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89 "There's no crying in baseball"

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    Rotherham and Derby

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  1. They have the Oceania Games, but it needs to be added using the editor, and also the World Cup Qualifiers. Plenty of games mate!
  2. Can anybody make Microesia a fully affiliated FIFA nation for me please? I really want to play a save trying to get them to qualify for the World Cup, and no matter what I try, I just can't get it working.
  3. Would anyone else be able to add Micronesia to be fully affiliated to FIFA please, but in Oceania still? I'd be most grateful! Despite all my attempts, I just can't do it.
  4. Brilliant mate, I'll possibly use that then, thanks. Can I ask, is there any reason why you chose to integrate it with the Asian ones? It's just, that makes it so much more difficult for a team like Micronesia to qualify. Becoming the best side in Ocenia would probably be easier than becoming one of the top 5/6 nations in Asia/Oceania combined.
  5. Can anybody make them an affiliated FIFA nation for me please? I really want to play a save trying to get them to qualify for the World Cup.
  6. This looks excellent, and I will use it, IF it is possible for Micronesia to enter FIFA competitions? I know you're aiming for realism, but I've seen so many databases where people have nations like Greenland and Falkland Islands, and several other fake nations such as Yorkshire, so surely it must be possible to make Micronesia one?
  7. But again, them doing it automatically isn't good enough. We had the option to send them up for years, and now haven't. SI always do things like this, remove something good that works fine, then reintroduce it years later as a "new feature".
  8. I don't want it approved for a future FM - I want them to bring back the option now! I like to have a goalkeeper taking all my freekicks and penalties, and going up for all corners, to try and get them as many goals as possible. To not be able to do this now, especially when teams always send keepers up when losing late on, is ridiculous. Why remove it?! SI???
  9. Is this no longer possible? Got to say, I will be very, VERY disappointed if this new set piece style has taken away the possibility of not only sending my keeper up for corners (I like to do saves where my keeper gets loads of goals), but also getting to choose where my players go for each corner. Only had a quick look so far, but can't work it out. Hope I'm wrong?!
  10. I'm on a PC, already checked in the Games and Games and Tools bit; it's not there. Same with Downloads, it's not there either. The FM23, FM22, etc, etc, editors are there, just not the FM24 one. I'm going to restart my laptop, see if that sorts it.
  11. I have exited and rebooted Steam but still can't find the editor. Where is it please?
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