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Posts posted by SaintsCanada

  1. Interprovincial Championship looks a bit tough. There are two aspects I foresee having trouble with:

    Host: Ideally this will rotate between the three leagues each year. Last year's women's event was hosted by L1BC and the games were played at Vancouver FC's home. So I think I'll choose one host stadium for each league, and try to have it rotate between the three each year.

    Extra spot: The host league should get a second berth each year to make for four teams total.

    If anybody has experience with either of these aspects, please let me know.

  2. 36 minutes ago, magicmastermind124 said:

    I've loaded it up and noticed a couple of issues:

    It logs 2023 winners despite the season not completing.  I'm not sure why...trying to figure that out.  Been out of the editing world for a while so a bit rusty!

    It also uses the stage name the fixtures are being generated in. You can take it out, but then the stage 0 layout on the competition screen looks odd.  I've changed it to Regular Season and it looks better.

    Why wouldn't League1 Ontario log 2023 winners? Do you mean if the savegame starts in 2024? In that case, perhaps it invents fake results for 2023?

  3. 8 minutes ago, Fmfan00 said:

    I was hoping to add League2 however with there being two difference sites providing confusing information 


    https://northerntribune.ca/rush-academy-league2-ontario/ (this said that League2 will have 20 clubs which we already know 2 of them

    https://www.ontariosoccer.net/news_article/show/1204137 this link says L10 expansion teams for League2 plus reserve teams but also L1O has a U19 league does that include reserve teams like its so confusing


    I believe League 2 is planned to start in 2025, but as of right now there are barely any teams that have registered to join. Actually, even L1 Championship should have 10 teams with one new team to be added, but no team has yet registered to join as the tenth club.

    There's only so much we can reasonably do for future years where real-life information is lacking. We don't have a time machine.

  4. 1 hour ago, themodelcitizen said:

      Same as we were talking in another thread, they have all the settings for that:

      Hide contents


    Happy to share the file if you want to answer my question as well?

    In my file, the relegation from 2023 to 2024 works fine, with nine teams dropping down from League1 Ontario to League1 Ontario Championship but it is only based on 2023 season rather than a 2-year relegation computation. However, I have the same trouble where the gamesave must start in 2023 rather than 2024 to work properly (I think this is fine to be honest as 2023 is the base season in USA based on yearly licenses).

    *My relegation system was set up by magicmastermind124. They deserve the credit! *

    They explained they removed League1 Canada as parent competition for League1 Ontario Championship since it is a lower division level. They then set up relegation (rather than qualification) to League1 Ontario Championship in the 2023 rules for League1 Ontario. Feel free to poke around my attached file to find everything.

    Yes, if I could see your file too it would be appreciated!

    Canada 2.5 Championship History.fmf

  5. 12 hours ago, themodelcitizen said:

    I have the 2 year relegation down pat, but the game really doesn't like relegating into a previously inactive division, did you account for that somehow? Everything seems to work fine and then neither start in 2024 (even if I keep the Championship as inactive)

    Where do you put in the league points data for 2022 which is then used toward two-year relegation?

  6. On 16/11/2023 at 14:36, stickpiano said:

    Is this is a fix you'd consider adding?  It's frustrating to tick over to season 2 and be saddled with that terrible cap.  Especially when IRL they have made league changes to allow salary cap growth.

    I don't plan to touch the CPL. If the Canadian Megapatch comes out this year, they will probably fix that.

    But you, or anyone else, is welcome to further edit my file as you wish.

  7. This version includes the League1 Ontario Championship (second-flight) being created in 2024, and the League 1 Ontario Cup resuming in 2024.

    The file seems to work best if you start in 2023.

    Two problems I haven't been able to figure out: 1) IRL after the 2023 season, League1 Ontario teams were relegated to the Championship based on a cumulated points formula over the two seasons 2022 and 2023. I can't get that to work yet, so it's a straight-up relegation based on 2023. 2) The L1 Ontario Cup only seems to start giving byes to the best teams in the top division starting in 2026. In 2024 and 2025, the teams getting byes to the second round is a bit random.

    Canada 2.1 Ontario Cup.fmf

  8. I can't get my League1 Ontario Cup to draw teams in the correct order. There are 21 teams total from a top division of 12 (League1 Ontario), and a second division of 9 (League 1 Ontario Championship).

    I would like the best 11 teams from League 1 Ontario to get a bye to the Second Round, and the worst team from League 1 Ontario and all 9 teams from League 1 Ontario Championship to play in the First Round.

    It really seems like I've done everything right. The weird thing is, when I test competitions, it seems to work correctly every time in 2026, but not in 2024 or 2025 (the cup begins in 2024).

    If anyone can figure it out, I would be greatly appreciative. File is attached.

    Canada 2.1 Ontario Cup.fmf

  9. 17 hours ago, magicmastermind124 said:

    You need to specify the competition in the parent competition - League1 Canada doesn't have a version for 2024.

    Although when I added that, the relegation wouldn't work as your file assumes it's at the same division level.

    I made a few changes to get the competition to work, such as adding it to level 2 rather than under the parent division for League1 at Level 1 - it took a while as for some reason it was skipping the first season, mainly due to using qualification rather than relegation.  Hopefully you can make use of it.

    Canada 2.0 Advanced Premier Updated.fmf 19.44 kB · 1 download

    Wow, thank you! That is working very well!

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