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30 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    AFC Wimbledon

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  1. I'm playing windowed on an 1440p ultrawide and that's the zoom setting I want to be playing on, no other way? edit: nope, changing to 100% zoom didn't do anything
  2. Hey, the Scouting tab on my player overview preview little thingy doesn't work - I didn't mess with it, can anyone help?
  3. This is a "show your skin" thread, if you want an answer I'd post this in Random and Small Skinning Questions - I have this issue as well though and would love a solution.
  4. I was about to start a thread but my request is similar enough so I'll post it here - Please let us filter out shortlisted players. It's good that they're there, but I don't like the idea of them being added automatically.
  5. They won't they're still using facegen (made in 1998, hasn't changed much since) - it's a real shame though, they really look like 30+ hour jobs in 3dsmax for each one of the images and it took me about an hour to make all of these, edit them and put them in game
  6. Been intrigued by this so I started making faces for the better newgens in my Wimbledon save -posting some of the results and the query for people that want to try and do what I did. I used "ultra realistic 8k, (ethnicity) (nationality) footballer, (hair), (facial hair), (color) shirt with (color) collar, portrait --upbeta" as the prompt and it came up with these: some results are unusable and a little ridiculous (half blue, half yellow hair, dreadlocks growing out of ears, etc.) but after some photoshop tuning they look awesome in-game (I'll update the post with some in-game shots after work)
  7. @snowofman ah right, take care of yourself @bluestillidie00 - I'd greatly appreciate an answer from anyone else then
  8. @bluestillidie00 Thanks so much for this update, great work! Would you be able to tell me how to go about transferring the new/old Squad Depth into my edited version of the skin? I assume I have to move something over other than team squad planner panel.xml, cause that alone didn't work. Thank you!
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