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Posts posted by SaintsCanada

  1. 18 hours ago, EnigMattic1 said:

    Do you have any plans for League1 Alberta that is due to start next year? 

    Perhaps. League1 Alberta says they are waiting to register a sixth team before launch. League1 Ontario Championship is hoping to add one more club, and League2 Ontario is also hoping to launch in 2024.

    We can only add these clubs and the dependent competitions to our file when and if they exist!

    The Canadian Megapatch is in production, so I am most likely to defer to @yellowsweatygorilla's file in terms of future updates.

  2. 12 minutes ago, yellowsweatygorilla said:

    Was there any issue with how my file handle CanChamp, I haven't double checked the format.

    Re: TFC II, how'd @SaintsCanada manage to keep it in the American pyramid without TFC II adopting American AI and signing only Americans?

    Toronto FC II and Toronto FC Academy are untouched in the Canada file except that TFCA was given a secondary division (League1 Ontario U19 Reserves Fall East Division), and selected to that competition. If you play the Canada file and USA expansion file, they successfully play in both structures.

    I have not looked at Toronto FC II's youth intakes, but I don't see why the changes I made would affect that either way.

  3. 12 minutes ago, yellowsweatygorilla said:


    That's amazing. I think for the good of the community we should figure out a way to coordinate merging our files together, since I am sure there's a lot of stuff your file does better than mine.

    I think our project is basically complete now. You can literally take anything or everything you want to use and change it as you see fit.

  4. 3 hours ago, yellowsweatygorilla said:

    In terms of where it's at right now. It seems like I've got all the rules working. I have also updated journalists and fixed their facepack. So, it's just a few final touches .. should be ready by the end of the week? The only thing is I don't have much time for testing, so will have to rely on folks here to let me know about bugs and format issues.

    Amazing! If you feel like copying anything in our file to make life easier, please feel free. We all look forward to the CMP. I was merely trying to tide myself over (or in case you decided not to make one this year).

  5. 3 hours ago, yellowsweatygorilla said:

    Yep, I am working on it for the new one! I did have a stop gap approach where in 2024 the L1O splits based on IRL table, but if @SaintsCanada managed to do the split based on in game results, it'd be far superior to what I had on offer

    @magicmastermind124 got that working. He beat @themodelcitizen to it by a couple of hours I think! If I'm not mistaken, the version in the file works whether you start in 2023 (combines in-game results to real-life 2022), OR if you start in 2024 (uses real-life2024 teams). It works like... well, magic.

  6. I am pleased to announce that with the diligent help of both @themodelcitizen and @magicmastermind124, this file is basically complete. Please everyone go ahead and test it out. Please let me know how it goes.

    This includes:
    - League1 Ontario

    - League1 Ontario Championship (2024 on)

    - League1 Ontario U21 Reserves

    - League1 Ontario U19 Reserves Summer and Fall Seasons

    - League1 Ontario Cup (2024 on)

    - Ligue1 Quebec

    - Ligue1 Quebec Cup

    - League1 British Columbia

    - Inter-Provincial Championship (2024 on)

    - Fixes to the Canadian Championship to include the correct League 1 teams


    Other than error and superficial fixes, I believe this is as far as the file can go until we learn more real-life information about the 2024 season.

    Canada 3.71 Ready Test.fmf

  7. 31 minutes ago, themodelcitizen said:

    @magicmastermind124 Having the results generated in the main stage and then sent to the relegation stage would work better for team's fixture lists in the first season wouldn't it? So their fixture list doesn't show "L1O Relegation Stage"? Or did say you got around that by having no stage name in the relegation stage and just calling the main stage "regular season"

    Yes that worked. It now lists in the schedule as simply "Match 1", "Match 2", etc. It will be working like this in the next release.

    I'm still not able to get the Reserves Groups to have the correct division names. Right now I have it as just Groups A, B, C, and D.

  8. 15 minutes ago, themodelcitizen said:

    Probably something you dealt with already but while editing Canada I think @SaintsCanada noticed that some of the regional comps actually work when all the teams are added to the competition's "registered teams" as well as the other layers this editor seems to need (like "next division"/"regional division" set for all clubs and "child competition" settings set for all comps)

    In my case, I only needed to add all editor-created clubs into the registered teams section of the competition. Nothing else had an effect.

  9. Is there an error in the FM24 editor where newly created teams are being made extinct on verification? Or some other bug where newly created teams are not able to be added to competition stages?

    In this file, worked on by myself, themodelcitizen, and magicmastermind124, the League1 Ontario U21 Reserves cannot find the 9 created/revived teams, despite them being added to the appropriate competitions in the database.

    Canada 3.1 Reserves Experiment TMC.fmf

  10. 52 minutes ago, themodelcitizen said:

    Also I'm not sure if Windsor City are doing the TFC affiliation at top level anymore? Just youth? So maybe "youth players training" etc might work, although I think the game treats that as the youth players training at the parent club's facility (is that a different setting)? Which makes no sense for a 4-hour drive. Maybe shared scouting knowledge

    As I understand it, the affiliation is now basically between TFC Academy and Windsor youth (the youth teams are still called Windsor TFC). I believe London is the same arrangement. So if we eventually add youth teams for the reserve division, I will tweak the affiliation. :)

  11. 2 minutes ago, themodelcitizen said:

    Yeah, or within "teams" you could set each entry to rotate over 3 years. Sometimes it's easier to keep track of with 3 separate versions though (just triple the amount of work if you notice a minor issue :seagull:). So an extra "get best teams from division" entry for the "host" league that rotates over 3 years.

    Is the host automatically the host league's winner? If so, then under "stadium pool" you could specify "get last winner" (or however you pick teams for the IPC) for that year and that would now be stadium_0. This can also rotate over 3 years (or have 3 different versions).

    Alternately if the teams are listed in a certain order (with the host league's teams coming in first) and you use the flag "don't randomize team order when scheduling the league" then I think "league stage stadium 1" should by default be the stadium of the first team in the list.

    We don't have that much information yet. Last year's women's version was hosted at Vancouver FC (from the CPL)'s stadium. So I'm thinking for now I'll set an appropriate stadium in each province (maybe a CPL stadium, or maybe the Ontario Soccer Centre/Bois de Boulogne which serve as the cup final and/or playoff final hosts in L1O and L1Q).

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