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forameuss last won the day on October 9 2018

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  1. It's far more likely to lead to more serious issues than it is to create some utopian football game.
  2. With serious hat on, more often than not Germany win this fairly comfortably. We had a brilliant qualifying campaign until we pretty much secured qualification, then we've been pretty poor ever since. And in the build-up it's started to seem like the squad would be filled from ballot rather than the general public with how injuries have gone. By all rights, we should have no chance. But I think there's a distinct possibility of at least a draw, and this being one of those famous opening games that doesn't go to plan. A negative result doesn't completely sink our tournament, but even in the era of 3rd place sides qualifying, a bad result here puts us up against it, ala 20201 Less serious hat on, we're going to pump them rotten. Bratwurst tomorrow, then we're coming for the Toblerones and the goulash. Intae thum etc.
  3. That's using a bit of creative license. 12 was criticised heavily because it was the worst example of FM completely lacking a collision detection system. As in there is no code to handle it. That's slightly different to what you're showing. There is clearly collision detection now, but that isn't going to mean you aren't going to see what you've given a screenshot on, it just means it's a bug rather than something that just plain isn't catered for.
  4. If they'd said "we'll update you on 23rd June 2024", fine. At that point they probably have a question to answer. Giving a vague window well in advance for a product that is probably the most "in flux" release they've ever done, and people want them to spend their time going out with the begging bowl apologising over, not even the release of a product, but the announcement of a product?
  5. I'm not quite there yet, and to be honest this tournament has a significantly different feel with Scotland being involved. I don't count 2020/21 tournament given the weird Covid feel around the whole thing, so this is the first tournament I actively remember where we're involved. Usually I can look forward to a tournament as being completely neutral, and in previous years I've usually taken a week off over that first golden group stage week to take in as much as possible. Holidays are a bit tighter this year though, and with a baby due in late July, there's plenty more on my mind than a summer tournament. I'll enjoy it when it's here, and then probably enjoy it in a different way when we embarrass ourselves go out sneak through to the knockouts win the whole thing. It'll also likely be my 7 year old's first proper tournament experience, so hopefully that makes a difference. I was in Berlin over the weekend of the Euro 2016 final to see Rammstein, and as it got closer to the event, it looked like we might end up being in the city as Germany lined up in the final. Even my wife was interested, and she ****ing hates football. Plan would be to maybe head along to the Brandenburg Gate and soak up the atmosphere. Of course, Germany shat the bed against France in the semi final the day before we left, and safe to say the Brandenburg Gate didn't look quite as grand when we did eventually visit. At least this year I'll definitely be in Glasgow when we stroll the final.
  6. I was asked whether I personally care. I don't. To me it doesn't matter because no announcement of any FM title has really meant anything to me because it's all just marketing that becomes irrelevant once you actually form your own opinion. The timing I gave was hyperbole anyway, obviously. From SI's perspective, I'm sure they'll survive. They'll announce it well in advance and they'll get plenty of pre-orders. But the whole franchise isn't going to burn to the ground because the calendar suddenly rolls into Q3, regardless of "expectation" or "promises".
  7. No, not really. Giving a date far in the future that spans a whole three months should be saying to anyone reasonable that there's a decent chance of that being missed. They'll say something when they're ready to say something, and at the end of the day it doesn't really matter whether that's today or one day before release.
  8. The full game isn't supported on Chrome based laptops as far as I know.
  9. No, it wasn't. If you're taking a vague quarterly date given ages ago as a "promise" then I don't know what to tell you.
  10. Will be interesting to see how they vary in feel, but I'm wary that there won't be a huge difference. FM is already an incredibly sterile game at its heart, and unless a lot of work has gone into the background in that regard, there probably isn't going to be a huge difference in playing a season in one league as there will to playing in another, women's or otherwise.
  11. <record> <integer id="database_table_type" value="1"/> <large id="db_unique_id" value="4031901380050730411"/> <unsigned id="property" value="1129271385"/> <record id="new_value"> <integer id="database_table_type" value="1"/> <integer id="dcty" value="2"/> <large id="db_unique_id" value="1761206270063590849"/> </record> <integer id="version" value="3035"/> <integer id="db_random_id" value="574800854"/> <boolean id="is_client_field" value="true"/> </record> This entry is wrong, the database_table_type at the start needs to be 55, not 1. This signifies a new object, not a player.
  12. Believe Scotland are doing a raffle for the remaining three spots in the 26-man squad.
  13. Was that the Cheat Engine thing? I'm not sure they locked that down, they just said that it was making absolutely zero difference - as you say, placebo - and they're never likely to recommend you using external tools regardless of what they are. SI do offer a huge amount of freedom in how you change the game. Some people will still say it's not enough, in certain aspects they're maybe right, but it's still a huge amount of power.
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