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50 "Houston, we have a problem"


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    Football, Sim Racing, Gaming

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    Arsenal (beta)

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  1. Came looking for this, as I’ve already started my save on FM24 with my own custom club replacing San Marino Academy, hardcoded to only sign Sammarinese.
  2. Couple of little nitpicky things, Some things invisible (Name in second pic if not obvious) Great work to give us a custom skin so early though!
  3. Have you not had the issue with reserve clubs in level 10 being promoted when winning the division, despite it being ticked in the editor not to promote those clubs? Or have you not got that far yet? I personally don’t care, but I know DanFMDatabases won’t release his down to level 10 whilst the issue exists, and is only planning to release it at level 9 until it’s fixed, and while his stance is commendable, if you also take that stance there will be a lot of disappointed players out there.
  4. I need the level 10... But if the L8 helps others, then go for it!
  5. It’s because they actively challenge the inclusion of the badge due to it being trademarked. You can add it yourself.
  6. Religiously following this for updates. Sounds like you’re making great progress! Can’t wait to get started with it. I really appreciate the effort you put into this. 💪🏻
  7. He never said it'd be this weekend. I asked this a couple of days ago, and he said no, as there was still a lot to do.
  8. Nearly an hour and this isn’t out yet? I’m disgusted. I’m kidding! Can’t wait to get cracking with Hackney Wick in the Eastern Counties D1S with this database though. Hope the editor isn’t a buggy mess and that we can all play soon! KUTGW! 👍🏻
  9. For In Game Editor, yes. Pre-game editor is free.
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