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Everything posted by mp84

  1. got it understood.. hears to hoping FM 25 has it , cause I got a feeling the Knockout stages will remain the same hopefully in real life.
  2. Not sure if this is intentional based on the new Champions League format which goes into effect after the 2024/2025 season, but the Random Drawing in the knockout stages, well to put bluntly is not random anymore after the Round 16. The Round of 16 draw is random as teams will pair up from the seeded group and the non-seeded group, but when it's time for the QF and SF draws, whatever the brackets were as of the Round of 16, is the way they will draw for the QF and SF will be always, is this intentional? or a bug? Or else what's the point of having a draw presentation for the QF and SFs if we know the outcomes already? Please see screenshots that support this theory my hope is this is not intentional, as from all the info I've read on the new UEFA format, it states the knockout stages remain the same, so not sure what's up here.
  3. So anyone else notice this too? Kind of makes the whole QF and SF draw presentation moot if you know where everyone it is gonna end up with the brackets already determined based on the round of 16 draw. Posted this in the bug section too just in case it's perhaps a bug?
  4. Hey All, As the title states, is this intentional? I notice you have a random draw in the round of 16, but after that, the draws for the QFs and SFs are no longer random meaning how the brackets were set-up in the round of 16 are the brackets for the rest of the knockout stages. Everything I read on the new champions league format says the knockout stages will remain the same, so I'm a tad confused to why the draws are not random anymore after the Round of 16, unless I'm missing something.
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