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Everything posted by BoroPhil

  1. what a goal that was. by far our best performance in the tournament. not bad for an ex-Boro manager.
  2. I can confirm that some of us in the north east understand the word insanity
  3. right, I'm banking on a Fra-Spa 0-0 and a Ned-Eng goalfest
  4. they should live stream the punishment. it's going to be either... a one-game ban, a £20k fine or a stern warning.... it's definitely not [opens envelope]....a stern warning. so that leaves a one game ban or a £20k fine... join us after the break...
  5. gone with this for this GW but seem to have picked 2 non-players. will probably stick with Musiala C now. wildcard left.
  6. interesting one, went without any mention from the commentators but anywhere else on the pitch it's a bad tackle and a foul at least
  7. bit unlucky really as it was going in anyway but that's the rule
  8. it was really poor that, he seemed desperate to do something for himself to the detriment of the team
  9. Yeah just went to get my phone specifically to post about that bit of commentary 🤣
  10. happy with that start. but do I stick with Havertz now or switch captain? feels like 10+ is a stick, so 9 is a bit meh
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