that's my area so would like to start at the lowest possible for the Cheshire area. 

  17. Ok, I finally got my season underway. Had a few grand in the bank and making small increments each week. Doing well in the league everything is ticking away nicely then... my assistant manager decides he wants to upgrade his coaching badge!! To my horror, he has now left me in the red in level 13 and royally @#$%^& me off!! 

    Is there any way I can have a say in this so it doesn't happen again or is it automatic and down to the chairman's discretion? If so my chairman is an idiot....(Don't tell him I sad that!) And obviously never went to school or did a business degree. 

  18. 19 hours ago, MikeyStephenson said:

    If you don't want to commit fully to a challange just tweak it to suit you! I did the youth challange a few seasons ago but allowed myself 1 "star signing" a year! Signed a quality striker who helped me get promoted despite the fact we had one of the worst defensive records 😂 he left to join a conference team the following season and we struggled against relegation!

    Cheers. Yeah exactly, it's just as we are probably alluding too and to put restrictions on and judging the restrictions on realism. I am thinking youth challenge but only until (if) I reach full time. Whilst I am amateur I will allow something to get my hands on like scouting my league only so I can have something to build. I was also thinking what you suggested and allow myself maybe one player a year that comes from my assistant manager or something like that but that would have restrictions within that . ha ha i have not played for two days cos I am still trying to lay the ground rules before I start anyway got some answers to guide me in the right direction. Cheers 

  19. 19 minutes ago, Dan BHTFC said:

    The way I play the database is either use my youth players or only sign players from local teams either 1 division above or as many below me

    Thanks Dan. Is there scouting fees for scouting locally? Or do you do your own scouting? 


    33 minutes ago, phnompenhandy said:

    I have always followed the Youth Academy Challenge 'to the letter'. I've never got far enough to turn full time, but my intention would be to maintain the philosophy even then. Right now I'm doing my first ever Journeyman save which means I don't stick around long enough to see my youths develop, so I've switched to a Director of Football challenge there. I find, which you've noted, that if you don't set yourself some proper restrictions, the game's far too easy at this level and guaranteed promotion year after year bores me.

    I hear you. I think maybe I made climbing the lower leagues with just my youth players alot easier and quicker than I think it might be. I am already planning when I will go full time!! I dont think it will be anytime soon with my current crop. That's how it should be. 

  20. 14 minutes ago, phnompenhandy said:

    ^ It's the Youth Challenge for me, but other realistic options would be players from your league (in booting up a game, add players from the local leagues around you and a division or two above), or you could go through the laborious process of checking the hometown of every player the scout brings to your attention - if he's from within 50 miles of you, he's kosher (google maps helps here).

    Ok cheers. Are you following the youth challenge to the letter? And are you doing the youth challenge until you complete the challenge or just following the rules for the lower levels to keep it realistic up until you hit the professional leagues? 

  21. Not sure if this has been discussed but if I could do with a few opinions on what is the most realistic approach to transfers starting at level 13. As we are all probably aware you can easily fill your team with 40-year-old 5-star experience players or get 5-star players to easily walk the leagues until you go semi-pro/pro or hit the conference leagues but just wanted to get your thoughts as to what is the accepted approach? I understand that maybe following the youth challenge rules is probably the most realistic but I don't want to be that rigid, just up until I reach semi-pro really or maybe pro So do I only go for my own youth players and make no transfers? or should I only look for transfers within my current league as they are local cos I do know teams still do poach other players in the lower levels (or they did when I played Sunday league anyway as a 16 yr old)  Just need some opinions really as I don't want to feel I am cheating myself and want to keep as realistic as possible but not make it as rigid as the youth challenge either. just while I am an amateur team is what I am seeking guidance on regarding transfers?

    By the way,  cheers Dan for all your hard graft on this database. I know many have said the same but hats off to you for bringing this to the community by adding depth to this already deep game. I appreciate all your hard work, frustrations and challenges you put into this and getting this DB to where it is in FM19 and FM's before. I certainly rely on you to produce this year after year as I wouldn't have the patience nor any idea where to start. Thank you 

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